Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Tuesday Telling

 Monday morning Harrisburg lookout -
 and a little later....

 Now for some telling shots of their weekend -


We had a nice Monday - saw Auntie Di/Mama off to work - then napped - had my quarterly meeting with my finance guy - good thing Walt also has one of those BIG Blondes as Khousin Emmy was all over him - then a WALK - and toast - and more napping!

Fred and two of his daughters are headed to FlorieDuh this weekend so we toasted his trip and such in the evening - of course, we'll share THAT on Thursday -

Happy Tuesday EvFURRYone!

All of us at NAK's Khottage
Whilst Walt was here, I showed him LambChop - now and then - old and new - he joked we should post it on Facebook as part of the 'how hard did aging hit you' challenge - so we did - Life has been rough on this wee lambie



Dandy Duke said...

Poor little Lambie~~

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

BOL - poor Lambie!!!

As for the Blonds, they really need to slow it down a bit - we don't want them to get too tired out:)

Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber