Whilst she started sorting through the pikhs and videos from the transport, I spent some time at my tree -

Then did some Husky Holstein Harvesting

Mom akhtually khontemplated SHOOTing a video of my skills at prokhuring the tender parts

But I disappeared into The Pussywillow Valley!
Now to turn this ovFUR to Mom

Thanks Khyra

Off to Harrisburg and then to Hagerstown

I thought of Mona when I saw this sign - the exit for I70 is just beyond the one I used to get to our McD's rendezvous spot. When one of the world's BEST transport pals - Tom who was holding the Mini Khyra when we did Gili and Her Pups lives in WV - he commented on the FB post of Khyra's blog that he had spent three hours scouring the area - asking anyone he saw about seeing her - he offered his services should anyone spot her - he'd do his best to get there

As I exited 5A, it was a YELLOW Saturn

Then whilst at McD's, it was a YELLOW Pontiac

I realised that Khyra's Official Transport Bag is YELLOW too!

As I waited for my passengers to arrive, a family travelling through stopped for lunch - the parents went inside - this handsome fella - GORDO - was being very well taken care of by two very nice childen - the boy was maybe 11 or 12 - the girl perhaps 7 or 8 - they were a few spaces over - I kept smiling at them - and at Gordo -

GORDO took that to mean he should come over to The Xterra to see me - at the time the girl was holding his leash and he about pulled her off the curbing to get to me - he was quite the friendly fella - but so representative of the multiple issues this breed can have - the boy pointed out lots of scabby spots - AND a scraping area on the top of his head - he's got multiple allergies and they were doing some testing to try and help him - they said during this time of the year, Gordo is almost always inside - I asked if I could take his picture - that's why the are close up's!


The special star of the day LOLA!

Showing off her developing HUSKYloons and her GSDtail

And YES, she was this beautiful - and that sweet!


She REALLY was doing her best GSD impression whilst we waited for the light to exit the shopping center and get back to I81

Striking comes to mind

Cocochino - sorry it's a bit blurry but I was reaching around the seat as we waited at the light

Lola either snoozed or chilled like this for most of the trip to Grantville - she curled a time or two but always returned to utilising the console for a pillow

Another state closer to her FURever home!


Aerial view

At one point, the Sibe in the console caught her eye

Such nice paws - I made sure to stroke them during the journey

Such a good girl - as you'll see in the videos, she was very very good with all the pups we encountered - the ones with us and the ones we did meet up with from the other group - the one that Lola had caught a ride with on Saturday - bummed I didn't meet up with Amy's but I do have the pics in the Photobucket

This travelling can sure wear out a girrrrrl! Here she is in Nicole's MDX ready to head to Easton

Back to Harrisburg to head to York

The lanes on the right would lead to the exit for the Harrisburg meeting spot - and this left leads to I83

As you can see, this week you CAN see Harrisburg


And you can see towards Middletown's TMI and HIA

Down I go towards York

With another mission accomplished!
As shared here last Thursday, the leg was dedicated to Sam for her birthday - she is an inspiration to all!
The Photobucket Slideshow has LOTS of pics - as Mary sent me some she took on Saturday and some one of her drivers sent as well - it is cute to see Lola playing the pics with the pups for it was just what she did on Sunday - I'll admit I wasn't sure how she would be with such wee ones - since sometimes larger breeds can view smaller pups as snacks BUT she was incredible! There are also LOTS of videos too for they really were the best media for capturing how cute all of the canines were!
Once again SO many reasons to acknowledge that RESCUES ROCK!
I just got the email from Sam saying everyone had arrived - Lola and Midnight are now with their FURever families who LOVE LOVE LOVE them! Cocochino will be meeting hers later in the week! How KHOOL!
Hugz&Khysses From Khyra's Khorner
P.S. Khyra and I would thank everyone for their understanding with the lack of visits and such
Khyra's bag is awesome
hey Khyra,
I never heard of Husky Holstein Harvesting but it sounds fun. I wonder if there is something for Malamutes? I love your Pussywillow Valley. I think it would be a great place to nap away from the heat. :->
I love Lola's brown and blue eyes. Just makes her that much more spectacular to look at! And so furry happy that all have found their forever homes! Happiness!!
p.s. Khyra, your transport bag ROCKS!
Lola is a beauty!
So glad that they are safe and sound with their furever homes now.
Your mom is wonderful, Khyra!!!
You've got your own bag and everything!! Well done my friend!!
That is such an amazing color of blue!
We love yellow. It is such a happy color. Just like all those happy pups that your Mom helped today.:) Way to go, Mom!
Teddy Bear & Sierra
Nice bag! So good to see more doggies in forever omes. You're the best.
Togo, Tagar & Gamby
Another great trip for your Mom, Khyra! Lola is beautiful!
We caught your blog before Murray left for school this morning so he went off in a blaze of yellow happiness! We don't see many yellow cars around here and as for your transport bag - "wicked awesome" as a certain young man was heard to shout!
take care
Clive and Murray
Hi Khyra! Wow the Khyra bag is sooo pawesome!
Lola sure is a beaut! and that tail....:))
What a magnificent monday!!
Another happy Monday as we read yoor post! Rescue Rocks!
We aren't home yet, but Mom said she would help with a few comments. We heard that Lola was a beauty - such gorgeous eyes.
We can't wait to get home and do our own yard grazing - we haven't seen grass in days.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
You spend your weekends well! :)
Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae
Woof! Woof! Happy Monday! Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar
So much cuteness. I don't know how you do it. I'd want to keep 'em all!
What inkhredible Lola eyes.
Misty the alpha Poodle
I LOVE your transport bag! It is SO nice!!!
Lovely Lola, what a beautiful mix she is! I also think your bag is fantastic, looks like it's a bit hit! :)
Lola's new family is so lucky! The best of both worlds ;)
You have an award waiting for you on our Monday morning blog!
Lola do look such a sweetie and very pretty too!
Mum says she needs a yellow car and then she wouldn't lose hers.
It very sad how over breeding for extremes causes problems for such lovely dogs. They is trying to do stuff about it over here, but I think it will be a slow process with lots of opposition.
~lickies, Ludo
A bunch of adorable pups as usual!!!
What do you harvest Khyra?
khyra and mom, Paws up for your cool yellow bag!!!
Momo & Pinot xoxo
Another successful rescue transport! those pups are very lucky to have people like you!!!
Pugs & Kisses,
Yoda, Brutus & Ellie
So great to hear that this week's bunch all have/had Forever Homes waiting! That Lola sure is GORGEOUS!
(Resting) Tommy
Khyra, you have a khool Pussywillow Valley? I need one of those so I can disappear from the camera too!
The transports are so cute! Lola's eyes are stunning! We hope they all have furever homes soon!
Gordo is a big fella and we hope they find out what is causing his allergies.
My mommy and sisfurs are glad the khats are okay. Oh, okay, I am too!
Oh Lola is just a doll!! Woo do so many transports:) We all here think that is soooo cool~thanks for giving your time to help these pups!! Loud, raucous siber woooos,
ps, I met Mr. poke-u-Pine this weekend, if woo see him RUN!!
Lola is just stunningly beautiful, but Mom's ooohing and ahhhing over the little ones right now. Good thing they're going to forever homes or she might be picking up the phone :) That is, if we would even LET her. We keep her busy enough!
The Road Dogs
Such good news that all those puppers have a real home now!
Yum, fresh grass and tender sprouts at that.
Lola looks awesome.
Remy and Flash
Were you hunting for truffles, Khyra? We love rescuers too. Good people!
Lola is such a beautiful girl! I'm so happy they are both on their way to their furever homes!
Oh such a happy post!
Lola is a beauty.... I wish I has eyes like hers.
I am very happy for those doggies who now are enjoying their families!
Take care
Kisses and hugs
Khyra we thought you were trying to hide under your tree. Of course we love Gordo..
Benny & Lily
Mona is so beautiful. We hope she is found soon.
And Lola was definitely the star of this transport. Glad the transport went well.
What a particularly handsome crew you had this weekend! So glad all already have forever homes! We wish them long safe happy lives with families that make them an important part of their lives. You and the others rock for getting them home!
Mom had to do a double take, she thought you posted a photo of my dad's car. We HAVE that same YELLOW Saturn SC2. I don't like to ride in it though it has leather seats and Bokeh and I slide all over the place we like mom's Vue better.
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