Monday, August 22, 2016

Monday MOMandMEandHERandTHEMday

 Some PF Palace time -

 Since our usual Monday post shows off our exciting Saturday night, we did not want to stray from the norm - soooooo....

 Since Those Golden Guests were fokhusing on toy de-stuffing, Mom went to The Zen-terra and brought in those orphan bones - Khousin Geufy was the furst to choose his -

 SUNday afternoon their humans returned - they were beyond thrilled !
We'll show our excitement in the khoming days ;-)
 Mom celebrated the start of OUR week by heading to Cheddars - they had emailed a khoupon fur an appetizer - and since it expired Sunday evening, she went fur takeout - and had some adult beverages whilst waiting - this is something about Long Island and tea -
This would be her Blakhkend Salmon and Strawberry Salad - she said it was khwite tasty - and yes, we did get a bite of the good stuff!

Not that our khampers have left The Khottage, we'll paw thru the 8700000 images on The KhrakhkBerry and attempt to share some - OR ALL ;-)

Happy Monday EvFURRYone!

One Tired Khounselor Khyra
PeeEssWoo: They have already booked a return stay in Mid-Okhtober - oh boy - how GReat is that?!?


Unknown said...

Love reading your blog, thanks for the share!

Two French Bulldogs said...

Boy that bird has got the view!
Lily & Edward

Dandy Duke said...

Look at all of those yummy bones to chew!

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Khyra, did somePup borrow YOUR chair? YOu are very kind to share.

Woos - Ciara and Lightning