Saturday, December 24, 2022

Saturday Sharing

It was still raining when we woke FrEYEday morning -

Proudly watching the last of the preparations blowing by -

By lunch time, The Now Lady PF tucked herself on the back of the nest box -
YES - I am holding on tightly!

Yep - like a rock -
The winds had Wiggles a bit bothered - The cable going out and in - and the lights flickering didn't help -
ACTUALLY, as I put this post in place, she is tucked behind me on the sofa - or should I way wedged -
But eventually wondered if there would be a 'venture - and did get all excited when I got dressed - in my warm layers -
After hearing the chair drag itself across the porch - and nestle against the planter, I brought it in - and the one garden flag that was out -

Yep - not a fan - 
So after being ALL ALL excited about her friend coming to see her - and pet pet pet PET her - two adults headed to The Conewago Inn for lunch - Auntie Di's plans did allow her to join us -
Our traditional Conewago Inn drink - Bourbon Manhattan - 
It was a tasty twist on what we had anticipated - 

I do have some more pictures to share but since this is already l-o-n-g, I'll do so soon -
But worry not, since we each got some soup, The DOG TAX was able to be paid -

After returning to The Khottage, The Nap Phairy got me - and despite thinking Willow and I would go a 'venturing - which I thought might include dropping off Khousin Benny's ChristmasBiscuits, the weather - and the urge to nap won out!

We'll see it I will be a bit more motivated today!

Happy Saturday EvFURRYone!

All Of Us At NAK's Khottage
Now With KhattleDog!


Dandy Duke said...

The temps outside are brutal! Stay warm and safe and Happy Christmas Eve!

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

It sounds like your weather hasn't been too bad! Here's hoping there are a lot more adventures coming soon!


The Oceanside Animals said...

Lulu: "Merry Christmas Eve!"