Saturday, June 18, 2022

Saturday Sharing

Thursday evening TheNew Lady PF was hanging at The PF -

She took to The Nest Box - as the storms moved thru Harrisburg - there was QUITE the lightning show -
And when they were gone, she went back to watch work -
We are under the bluedot at the bottom edge of the weather blob - 

When the rain hit us, it was briefly intense - but it did negate the tornado watch we were under -

LOVING what they are showing for Saturday - as I'm putting this together late, I can say it has started to get 'nice' out there!
Now for Willow's 'venture -
I should try and capture the cracker dog when I grab my keys and bag - one will never doubt she enjoys her KhrossTrek time!

The special for me - two eggs - bacon or sausage - homefries - toast - drink - can't beat it!
Dog Tax Banked!

Let the drool begin!

Heading for the next stop on the 'venture -
We'll share THAT tomorrow - as there are lots of pictures - and because it is late -

We just chilled after getting back from our 'venture - and I visited with an old friend FrEYEday night - we think it has probably been 15-17 years since we saw each other - I did try to make up for abandoning her by bringing her some pizza bones - and Puggle smells - she seemed okay with it -

It was nice to catch up with R again - and it was as if the years hadn't passed - although we both know they did - 

Next time, Willow will get to send Heeler smells back to Doug when/if R visits The Khottage -

AND GROOMER DAY FOR ME - do time for bed!

Happy Saturday EvFURRYone!

All Of Us At The Khottage
Now With KhattleDog!

1 comment:

Dandy Duke said...

We love your KhrossTrek time too, Willow. You are always smiling☺ Enjoy your beautiful weather!