As of Tuesday PM, there are three hatched with two to go BUT one of the eggs was showing some akhtivity
Oh to have had a khan of Easy Cheese fur these pikhs! But I didn't so The RH will just have to use his Mastiff imagination!

You know how to roll with things Khyra. :)
Allo Khyra!
Looking good as always!!
Great paw work there!!
Happy Wednesday!
When we roll over likhe that our human just laughs and says that Poodles don't have wild animal instinkhts bekhause we have been domestikhated for so long.
Lookhs like Khyra has no wild animal instinkhts either. hehe
Misty the alpha Poodle
Looks like you had a fun day. You are quite a roller there!!
Happy Wednesday!!
Look at all those PFs!
And look at that Whikhked Whitney! Good thing you only show those photos once a month because it gives those boys out there time to cool down Khyra!
I wish I could roll like that!
I also have a feeling that things will start happening fast with the birdies. If I remember correctly last year- all of a sudden they were flying- but of cours they must hatch first.
The baby birds are cute!
And I love the way you roll! I only do that when there's mud! BOL!
Geez, Khyra, do you know any position other than PRONE? holy huzzy!
and don't you dare tempt the RH over there with a can of cheese. I need him over at casa dingo to show Loki how to be a man.
Our momma especially ♥s the photo with you showin' your belleh wif your tongue sticking out! She wants to give you a kiss!
Khyra, you know how to WORK IT!
Always wriggling on your back, you silly girl!
Those babies are so cute! Isn't it fun sleeping on your back?:)
Teddy Bear
No shame, no shame. That's what we love about you, Khyra. Life is to short not to enjoy a good roll. =)
Khyra, we're loving on all those belly shots=too adorable...Kisses sweetie...xo...Calle, Halle, Sukki
Kwrakberry? What's that? You are a super lounger my friend!! I haven't hit that point yet...but looks so comfy.
Mom just went to the link...and guess what...it's nighttime...so super darkie! Will try again in the morning... Nighty night.
Hugs and snaggle-tooth kisses,
Sierra Rose
R-Rated too!!! I just saw DogDaze's wicked movie too, all this R-Ratedness is overbearing!
Great paw placement!
And Have a Great Wicked Wednesday!
Hi Khyra,
We cannot get enough of your exposed belly photos!! Looking wonderful as always..
That is by far the most comfy sleeping position!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
Looking really Khool Khyra!
Woo Hoo!
Love the three paw crossing.
Woos - Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
So very whikhked Khyra!!!
You look like you were having a great time!
Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae
Wooos Miss Khyra, woo will have them panting all around the block....Poor Mango will be having a fit if woo added the can of cheese......
~husky kisses~
-Kira The BeaWootiful
Oh, the things we'll do for cheese!
You are gonna give Mango a heart attack. I'm thinkin' you need to book a room.
Khyra - you have very much good form in these pictures. I have been working on mine and I took notes cuz you are the Khueen - that's very much for sure!
Wiggles & Wags,
Oh my...Wicked Wednesday INDEED. The cheese might have been too much.
Khyra, I think you have a bit of the flooze in you. I mean that in the nicest possible way. After all, Stumpy is a flooze, also
yesterdays skyscape is one of my all time favorites, too!
Oh Khyra, we have just seen the same shocking behaviour over at Kira's blog!
Is it a siberian thing?
Loved the baby birdies.
Martha and Bailey xxx
GREAT pics! Thank you for sharing!
Happy Wednesday Khyra and Mom!!
Beautiful little bird family!!! wow!!
And if you haven't already seen it, over at Digby's blog a gentleman shared a beautiful Kipling poem that made me very leaky over my coffee this am!!! xoxo
You look really beautiful rolling around like that Khyra!! It looks like you are having a great time!! Love the bird pictures too! Lots of love, Debbie and Holly
Happy Wicked Wednesday.
Love Ruby & Penny
Have a great Cinco de Mayo!!
Why don't you come by our place for a Pawgherita!??
Khyra, You really know how to relax!!!
Hello there Khyra and Phyl'
Those nest pictures are truly awesome! What a wonderful celebration!...and what a privilege to be able to see them hatch! Thank you for sharing them with us all!
As for Khyra...is this some kind of Spring Dance...I think she should teach us all!
Sending lotsaluv to you and everyone we know!
Squeeing at the little fluffy birdies, and blushing at the cheesekhake....
I always love Whitney's Whikhked Whednesday! :) Great pics and great paws!
What a pawsition!
Can you maybe help Mia out. She is too large to roll around and look as good as woo do!
Wags and Woofs,
Mack and Mia
We like your photo shoot and will have to print some of the Khyra centerfolds for our collection if we can figure out how to hide them from Dad.
Remy and Flash
oh my khyra poor mango
he is prolly going cracker dog crazy right now and your about the only one who can manager for him to run around like a cracker dog being that mr mango doe'snt like to move his mastiff hiney much. you should do this more often he might be ready for agility soon .
pibble wiggles
the pittie pack
How cool to watch those birdies enter da world.
Now I know it is Sink Oh Da May Oh so...did you just start early...you know on da Margarita's?
MFT, woo are really getting these Wicked Wednesday photo gigs down! Work it girl!
toodle woo,
miss moo
Look at you...being so whikhked!!! We loves those pictures of you!!!
Khyra...what khool pictures! Mommy wants one of those baby birdies! :)
Mommy also wants to khome over and rub your belly!
oh how egggsciting!!they are hatching. have u got names fur them yet?
must say u are luking as happy as ever
Wags, Gin n Bud
OH MY....You sure know how to work it Khyra...;-)
You sure making rolling around look like a BLAST!
Hi, Khyra...
Looks like you are enjoying your Wednesday...
We did, too...
Abby xxxooo
Khyra and Mom,
You amaze me with all you do! Sometimes I just can't keep up with you. But we did visit your furry pal Prince's Mom to give her some hugs via a post. Thanks for letting us know about it.
We're glad you had fun fur-filled day with lots of fuzzy rolls in it!! Love the fluff shot!!! And paws too. In fact, they are all awesome.
We have been keeping up with the chicks hatching too. Thanks to you and your updates, I keep checking when I am at work, but don't let my boss know. BOL!
Much Love,
Woofs and Hugz,
Josie and Blues
You sure have that roaching down Khyra..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Hello Khyra, nice to meet you!!!
Those baby birdies are so khoooool, and the way you roll around is also very khoooool too. I love to do that on the grass tooo!
Thank you for visiting my bloggie and for the "get your hearing back" wishes...... I'm doing fine, but I hope my hearing does come back for mum's sake. She's not doing as well as me.
I took your advise and bekhame a Husky today. I saw mum turn the khorner towards home, I saw her mouf move, so I decided to kheep walking straight towards the park!!
Love nibbles,
Miss Sunshade
I saw some pink bits!
Lots of floof showing, Khyra. You sure have a thick coat.
Be careful being wicked in the sun...wouldn't want a sunburn THERE!
Hi Khyra,
Luv the pics of both you and the chicks! Awesome!
Riley and Star.
Woo have corrupted another young pup - Miss Moo! We were very impressed with how relaxed she was in her new house!
hai there baby birdies!!! :)
miss khyra, i see you stickin' your tongue out in the last picture. teehee.
the booker man
Khyra you have the best looking butt on the web!!!!!!
Has Mom got the air on for you yet???
XXOO, Fern
You are the huzzy queen!!
Oh my goodness, Khyra - I never realised oyu were such a flirt! :-) Look at that body language!!
Hey - by the way - my human was thikning of you (and my other Husky friends) when we were at our recent doggie dancing camp coz there was the most beautiful big, Malamute boy there who was really "wooing"! :-)
Honey the Great Dane
Beautiful right side up or upside down!
Cute pictures and I love the baby bird pictures...
great rolling Khyra....
mumster says i'm too stiff to roll and my sista is the flexible one
chikissses for the upcoming weekend
Oh I just love those fluffy white babies!!!
And Khyras tummy!!! Love Joey and Kealani
What cute little birds!!
You look quite comfy :)
First up, bite sized fluffies. Next, Sibe sized fluffies. :-)
Those belly shots are just too adorable! Are you blowing a raspberry at us in that last picture??
Happy Whikhked Whednesday!
Looks like you had an interesting day!
Kisses and hugs
You have some moves girl! Those pictures are awesome!
Goodness. I had to scroll real quick through some of these pics as Gimli and Pippin were looking over my shoulder. Bet you got RH all ready to go jump in the pool to cool off, there!
Mercy did study the paw placement, so she could be a proper lady... OC
Miss Khyra! It is like my birthday all over again!
Hey! I am worried about those PF's. When the last two hatch the first three will be gigantic and big bullies. I hope the little ones get enough foodables.
Belleh! And pantyloons!
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