Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Walkin' Wednesday 2009

Khome along with me!
I'm thinking of all my furiends and hoping they saw our khandle on Monday night as we marked the Winter Solstice
Here is THIS week's WALKIN' WEDNESDAY link!!!
Here I was Monday night after operating my Khyra's Khorner KhanineKhare!

Brandy's foster mom (also known as Brandy's foster mom trying to talk Brandy's foster dad into bekhoming her furever pawrents) updated the list of those responsible fur getting the poor dumped girl and her babies to safety. She repeated what we had learned from our time with her on Monday:

Hi Everyone! Just wanted to give you a quick update. Brandy is doing great, and the pups are too. It was an uneventful, quiet night. Brandy is focusing on her pups, but also taking the time for some belly rubs from her people. She throws herself onto the floor and then puts her belly's the cutest thing. She is so appreciative.
The boy pup is a bit more active and also a lot bigger than the little girl. They seem to be healthy and happy.
Thank you all for giving us this joy during this very special time of year.

Mom will be following their progress via FB so she'll keep all of us updated!

AND whilst we out walking on Tuesday, we saw this message on Mom's khrakhkberry:

I would like to add a huge thank you to all involved in the transport of Brandy and the puppies------most especially to the wonderful Spaniel rescue group and the foster Mom.
Brandy was found in a very isolated rural area in our county and ended up in a tiny, county operated pound where the puppies were born. Their hope of survival was slim to none, but thanks to each of you they have been saved. This is the best Christmas gift we could ever have!

That woman's khounty is in the Appalachian Mountain area of far Southwest Virginia




JacksDad said...

What nice almost Christmas stories and pictures!

Please be careful walking in the road next to the cars. Cars don't always look where they are going!

Tee said...

Hello Khyra,

We love the photos of you in your snowy element. You look very happy it snowed! :)

Wishing you and your family a warm and happy christmas and a merry new year!

licks and wags

The Dog WOods Pack

Life With Dogs said...

Great news about Brandy, and great work as always!

Happy holidays!

Emily and Ike said...

Ugh - I'm limping just looking at those pics!

Cocorue said...

hey Khyra,

my hooman has made another boo boo and lost or posted my message to you she can't find it......what do i do with her as i doubt anyone would want to 'adopt' her bol.....

we found the Eagles's Don Henley just for you and your wonderful mumster and we wish you a happy Christmas and look after yourself in your walks, dear Khyra

chikisses to last you till we see you again before the end of 2009

Teddy Bear said...

What a marvelous walk you had! We're so glad to hear that Brandy and her pups are doing so well. We will keep our paws crossed that the foster will turn into furever parents.:)

Teddy Bear

Yas said...

Hi Khyra!
Glad to hear about Brandy and her pups!
Thanks for taking us on dat walk, Phew! i've never seen lots of white everywhere!!
Is it chilly or is it just me?


Piti said...

Wonderful blog
Please accept my prize
Merry Christmas

Bae Bae said...

I love the first picture of you. You're smiling so nice. :)

~ Bae

Kate said...

Next time its Walking Wednesday, can I come too?


Noah the Airedale said...

Brandy is such a lucky girl. We hate to think what may have been if she wasnt found.
Thanks for helping her and her pups and paws crossed that her foster home will become her forever home.

Oh btw, it looks mighty cold there you lucky lucky things.

Have a great Christmas.

Noah xx

The Creek Cats said...

Wishing you and your family a Furry Merry Chrissymouse!!

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

Snow becomes you so, Khyra!

We are glad that Brandy and her pups are doing well and we hope the foster home does turn into a forever home!

Cyndi and Stumpy said...

Stumpy and I couldn't walk with you today, Stumpy is such a baby about snow and i don't have any boots!

Good to hear Brandy and the puppies are doing well and will be nice and warm for the holidays!

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Since we are still snowless in OP, we thoroughly enjoy walking along with you in your beautiful white fluffy snow. We have a very rainy day here now but some talk of snow overnight Christmas Eve. So IF we can believe them, we just might have a white Christmas.

So good to hear that Brandy and pups are doing well.

Woos, Phantom and Thunder

Autumn and Jasmine the Maltese said...

Stop by to wish u a Merry Christmas and a wonderful holiday =D
May the Christmas bring you lots of happiness and health.

Autumn & Mom

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

It is soooo nice to see you in your ELEMENT!!

Angel Gracie=^o.o^= said...

Thanks for the walk, it let's me see the outside without going into the cold. You sure had bunches of snow.
I am praying that Brandi and her puppies find a forever home. They are such sweet doggies, those puppies. What can I can? Beyond cute.

Kess And Her Mama said...

I can tell from your first picture that you love your walks! Such enthusiasm on your face. Have a blessed Christmas to you and your human!

Chris and Ricky said...

Khyra - you look radiant and absolutely at home in that snow!!! What a great walkin' wednesday!

KB said...

Glad that you have snow to walk on, Khyra! It looks very nice!

And, what wonderful news about Brandy. She and her pups are very lucky, more lucky than they can imagine. And, you played a part!

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

We love the snow walk...
What a lovely message to get Mom. You are truly awesome...

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie

Anonymous said...

Thanx for taking us along on your wintery stroll!

the magic sleigh said...

Wooos! What a lucky Brandy and lucky puppies. I am sure your Mum was proud of helping!
Did woo have fun in your snow???
Looks nice.
-Kira The BeaWootiful

Golden Samantha said...

You look PAWSOME on those snowy roads, Khyra - and so happy!!! Thanks for the update on the fate of Mom and her pups - heartwarming story at this Christmas time. Thanks so much fur sharing!
Hugs xo

The Oceanside Animals said...

hello khyra its dennis the vizsla dog hay that is sum gud walkies in the snow all rite!!! i hope yore frend brandy gits to stay with her foster parents forever that is wot happend to me as yoo no and it wurkd owt wel for evrywun!!! wel eksept for the furnitcher but furnitcher can be replaysd ha ha ok bye

Paco,Milo, Maya and mommy Simona said...

Awwwwwwwwwww....what a great story about Brandy and her pups...thanks for sharing!!!
You had a wonderful walkie in the snow!!!!
Thanks for taking us along with you!!!
You look sooooooo happy and beautiful.....

We want to wish you and your family a warm and happy and filled with tons of love and joy and peace, Christmas!!!!!
You're such a sweet and special family and We love you a lot!!!!

Kisses and licks!!!

Khady Lynn said...

Great snow walkin' pics! You still look quite happy with all your snow!

I'm so happy about Brandy and her pups! Nothing beats a warm, and loving home!

Phbbb and KhL

Kari in Alaska said...

looks like a fun wintery walk!

YD, sometimes with ♥June and ♥Angel Samantha said...

We are so glad to hear about Brandy and her pups.
That's a good snow walk! Now we wish we get some more snow. Ours is almost all melted. :(

Sam & June

Anonymous said...

Khyra, you look a little out of place in all that snow...

wooo wooo!

wild dingo

White Dog Blog said...

Khyra thanks for your special help in making my barkday the best ever! You have wonderful, caring friends and you are an angel for sending them over to leave comments!

Samantha ~ Holly and Zac ~ said...

We loved your snowy walking video, that is some deep snow you have there. We also love that first photo, you look so happy that it has snowed. :-)

Have a wonderful Christmas Khyra.

Holly & Zac...xx

Jan said...

Wow, Khyra, you look like a real sled dog.

Until you roll over and show your tummy.

Then you lookh likhe a Poodle.


Misty the alpha Poodle

Tiffany and the Munchkins said...

Looks like a great walkin' Wednesday! You must be in heaven admist all that snow! Mom keeps saying she wishes it would snow here because it never does, but we say NO WAY! Chihuahuas and cold/snow just don't mix! BOL

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

Love the snow walk pictures. The best news about those lovely babies and their mum.. A Happy Christmas story.. Wishing you and all your lovely family a very Happy Christmas.. Hugs GJ x

BeadedTail said...

What a great walk you had on Sadieday! I wish I could come play in the snow with you Khyra!

Great news on Brandy too. We hope her foster mom becomes her furever mom!

Teddy Westlife said...

Hooray for Brandy and her babies. Love the walk in the snow :)

Daisy Dog said...

Khyra, that was wonderful news about the mom and her pups! I loved all your snow pictures!! I also blushed when I saw the post with mango's picture pressie!

Unknown said...

Go Brandy and pups! Standing by for future updates. I really enjoyed the walk too, especially since I was able to "walk" with you from the comfort of my warm home.

Scout and Freyja said...

It makes us so furry happy to know that you finally have your snow! Nothing like a northern breed lovin' the snow!

Anonymous said...

Hi Khyra,
Thanks for stopping by:)
Can't say if they taste better than cats - having tasted neither. Mercury here is a cat-lover too (she's also a squirrel-lover, bird-lover, lizard-lover...etc...etc.) So I might never have the chance to try out the delicacies you mention. I'd have to go by your judgment:)

You look extremely pretty against the background of snow (Being a Sibe, you look so natural with all that snow around you.)

Congratulations to Ms. Brandy and everyone else in the family:)

Wish you a cozy 'n Merry Christmas!

Clive said...


Those were the most gorgerous photos!

Great to read such good news about Brandy and the puppies.

love and woofs

Duke said...

What fun to see you trudging through the deep snow, Khyra! We know you're just loving it!
What great news about Brandy and her pups!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

D.K. Wall said...

Way to be a Siberian, Khyra. "Let's show everyone the snow you have accumulated." Shake, shake, shake. LOL.

P.S. - We did miss your mom's shoe sounds.

Jans Funny Farm said...

Well, you are certainly one happy looking Sibe, Khyra. You have snow!

So glad Brandy and her pups are doing well.

Bijou said...

Hi Khyra,

You sure look like you enjoyed that walk in the snow. I see the sun is shining for you. Could you maybe send it over to visit us for a few days and I will try and send you some more snow.

We are happy to hear Brandy and the puppies are doing well.


Inky and Molly said...

Happy Christmas!!!
That snow looks sooooo beautiful, we would be there in a flash if we could...
We hope you and your mum and her family will find some time to relax and be merry. Take good care of her and efurybody.
Love, Inky and Molly

animal lover, quilt lover said...

Khyra's Mom you are so special!!!
It was so nice to hear about Brandy and her pups!! I am glad for them and I will pray for them that all find a forever home right after the holidays!!
You be happy, Fern

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

You always look so darned happy in the snow!!!


Tweedles -- that's me said...

Look at all that white stuff! Oh this is what you have been waiting and waiting for! You look soooo happy. Thank you for taking us on your beautiful walkie!
That is deep snow.
Also thank you for the update on Brandy and the babies

ButterBean said...

We would walk with you! Mush my furry friend.

Sam said...

Khyra, your smiling face was a good choice for a first photo in this post, since I know you're happiest when in the snow! Looks like you had a great time!

GReat news about Brandy, too - hope we'll hear more soon!

Scooter said...

Nice walk Khyra,
Gotta watch out for the cars though. Looks like you enjoy the snowy walk.


Suka said...

hey Khyra,

I keep trying and trying to get to your place to hang out in the snow with you but every time I reach the border my human catches me! (the border of my driveway, that is). Drat!

I am envious of your snow..and you! Keep enjoying it. You are in your element! And thanks for the update on Brandy and her pups!


p.s. we are glad we made your mom smile! you and your mom always make us smile!

Sonic said...


You gotta be careful of those cars! You never know when they'll go crazy and try to hit you!

Stay safe and Merry Christmas!


Mochi and Bali said...

Great WW in the SNOW! :) Looks so nice and cold!

Thanks for the pupdate on Brandy and her pups!
