Sunday, June 9, 2019

SUNday Sharing

 Lady PF just watching out FrEYEday night -
 A few Saturday shots -

 More blooms greeted me when I returned from The GKP - done for the week!

 Still?  Khousin Emmy STILL??


Well, The Blondes did know of the change-a-khomin' - 

Auntie Di decided it was time for Emmy to see her new place and get settled - at first, Di was going to take in the afternoon whilst I was working but she decided to wait for me to be there - so Holly didn't wonder WTF???

So I fed them - had them out - actually, Emmy was still out but Holly had the front door for watch duty - she barked and wagged when 'Cholla' pulled up with Auntie Di in it - we packed a few of Emmy's things and off they went - got some shots of that for tomorrow's post -

It will be quite the change for us - for almost 4-1/2 years, Little has had khompany - now she's back to being an only dog -

We'll make the best and most of it!  Emmy will still come over for HollyKhamp - and with Auntie Di working less than a mile up/down the street, she'll stop to visit 

I can't wait to see/hear how Emmy likes her PAWSylvania place!  

More stories to come...

Fur sure!

Happy SUNday EvFURRYone!

All Of Us At NAK's Khottage

1 comment:

Molly the Airedale said...

Being an only dog isn't so bad, Holly. You never have to share - not your toys and not your mom☺