Thanks Khyra (and Merdie)
Lookie at the cool thing Ina snagged in Alaska
She saw it at an agility event she went to - and got 'busted' as she took the pic - but THAT Phyll understood too!
Thanks SO much for sharing that!
Well, what an 'auss'ome weekend it was - I'll try to recap it as best I can!
Saturday 3:41pm
Drama The INCREDIBLE Aussie
He liked to hang his paws over the front of the seat
He was a joy!
His colours were just fantastic
Energy in motion - his foster had shared he was still getting used to his paws and stuff as he filled the role of gangly adolescent
We talked to quite a few folks whilst we waited for his overnight hosts - one of the McD's staff asked if I'd heard of VIZSLAS - that was what his family had - of course, I told him about Dennis and Tucker
He wanted MORE Happy Hearts!
What colours!
And jodhpurs!
I did include the links for his Photobucket pics and videos on Sunday's post - some of you might have already viewed them - since they were together prior to Sunday's post time, I wanted to give all of you a chance to look at them since I knew it would be for a full post today - the perils of having only a few passengers AND plenty of time prior to their next drivers arriving!
Here is his Album with videos AND here is the slideshow of just pictures - and here is the link for the Canadian Aussie Rescue that put together his incredible journey from Columbia/Cayce SC to Ottawa ONT Canada!
A bit after 6pm Sunday we got this message from the transport coordinator for his trip:
Drama has made it safe and sound...glad to see nobody puppy napped him ;o)
What a wonderful dog. The trip doesn't seem to have effected him at all..he is happy and very social.
Thank you Heather so much for rescueing him from the shelter and caring for him until we could move him.
Thank you everyone who took the time to help get him safely to Ottawa. It's so nice to see so many people working together to help a single dog.....anyways it's time to go play with Drama!
I couldn't wind down early enough Saturday nightSunday morning to get to bed at a decent time - I optimistically set my cell to allow for a chance to hit some blogs and stuff prior to heading to Etters to pick up Copper and Trooper for their journey to Allentown - needless to say, I reset the cell several times before FINALLY getting up - I'm sure I'll make up for Sunday nightMondaySunday 7:21am
Trooper - he came from Hertford NC on his way to VT - he's thought to be 1 - 2 years old - he's a full Brittany
Copper came North from Atlanta on her way to CT - she's 1-1/2 years old - and a Brittany blend - her overnight hosts suggested her 'blend' might include GusWFT (or TekaJRT) - and having spent time with her, I'll concur -
Copper's fancy paw work
And Trooper's
Sunday's Charm
She did rest every now and then! She was a great rider with me - one of the other Sunday drivers mentioned she was doing jumping jacks even while she was tethered!
Quite THE PLUME!!!
Trooper waiting patiently for me to get him out in Foglesville
Copper's smooooooth moves
Looking hither
Trooper then looked yon
Their appearances really complemented each other
Trooper was such a sweet boy
This transport was done for New England Brittany Rescue - here is their Photobucket Album with five videos AND their Photobucket slideshow
I already mentioned that I didn't quite have as much time as I hoped for prior to hitting the road but I did have a chance to pop onto FB and saw the sad news about Blaze crossing The Rainbow Bridge early Sunday morning -Blaze from The Moondance Huskies in CT - so we did the run for him as well as The Doggy Nanny's birthday - it was a bit rough to talk about in the video but I babbled enough to hopefully make my point - Khyra and I are sorry for the loss of such a handsome boy
I guess that will do it for this M With M M's
Hugz&Khysses from Khyra's Khorner
P.S. Amy let us know late Sunday evening that she heard from Rudy's family: HE HAS BEEN FOUND!!! He's going to be staying at the vet's for the week to monitor his condition as he was down to 18#, had been snacked on by lots of ticks, and was very dehydrated - she's planning on going to visit him this week - UNBELIEVABLE!!!
Hey hey, I need to keep an eye out for that Trooper - he's going to be a neighbor.
Wonderful work as always K & P & M. :)
What a handsome bunch in the transport this weekend. That Copper has a bit of that devil dog (I mean spirited) look in his eye!
Sorta like Me...
The transports this week were again so cute - we really like Drama's colors! We hope your mom gets some rest from her big weekend!
We're sorry to hear about Blaze. He was very handsome and we're thinking of his family and furiends!
Great news about Rudy!
Have a great Monday Khyra, Merdie and Phyll!
You already know that I fell in love with Drama! Trooper and Copper are beautiful, too!
You'll need to do some more recharging after this weekend!
The doggies this weekend are adorable too!
Drama and his pawesome colors.
Trooper sure has a very sweet face and Copper! Yes! She looks mischievous!
Have a great monday!
Kisses and hugs
Hi You Guys!
Drama is beyond gorgeous, I love that whole strange look these multi-color characters get! So glad he beat the rap and got on his way to CA.
Is Rudy the little Staffordshire bull that belonged to a law officer? If it is, I had given up on him, thrilled to hear he has been found!
Hurray for Trooper and Copper too. What a terrific job you have done, Phyll. Did you get home in time to celebrate Mum's BD?
Stella (and Jo)
Oh Phyll!...
You never rest for a moment, do you! What a sweet bunch this time too! Love the colours of the Aus' Shepherd.
Merdie looks very chilled out and I love the car plate! (You should get one for yourself!)
Sending lots a 'Zebra' love your way (You should know what I mean! )
Such beauties! We are so glad for the safe travels. What a pawfect license plate for your Mom!!!:)
Teddy Bear
We likes the look of that Copper.
To the mom: All the woofies are so precious ~ we are so pleased and thankful yoo do so much to help them. Yoo are awesome.
To Khyra and Merdie: We luv whoo!
Hahahah is that Aussie dog a dog or a zebra? It's so unusual!
oh Khyra, you must have been training and exercising your mumster well .....for her to have so much energy!
love this week's gang....and continue to keep safe P
That Drama dude sure is handsome. I hear those doggies are wicked smart too. I bet he gets a furever home super fast.
Hey! Hope you didn't miss my comments this weekend. Busy brain momma had to can all the plums.
You had a full weekend indeed. What a bunch of cuties!
Looks like you girls got your sunbathing in!
What a great-looking set of passengers your mom had this weekend!
WE would have puppy napped Drama. He is adorable.
Copper and Trooper look great together.
And as always we loved seeing Khyra and Merdie.
So sorry Blaze had to go to the rainbow bridge.
Mom says she would've puppy napped Drama for sure because he is so cute!! I'm glad she didn't get the chance because I like my only dogness!
We are so thankful for the wonderful rescue work your Mom does - we can't thank her enough.
Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Ruairi
great news about Rudy. And wonderful, beautiful passengers this weekend! Muzzer says she could manage the driving for rescues, but not giving them up at the end. I am working on her still.
What handsome passengers you had Khyra mom!!
And what great news about Rudy!!
hi Khyra & Merdie,
woo's tans are looking FAB! but i can't get ovah that PLUME.. huh. who knew..who evah seen one before.
run free Blaze:(
What wonderfully coloured and patterned doggies!
Woof! Woof! Happy Monday. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar
Wow, what cutie pawtuties!!! I see some Gracie in one of those, bet they would be great at agilities! Woofs, Johann
Wooos!~ What beaWootiful pups! Mom feel in love with Cooper... she has a thing fur terriers,and brittanys all mixed together, the perfect dog???Wonderful news that Rudy was found, we will bee keeping our paws crossed fur his recovery.
So sad about Blaze, I am sure it was a shock to loose him fur his family, they are in our prayers.
~husky kisses~
-Kira The BeaWootiful
What a weekend for you! I agree - Drama is so handsome! What colors. And Trooper and Copper look like sweeties. They are lucky to have people like you helping them!
Drama is handsome. But Copper is just stunning! LOVE that plumy tail.
What great news that Rudy had been found! So so glad to hear that.
Phew! What a post. Fab pictures of you and Merdie. Khyra! As for this week's rescue pups, they are all so adorable, but we do have a soft spot for the gorgeous Aussie who is now a Canuck!
What cute passengers this weekend. Drama has beautiful colors!
Great pics of Khyra and Merdie resting and sunbathing.
Sorry to hear about Blaze.
Such beautiful pups in your transports this weekend. Here's to them all finding their furever homes quickly!
Pugs & Kisses,
Yoda & Brutus
Drama, Cooper and Trooper are all furry cute! What colors they have on them!
RIP Blaze.
Sam & June
Hi Merdie!
Aw, Drama reminds me and mom of Bear.....tears.
What wonderful woofies you transported this weekend!!!!!!! WOO HOO!!!
Looks like Merdie is enjoying the sun, and we bet you, Miss Khyra, are wishing for some snow right about now!
Rudy is the little bulldog pup? That is so cool that he has been found. Poor little dude. Hope he recovers fully from his long walk-about!
Lovely transport puppies, they are all so precious and beautiful with sweet faces...Good news about Rudy, hope he recovers from his ordeal quickly...As always, love the Khyra/Merdie pictures=they are just gorgeous girls!...Stay cool friends...xo...Calle, Halle, Sukki
What a great bunch of new friends! Copper is really a cutie!
Oh Drama's colors on the back of her head are AWESOME!!! Love the pics...
Thanks for rompin by too!
Paws UP!
We like the multiple "M"s, Me and Merdie,that is Klassic Khyra.
Is Khristmas with multiple "K"'s coming up soon, or is Kolumbus Day next?
Remy and Flash
It seems like all the dogs you transport are so well behaved! Do you have some magical powers that you work on them before the trips? :)
Love them Ms today!!! As ever Monday! And your passengers (once again) are adorable!!!
What a wonderful group of doggies! They are all beautiful! We are sorry about the loss of your friend. Lots of love, Debbie and Holly
Yaaaaaay fur Rudy!!!!!!
Those doggies are all just beautifuls but there is just sumptin bouts dat Aussie that just makes you stop in your tracks.
Hellos Merdi and Khyra...enjoy da sun rays.
You sure did have some awesome transports. Trooper and Copper look so sweet and or course Drama, Drama, Drama..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Great job once again on your transports. Merdie and Khyra are cute as ever. But boy oh boy was Drama ADORABLE! If we were ready for another dog right now, I might be really tempted to try to adopt him. He looks like he would make a great agility dog. :)
That Drama sure is a handsome boy. Us Aussies usually are though :)
you sure had some super cozy looking passengers!
Don't forget, we've moved to http://dogisgodinreverse.com
It has been a Monday, so I am just now getting to check on blogs. So my Monday morning smile got delayed to Monday evening, but it was a giant smile anyway seeing such Great pups find new lives.
So many beautiful dogs on their way to furever homes...bless.
Hawoo Khyra
It's been over 8 1/2 weeks since I had any exercise so I guess anudder two weeks isn't goin to be too much longer!!!
I can't wait to get out dere and play and run again!!!
Play bows and woofs
Your Monday posts are always such an uplifting positive way to start the week. Thanks for sharing...and thanks for making the world a better more hopeful place!
hello khyra its dennis the vizsla dog hay thank yoo for the showt owt to the peepul at mc dees!!! gud nooz abowt rudy but sorry abowt yore frend blaze i am glad their wuz gud nooz to go with the bad!!! ok bye
Oh my DAWGS! i saw that speckled aussie dollface on your FB and just fell in LOVE! And those JODHPURS! Juno is quite impressed. I think Juno is actually smitten with that Drama boy...
Your mom rocks K.
pantyloons and jodhpurs!
wild dingo
Love all the “M’s” at the first of this post, and that Drama dog is really pretty… so colorful, and such pretty “britches.” Trooper and Copper were also nice looking dogs and we hope that they have gotten some great forever homes. We are so sorry to hear about Blaze, too. The “Bridge” has had a lot of traffic lately… :(
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