
WELL, to give woo an eye of how KHRAZY it made me, Mom made a video of how frustrated I was and how furry furry much I wanted some
I had some kharrots, some mushrooms, some yam skin, and a piece of lamb THEN Mom let me have this prize!

We hope you can see Merdie soon. I think she misses you.:) Lamb is definitely something to be thankful for.:) We just loved the video, especially your "gmee" yelp toward the end. Nom, nom, nom!!!
Teddy Bear
I likes ur pikshers. U look so happy. :)
You are so deprived. ;)
geesh! khyra you went to town- not a crumb left for the rest of us! come on.. and i'm your muscle butt pal:)
Khyra, you were certainly very khrazy for that lamb! You almost knocked Fred over! Glad you were able to get some later!
We hope Merdie is able to come visit very soon. It's been way too long since she's been to Khamp Khyra!
Hmm, you know NZ is famous for having yummy lamb, right?
Ha! Ha! Oh Khyra! I thought only Monty went crazy for fresh cooked meat!
Monty says hi!!!
Hi Khyra, we do hope Merdie can come visit soon - thank dogness you can keep in touch with the phone.
We just love lamb - it is our favourite - we also like a roast potato with ours!
We thought it was a pity you had to share as we reckon you could have eaten all the lamb.
Still it is only fair that the Doggy Nanny and Fred got some - make sure you share your kibble too - if you can get them onto that then you will get more lamb next time!
Off to watch the video.
Martha and Bailey xxx
I especially love your slurpy tongue action in the "leftovers on the plate" pictures! Nom nom nom!
MMMM Roast Lamb is one of mums favourite meals!
Hi Khyra,
Mmmmmmm.... that lamb looks dellicious! How wonderful that you got to try it too... oh and the view out from the windows of your dining room is lovely!! What a wonderful way to enjoy a yummy dinner..
Hey Khyra, Thats so unfair! You have made us all hungry and craving for that snack.Mummy has to make something nice for us today, she has to..we asked very very nicely.
Hope u can meet Merdie soon n have fun
wags, Bud n Gin
Khyra, we LOVE to see whoo enjoying life. And that slurpy tongue is sumfin else!
They really tortured you with that lamb, didn't they Khyra?! Glad you got some in the end! And got to sit out in the rain too!
Baa BAaa Baaaaa - did you start baaa-ing for Mom since you don't want to wooooooo? That lamb looks very tasty. We couldn't believe how excited you were in that video - and how wonderful you got to lick the platter.
Hope we can see Merdie come visit soon.
Woos - Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
Our hu-dad says picture 6 - and you know why we are outside during dinner time. Hey - wait a minute.
That looks furry tasty indeed!
Gosh you are so lucky to have that yummy looking lamb! Too bad you couldn't have sent some over the internet to me!
Khyra, you certainly enjoyed that food! Licked the plate clean! Great pictures!!!
YUM! You were a lucky pup to gets all of that yummy foods. My mom and dad don't gives me too much people food but when I do gets it I have to wait until the dishes are in the sink too...NOT FAIR! :)
Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae
I loved all the excitment you showed there Khyra. You knew you would get some in the end. Mum and dad wont feed me while they are eating either but desn't sto us trying does it. Loved seeing Merdie, she looks good in the picture. Hugs GJ xx
Oh wow. That sure looks tasty! Wish my human would have a hunk o' lamb sometime and share it!
Love Mama with her brood! And Merdie's crossed paws - awwwws! But Khyra's nutsiness over the lamb is hysterical! But I have to tell you that she is really a very good girl. If Mom had left the carved lamb on the counter while the peeps were dining, I would have "surfedthey'd put their napkins to lap! (even with all that stupid obed stuff - I haven't learned my counter surf manners). Good, good Khyra!
Loved this post - Happy Late Mom's day - looks delish!
Hugs xo
what a delicious post!
happy thursday k & p!
m & e
Stumpy is going to remember that trick...keep me busy videoing while she does the naughty dance. No time out!
That was a whale of a cloud, yesterday! You missed it!
oh Khyra, what a great day!!!!! that lamb looked YUMMY. But those baby fev-vers looked efen yummier.
You're such a dainty eater....we would have wolfed it down in a flash!
Hope Merdie can come visit soon!
Licks and sniffs,
Zack, Sassy and Buddy
Were you an excited girl, Khyra? Just a little maybe? Then to sit in the rain, that is a perfect Khyra Day!
I am glad Merdie got to check in and will stop by one -a these first days
You have such a pretty smile! You look furry furry happy in every pic! I am glad you were able to be patient and then reap the rewards. Sounds like an awesome day all around!
AHROOOOOOO AHRRROOOOOOOOOO I am all green with jellyness. I LOVE that sheep meat stuff. Lucky you!!!
Khyra you lucky girl!!!
That lamb looks deliciously delectable, especially for a doggy's palate!
I can understand why you went crackerdog...
Hi Khyra and Mom,
Oh I do love to see the birds!!
Love watching you watching the Lamb cook!! Bless your heart! I would have given you more for being such a good girl helping cook and all!!! At least you got some sweet girl!!
XXOO, Bambi and Fern
I sure hope you get to see Merdie soon! I love you dancing around so eagar about the lamb! Priceless!! You look like you were doing the happy dance!! Glad you got a dish full and got to finish every little bit on the plate too!! You washed the plate!! Lots of love, Debbie and Holly
That plate looks so clean I bet you could put it back in the cabinet and no one would be the wiser....That way you don't get dishpan paws while doing all the dishes!
Wags and Licks,
Mollie Jo & Bobo & Uncle Puppy
We can smell the deliciousness way out here in Alaska!! Looked like a superb meal enjoyed by all. Khyra was a hoot to watch as she pranced around the table... nice to see Doggy Nanny, Fred and Merdie too!!! xoxo
Awww Merdie needs to come over for a visit soon!
Your video was so funny! What a tease that you had to wait so long to get some, but man, you even got to lick the plate clean!
oh khyra you are just the luckierst woggie ever to be. the birdies are just full of the cuteness.we're going to have to have a talking to wiff our mommish about sharing her human food wiff ush.
pibble wiggles
the pittie pack
We hope to see more of Merdie soon; maybe she will come by for a visit?...You're a lucky girl, Khyra; it looks like that might be your favorite meal ever!!...kisses sweet girl...xo...Calle, Halle, Sukki
Oh My Dogness Khyra!!! You sure went crazy ofur that LAMB! From your reaction, we know that lamb was tasty! We drool and drool and drool watching you enjoyed your nom nom.
Sam & June
Well, Hiya Merdie! That lamb looks delish! We hope lamb chops on Tuesday night! They were SOOOO good!
I can totally see why you would go crazy for that lamb!!! It looked so yummy I wanted to lick the computer screen!!
I think if Fred turned his head for half a second, his lamb dinner would have been in your belly!
Your mom's kitchen is beewoootiful!!
Sheeba got hungry looking at the photos LOL
Wow! That plate o' sheep must have smelled great! Mom was giggling at your video. We thought you were super cute. And patient! BOL!
Your pal,
We hope Merdie gets to come visit soon too!
We are so glad you got some of that tasty lamb. You sure gobbled it right up!
Oh Khyra your mom is so fuuuuunny!!! I loves her comentating.
woah khyra you really did your momma proud licking that plate of nommy lamb so squeaky clean loves and licks xxx
You really like lamb, don't you? We loved the video!!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
For some reason our stoopid computer won't let us see the words on your blog today. But the pictures were great.
Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Ruairi
It will be great if Merdie comes for a visit! Will you share some lamb with her if she does?
We sure hope that Merdie gets to come to camp real soon. We miss her.
That had to be some great smelling lamb Khyra. You sure were excited about it. Our sheep probably don't smell anything like that.. he he
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Nice score Khyra! I can smell that over here. YuMMY!
That most definitely sounds like a perfect Khyra day! You sure were smiley and happy! That lamb made me all drooly. But, um, you can keeps the rain.
Wiggles & Wags,
Reminds me why I took that leg of lamb! You looked like you were so enjoying that lamb!
take care
Clive and the NSLM
Phew! Lucky you got some lamb. I don't know what you would have done otherwise.
Nom..Nom...your forgot SLURP!!
Looks mighty yummy...and I love the pic of you sniffen the aroma...
Paws up!
Yummy noms!!!
Lamb...it is not just for breakfast anymore! Although it DOES make a tasty morning after...I myself am SO thankful that lambies have such long yummy legs and shanks! Hope Merdie gets to visit soon.
Oh Khyra...I am sooooo drooling for some sheep!!!!
Khyra, I think you missed your calling. I think you should be an assistant kchef. Your story made me so hungry!
I think Merdie is missing you too!!! Your meal looked delicious!! I'm glad that it was shared and you got to enjoy it too!!
Glad ta hear that yer Mom shared the lamb with ya.....why I could almost taste it myself lookin' at those pics.....almost smelled it too....but we get some of our special venison every night in our dishes and I can tell ya it's super good....enjoy yers....ya sure deserve it....
Dewey Dewster here.....
There's one dish that didn't need to be washed that night!
That is the BIGGEST smile I have ever seen on a Sibe! I can only imagine that yummy yummy smell... oooooooooooh
I want some roast lamb... hiew hiew hiew!
I hope Merdie can come with you soon!
That lamb sure looked delicious!
I loved your video too!
Kisses and hugs
Well that does look tasty! What a lucky dog. It looks like your mom needs to have a cooking blog as well. I might need that tasty recipe. I love anything that uses a crock pot. Lucky you Khyra!
I love that happy face of yours
We've never had lamb before, Khyra! It looks so yummy!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Hey, we used to have black octagonal plates just like that one!
Woo-hoo, so many great pics in one post! LOVE love love those poppies & iris, love Merdie's crossed paws, and LOVE the lamb tale.... will there be a sequel soon?
jack a-roo & miss moo
Wow talk about a totally perfect day!! Well except that rain part, ick. I could smell that lamb from here I think!
Hi Khyra! Mom is just now letting me get caught up with visiting! This post sure brought back memories of 2 who came before...partners in crime, our woofie Colby and our kitty brother Lewis. They stole the string off a roast and ate part of it...mom and dad thought they didn't because they found most of the string on the floor under the stove...but a few days later...more string "appeared"...ewww!
Enjoyed the video and the post! Have a great day!
Hi, Khyra -
We like the video - and glad that you were able to get a taste of lamb.
Love -
Hershey and Kaci
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