Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Tuesday Telling

When I first checked it was still not our usual views but when I got to The GKP I checked the phone whilst my computer booted - TADA!

With some PF activity in the showery afternoon -
Going on 8pm -73 and mostly cloudy -
Last week's batch of cucumber & onion salad - 
This was our final stop on our Saturday 'venture - a stand we pass going to and returning from Mad Radish -
Willow approved of the addition to The KhrossTrek's Khargo -
Now to continue heading East on Canal -
Oh - that light again - on WATGKP days, I see it twice -
Newly planted poles to replace the ones snapped in last week's storms - they were determined to be a series of downbursts -
Our sexy corn model -
I picked up a half dozen - and a green pepper - the corn was summerific - no butter needed - although it might have put it over the top - and the pepper went in Monday's lunch salad -
One of last week's visit pictures - finishing her breakfast -
Willow just chillin' waiting for us to get going -
From a vehicle in The GKP lot -


Yes, we had a bit of rain - but then it just got ICKY - I stopped at MyGiant on the way home - and when I came out of the cool store and walked to The KhrossTrek,  I gained a layer or two of air to wear -

Happy Tuesday EvFURRYone!

All Of Us At NAK's Khottage
Now With KhattleDog!


Duke said...

We haven't had fresh corn on the cob yet. We better get going before it's all gone for the Summer!

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Mom liked the corn she got Saturday, but yours looks even better. She hopes she can find some this weekend again. Our human brother-in-law gifted her with two green peppers from his garden, and she just might add one to her plate tonight.

We have had a couple of nicer days, but the heat and humidity have returned and will increase daily:(

Woos - Misty and Timber

The Oceanside Animals said...

Chaplin: "Corn! To hear Dennis tell it, Tucker told him corn was the best thing ever to eat. Although we think that was probably mostly because of the butter."
Lulu: "Did someone say butter?!"