I wanted to share two links to our lokhal paper from last week - the furst is STUDENTS GET IDITAROD EXPERIENCE AT WEST YORK - and the sekhond link is the photo gallery from the reporter's visit!
I hope woo enjoy them!
Khyra and Khousin Merdie
PeeEssWoo: Mom didn't get home until almost 8:30 Saturday night - so we didn't get to visit too many blogs - BUT she did put together Drama's Photobukhket Album with SIX videos and here is his SLIDESHOW OF PIKHS ONLY - she'll do our normal post on Monday with info and such about his leg with her but since this was together in time to post, we inkhluded it so woo khould look if woo wanted! She's still babbling about how handsome he was!
w00fs, that Drama is a cutie..and hap-py late birthday to the doggy nanny...nice to c u and Merdie relaxin..
b safe,
Such adorable photos of you and Merdie relaxing and hanging out, Khyra...Did Merdie get your squirrel toy?!!...Enjoy the day, beautiful friends...xoxo...Calle, Halle, Sukki
*waving to froggie doggie*
I am not sure Merdie wants to share that toy she has her paws wrapped around :)
Crossed paws intertwined with a stuffie while being a froggy doggy - Merdie is talented!!!
OKAY.. don't even know where to start with those K & M photos!
Good luck in your FUREVAH home Drama, eh?!
Merdie - your message is clear. I am cute, but don't mess with my toy!
I love Merdie's photos with her paws crossed around the squirrel! She is too cute!
Wow...looks like a good time is being had by all at Khamp Khyra! Great Photos of Merdie and the Sqrrrrl..and a few nice floofy ones too.
I can see why your mom was smitten with Drama! He sure is a cutie! Some family is going to be very lucky!
Were you sticking your tongue out at Merdie in that first picture? BOL!
Hold on tite to that skwerrel Merdie so he not be getting away. Mom saved a skwerrel by axident yesterday - imagine that. The squirrel ranned in front of the car and mom had plenty of time to stop but she distracted the HAWK wot woz in hawt pursoot of the skwerrel so he landed in a tree and gibbed her the ebil eye. I is so sorry for the hawk.
You and Merdie look very nice in today's photos. Bet you are having fun together at camp.
Drama was a handsome boy - hope he is happy at his new home.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
Drama is soooooooooooo handsome! Thanks for helping him on his way to happiness!
Be safe out there! You're doing a lot of driving this weekend!
Khyra, such cute photos of you and Merdie!
Great paws placement, Merdie! You are very well trained ;)
Happy Sunday Girls!
Thor xxxx
Merdie's got some good paw action going on! Happy Sunday!
Your pal,
Drama sure is handsome! And I love the first photo of you (BOL!) and of Merdie's lady-like paws.
Happy weekend!
Love the first pic, that's quite the floof!!!
Are you poking your tongue out at us in the first picture!
You don't look like you're wanting to share that flattie stuffie, Merdie!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Drama is a very cute guy and we hope he is happy in his new home! Love the pictures of Khyra and Merdie. Merdie really has a good hold on that toy! Lots of love, Debbie and Holly
Merdie I have that same squirrel. Looks like you love it as much as I love mine! I enjoyed the pictures of seeing sled dogs in the grass (in the newspaper article). Looks a lot warmer than the snow and since I have short fur ...
I love the photos!
You and Merdie sure know how to relax! We can see why your mom enjoyed Drama and we think the feeling was mutual! Great photos and we hope she has a good day today too!
That Drama sure is getting a lot of pictures taken. We can see why mom goes on and on about him..
You 2 sure are relaxing a lot at camp.. hehe
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
hello khyra its dennis the vizsla dog hay sorry i hav not ben arownd mutch this week i shoor am glad i got bak in time to see that display of floofalishness tho!!! ok bye
loves and licks and birthday slobbers to your nan!
Happy Relaxing Sunday, Khyra and Merdie!
Kisses and hugs
You two looks very much relaxed. Is that a squirrel you're holding, Merdie? A REAL one?
Wiggles & WAgs,
Looks like it's Sunday nap time at Khyra's Khastle!
I see it's another busy day at Khamp Khyra! Lookin' very cool and relaxed. :)
Drama is absolutely a doll!
We've missed all those wonderful photos of you and Merdie, Khyra.
Just lovely ...
Looking forward to reading how your Mom's trip went tomorrow
take care
Clive and Murray
Hi Khyra - hey, you've got a good student in Merdie - she's crossing her paws with almost as much panache as you! :-)
No, I have never had a pig nose before! Have you? Actually, my human did seem them in the Chinese butcher too and she says they looked so weird - without a pig attached! :-)
Honey the Great Dane
Before the Bleu was just the Luke. Before the Luke was just the Comet. And before the Comet was just, by all accounts, the Mom's most awesome Aussie companion... Wellington.
That handsome and soulful boy lived to be 17.5 years old, and he saw the Mom frew times in which she knew then lost and then found herself again. Too bad Old Gal (when young at the time) didn't heed his reactions, on a counta she woulda saved herself a lot of hurt and $$$$$. Just sayin.
But I digress!
Gosh you and the Merdie are so cute!!!
Wif love from the Luke
Adorable pictures of you guys lounging. We will check out the links
Benny & Lily
Hi there. :) I like ur photos. U and ur friends is havin Fun. :)
Love the way Merdie is hanging on to her stuffie for dear life. Is she afraid you are going to steal it from her? ;o)
Drama is very lucky to have gotten a special ride from your mom....and even more lucky to find a home!
Happy belated birthday to the Doggy Nanny! Sorry we missed it!
Khyra and Merdie
It looks to me like your both just chillin out today. Nothing better to do on a Sunday, but kick back and be beautiful
I love looking at your smiling faces and I love that stuffie that Merdie is hanging onto!
Great, paw pawsitions, Merdie!!!
Teddy Bear
Merdie, we would definitely let you have the sunny spot. We'll take the shade if we can find some.
Nice transport pups, can't help but love 'em.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
You and Merdie are the cutest around. :)
Merdie was copying your paw movements!
Don't forget, we've moved to http://dogisgodinreverse.com
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