NOW FUR THE SAD NEWS: When Mom left Sunday AM, the laptop worked BUT when she got home Sunday PM, it would not stay powered on - she's hoping it isn't a khomplikhated issue rekhwiring lots of time and green papers - but.......
Fur now, we are using The Doggy Nanny's BUT we khan't monoplise its use since The DN needs her desktop - this means we khan't be sure we'll get around to the blogs fur now - and it also means that stuff Mom wanted to share will have to wait - some of those pikhs are on the laptop - PLUS, her brain is a bit skhrambled bekhause she really really REALLY misses her laptop -
I'll let her share Sunday's passengers now - and please be gentle with her -

There are lots more pics in the Photobucket - and some videos too - I've also uploaded some of the pics sent by Saturday's drivers -
Now to the story of The Chugs - Khyra said I'd share it today - well, here is what Irina shared with us about them:
Now to the Chugs...these poor doggies were rescued from an individual who just let his Chi's and Pugs run around, none spayed or neutered and we all know the outcome (heck, the outcome is on this transport). These dogs have not been socialized at all yet they are all very sweet but SCARED. They have never been in a car or in a crate or to a vet or to a groomer...not until today that is. PLEASE DO NOT TAKE THESE DOGGIES OUT OF THEIR CRATE DURING THE HAND-OFFS. Only take them out at the over-night and then at their final destination. They are NOT traveling with collars or leashes. They will BOLT if they get loose. They are NOT microchipped or neutered.
They ate a little kibble but they won't eat out of a bowl...their food has been tossed on the ground and they have had to fight over it with other dogs and chickens (yes, chickens). What they did here in the expen was take the kibble out of the bowl and spit it on the floor and then ate it; some of them will growl over the food but they don't fight over it. They just crouch close together because they have no idea what is going on. I've held them all and gave them kisses and they are okay with that but just scared. So as to the water issue...I don't think they will drink out of a bottle or even a bowl. Not sure what they drank out of at their old place, could have been puddles so they may be used to muddy water.This is a true rescue of dogs that were doomed to a horrible life and thanks to The Last Resort they have a chance at wonderful lives. Please be patient and careful with them and understand that they are just very confused right now. I know you will all take very good care of them.
WOW kind of sums it up doesn't it?
This transport actually combined the resources of THREE rescues with Buck coming via Rotts 'n Pups; The Chugs coming North to go to The Last Resort Rescue for socialisation and placement (they actually had to stop taking apps for these fellas - they were THAT popular); The Puppy Sisters went to Pibbles and More Animal which now has a Petfinder Page - you can see Carrie, Cheri, Nena, and Brindy there!
Here is the link to the Photobucket Slideshow AND here is the link to the Album with SIX videos
We got a message from Sam at 10:45 last night to say they had arrived - Nobby, Nubby, and Fatty had gone to their furever homes; Red and Joe went to foster together. They warmed up once we were able to get our hands on them and let them snuggle in our laps. They will be wonderful dogs! Thanks again!
We hope the Paw It Furward pals: Turke, Bunny, and Monty and Co enjoyed seeing the passengers they helped get to better lives!
As this is Post #962, I guess the next milestone will be #1000!
I did capture a shot of the odometer at 99999 and then at 100000 - I'll share that at some point - it happened about a mile or so after I got on I81 and started South
About halfway between Harrisburg and Carlisle as I headed to Hagerstown, I heard THE song that is my favourite of ALL times - and the title ties all of this together - in a sense:
WISH YOU WERE HERE by Pink Floyd - meaning all of YOU to feel the energy a transport brings AND all of those across The Rainbow Bridge -
Again, we'll be around as we can - commenting from The Crackberry isn't worth the struggle but we'll read from it and snag The Doggy Nanny's desktop when she isn't using it -
Hugz&Khysses From Khyra's Khorner
Oh no, we hope your laptop will be okay and not cost a bunch to fix.
What cute passengers again! :)
Oh bummer news! Let me know what you hear about your laptop. If it's worst case scenario I can get you vendor pricing on new ones. I just hope it's nothing major...
Bummer about the laptop. But it leaves you with more time to play with Khyra!
Jan knows the fun of not being able to use your own computer and you can't access what you need. We hope it won't be complicated or expensive to fix.
You'll be okay without the laptop. Really. You might even {gasp} enjoy it.
Some of your post is sad,,,,
sad about these poor neglected doggys that are treated so badly, and then there is the happy part where they are being rescued.
So many emotions.
It is good to hear about the ecitment that is felt when saving these doggies,,,,
and we love that song too
wish you were here
Don't you just hate it when your laptop acts up? I mean, how can you get by without your laptop?
Boy that little Buck sure was a cutie! How could you not love that adorable face! All of the dogs are cute! Your mom does wonderful work, Khyra! You can be very proud of her. She's quite a lady!
Love and Lots of Koobuss Kisses,
I can't imagine how sad it would be to be so scared that you couldn't eat out of a bowl!
Oh please modify my blue Monday,I wan t to adopt that puppy and kiss its nosie.(smile)
Oh no!!! We hope your laptop is all better tomorrow. Those are some great sleeping pawsitions. We're so glad to hear that 3 pups found their furever homes today.:)
Teddy Bear
Sorry abowt yoor laptop ~ but don't worry abowt visiting us, we'll still ne here when yoor laptop is fixed.
Buck is adorable. Mom said she wants to smoochie him. He is very special.
Good luck to all the pups and dogs too ~ we hope they find loving forever homes.
We hope the laptop is OK! We know how stressful life is with a human with no laptop!
Very very cute passengers!
The Last Resort Rescue are a pawesome group - we now get newsletters!
We are glad we have met them.
We can so relate to the poor dogs who have never been socialised - they will bolt!
Even Martha after all this time will bolt if taken somewhere like a shopping centre!
Strange when you see how confident she is in the woods taking off after the deer!
We will keep our paws crossed for your laptop and a big thank you to Doggy Nanny for letting you borrow hers today.
love and kisses
Martha and Bailey xxx
OH NO!!! What are we going to do without you??!? I hope that it gets fixed soon.
Grrrr dont ya just hate it when the laptop dies. Hopefully yours will be ok. D's died twice in a couple of months but seems better now after being at the computer doctors.
Noah x
Oh no! We hope you get the laptop fixed really soon! We'd be afraid to live in the house with Mom if hers didn't work!
We hate computer problems - had one ourselves yesterday - so we hope you get your laptop fixed and that it doesn't involve a lot of green papers!
That sucks about the laptop...we hope it gets fixed soon!!
What adorable passengers you had on your transport. We are sure that they will all have their furever homes soon.
Pugs & Kisses,
Yoda & Brutus
Argh! I totally feel your pain when it comes to no interwebz!!! I hope your laptop works itself without having to give up any/too much of the green!
Those puppies are adorable!
Oh noes! We hope the laptop problem is sorted out soon!
Mom is "in love" with Buc. And Carrie too
Hope your laptop gets fixed soon Khyra!
Oh noes, I do hope you laptop be OK. You did not buy it from that shifty Uncle Milty wot maded my Shawnee Cam (RIP), did you?
Um I thinks my Momma needs to adopt Carrie - cute cute cute -- whoops I mean Kute kute kute.
woof - Tucker
My mom took my YapStop computer to Staples and they spiffied it up for FREE !!!
paws crossed for your mommy's laptop, and buckaroo's a cutie pie!
Khyra, you must be so proud of your mommy and the things she did for all the doggies out there!
We are so sorry to hear about the laptop. Unfortunately your too far away so dad can not fix it for you.
We hope you don't need too much green papers.
nice woooh
Technical troubles are just so annoying! But it looks like another great transport this weekend!
Such sweet puppy faces. Hope your computer gets over its sickies!
Nice post, alwys so filled with hope fur these rescue puppers! We'll be sending Sibe vibes to your mom's puter...don't cha just hate when that happens???
jack a-roo & miss moo
Oh no.... poor us, we will be missing oh Khyra news and Khyra comments. We hope the laptop comes back to life!!!
Those pups you guys transported are just adorable. We liked Buckaroo, he's so calm almost non-terrier like.
Great job Khyra and mom!
Love nibbles,
Miss Sunshade
Glad Merdie will be back soon!...Good luck with the laptop, hope it is fixed quickly without too much expense...Adorable transport babies...kisses...Calle, Halle, Sukki
Sorry about the computer problems...I have a love hate relationship with mine, and right now, knock on wood, we're in love...But we both know that can change.
I'm glad that the passengers of the transport this weekend made the trip safely! We had a foster dog once that wouldn't eat out of a bowl either and someone told that was why--I found it very sad and just as with these pups, I'm thankful that they've been rescued!
oooh merdie :-) you always makes us smile evan wen you sleep
ooooh laptop these days sheeeeees
El'bow & Hauwii
Hope the computer gets well soon. we are used to having a lot of Khyra in our lives. So sad about the rescued doggies, but hopefully they will get good lives they deserve.
Misty the alpha Poodle
O hai! :) The happy stories of the reskyoo trips give me a warm feelin in mah insides. :)
Miss Khyra, I am surprised that your the Mom let the little Buckaroo out of the Ekhsterra! He IS a looker, for sure!
And that Chug story broke my heart. I am so glad they will have a brighter future!
So sorry for the bellytop compy news. I am hopin please to let it be nuffin bad. You and your the Mom are like me and my the Mom, I fink... are you nearin a straight jacket?
Please to enjoy your time away any way! And know I'm lookin forward to Merdie bein back at Khamp Khyra. Seein it a little late is all most as good as seein it in real time.
wif love from the Luke
Hi Khyra! We are sorry that the laptop isn't working - we hope it is fixed soon! We know how crazy mom's get from no laptop!
And oh, the transports - so adorable! And the chugs - well that just made our mom cry - sad because they went through all that, and happy because she knows that they are rescued and will be safe and loved and taken care of now!
Being a long time terrier owner, Buck was on my want list for this run! He is darling! Of course, they all are, aren't they?
Sorry about your laptop, I am still battling my PC, but so be it for now.
Good work Gertie thats what I am calling you now!
Cheers and hugs,
Goodness....what a horrible life those babies had! We are bery glad they are safe now!
Your passengers sure are cute!
We will be purring that your laptop can be easily fixed!
Hi Merdie!! Bye Merdie!!
Oh no get well soon laptop.. Those puppies were adorable but what sad sad eyes. I so hope that they get a huge slice of happiness.. Take care.. HUgs GJ x
Paws crossed for your laptop - I know how crazy I get when mine starts to act funny...
Sorry we haven't been around this week, we're just catching back up now!
We hope your laptop gets better ASAP~!!! And LOVE Merdie's pic. Little Buck is just so sweet and that is so sad the other pups had to endure the beginning of their lives the way they did. Their previous owner should drink muddy water and fight chickens for their food! Some people just make me sick!
I am so sorry about your laptop and hope it comes back to life. What a nice bunch of doggies but they do look very sad. I hope they get great love from furever homes. Glad Merdie is coming back on Tuesday to be with you and Khyra!! Lots of love, Debbie and Holly
We're sorry about the laptop and hope it gets fixed soon! We're glad that Merdie is only going to be gone for a few days too!
The passengers were all so cute! We hope they all get furever homes!
That Buck sure knows how to relax..
Louie and Callie would love to speak with Carrie. She looks like Marley just a lot smaller..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Adorable passengers and a happy ending to such a sad story. Poor babies!!
Hope the laptop is fixed SOON!
Glad to hear Buck don't haves no aversion to puddles...hehehe! Ummm okays.
Dat is just da saddest bouts them puppies. It burns me up when animals be neglected like dat...speaking of which, our neighbors haves NEVER taken their dogs to a vet eithers....no shots, no fixin' either.
Oh, gracious! I'm ever so sorry about your laptop! I thoughts my mom was gonna go in to convulsions when ours was at the computer doctor. I hopes it comes home very soon.
My mom says she can't quit looking at Buck's picture and it's prolly a good thing he already has a furever home. He's just SO adorable!
Wiggles & Wags,
We hope your laptop feels better soon! We know how much you NEED it, Khyra!
Mom is in love with Buck's pink lips!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
Pink Floyd goes with all occasions - grins! Maybe the laptop is just clogged with Sibe hair - that seems to be the major cause for any mechanical failure here (even the mouse nest in the car air filter built with Siberian hair - apparently we were at fault for that).
That was some transport. Of course we are suckers for doggies with beards and doggies with stripes here.
Sorry about your computer. Hope it feels better soon or you mom will go through withdrawal (and so will we).
OMGosh, Buck is awesome!
I bet the humidity killed your laptop, send it out here to dry out LOL. We love love love the pups today. Mom loves the wirey little terriers.
Hi, Khyra, Merdie and Mom!
Buckaroo is adorable!
The story of the doggies is so sad but now they will have the life they deserve!
I hope your laptop behaves!
Take care
Kisses and hugs
Sorry to hear about your Mom's laptop, Khyra! Hope it will get fixed soon :)
The puppies stories are so sad...but it's great to know that they are out of that dreadful place and are going to their furever homes! Thanks for sharing the photos and the story with us...they really are sweet pups!
Laptops can be frustrating at times! I hope it will get fixed soon!
Thanks for sharing these stories, even without your LT. A good reminder for me to BACK EVERYTHING UP!
When my laptop got a virus and sat unusable for a few days, I was kind of shocked to find out how much I missed it....sort of sad to think I'm getting attached to an appliance. :)
Had i known you had such cute transports I would have diverted you to Baltimore!
Don't forget, we moved to http://dogisgodinreverse.com
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