Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Walkin' Wednesday 2019

 A nice January morning -
 With one of the residents chillin' out -
 Khousin Emmy wanted to wear a sandal for the walk -

 TOAST time!
almost like Spring after SUNday and Monday!
My Monday FB memory - finishing a snowy walk in TADN's driveway -
one of my favorite favorite pictures!

Here is this week's video - it ended abruptly - not sure why but......

Happy Wednesday EvFURRYone!

All of us at NAK's Khottage
PeeEssWoo: *SIGH!* THAT day again - how did it happen already???

1 comment:

Dandy Duke said...

Our walk was similar to yours - so wonderful after the sub-zero temps on Monday. We are not seeing an grass in our neighborhood - just ice covered snow.