Of khourse! Here is the link fur this week's Walkin' Wednesday!

PeeEssWoo: Make sure woo mark your khalendars fur visiting Amy and Her House of Snakhks on THURSDAY APRIL 15!!! They are hosting a PURRY special khommentathon fur a PURRY special khat waiting at The Rainbow Bridge fur us! I'll remind woo all tomorrow!
Is that a flashy beast in that last pic? ;)
Ha ha ha! That's a whole different kind of flashy beast!
Our lilacs finally started to open today! I feel much better looking at yours now!
woofs, u sure got the purdiest tail Ms khyra...
b safe,
Damn, that is one good looking Husky. My insane University of Washington friends would love love love her. Ooooo, I see a phloophy tail.
How old is she? That is one well behaved girl.
I would like to sneef the flowurs, but I am afraid beez would bite mah nose. :)
Very early morning here before work and just got a smile after seeing your pics.. Lovely start to the day that.. HUgs GJ xx
You look beautiful with the flowers!
Teddy Bear
You look perfectly floofed today, Khyra and are quite lovely amidst the lilacs!
Khyra, you are gorgeous posing with the lilacs!...Love the belly shot!...xo...Calle, Halle, Sukki
Oh, sweetie, up here we are still waiting for the leaves to show up on our trees and here you can sniff the lilacs. Lucky YOU!
Yes, those little Merdie's in the making were adorable, weren't they? Momma sees little chubby's like that and the next thing you know she gets a funny look on her face. We have to snap her out of that look or the next thing you know she'll be in the car headed for the shelter to get us a brofur or sisfur.
We feel better for that walk, fanks for taking us. The flowers are beautiful, and all those delishus smells.
You're such a good woofie to stop and smell the flowers!
A tight lead = business time
Was that a squirrel trail? Or a kitteh trail..?
Nom nom
I lived in Alaska for 10 years and I know a "fabulous flashy beast" when I see one, and YOU are it!! Lovely pictures!! THANKS for the smile at the start of my day!!
Ok, reacting to the barking dog when there is a car coming = Not Good Khyra. Not that The Herd would have reacted differently.
It's important to remember to take the time to smell the flowers, isn't it, Khyra?
Khyra, thank you so much for all of your sweet khomments you left for me! I'm doing fine! There is an update on yesterday's blog, but I have a mild condition and don't need medication right now.
Love, Spats
p.s. You look beautiful in all the pictures and Mommy wants to give you a belly rub!!!
Those flowers look pretty. I think ours are just starting cause it keeps snowing on them. Hope you had fun walking your mom. I have to go walk mine now.
Woooos Khyra, woo flowers look very pretty, but woo out shine them all! I love your fluffiness! I am sure Mango will be thrilled at the last picture. We will be sure and go visit woo kitty friends.
~husky kisses~
-Kira The BeaWootiful
Hey Khyra
I love going on your walks with you...it gives me a chance to assess this perplexing question....
Those stripes on you...are they for real?...or has Momma been let loose with the furminator again?
Sending lotsaluv to you ALL
Ummmmm Khyra, what kind of message were you trying to send in that last pic????
It has been so cold here that our lilacs are nowhere near ready to bloom yet!
I wish I could join you on a walk, except I HATE walking on the leash!
nice walking photos and video always!
have a great day!!
So wise of you to stop and smell the flowers on a busy day!
We're surrounded by mountains, here. That range is east of us, the Music Mountains.
Hi Khyra
Everything looks so green. Our yard still looks like winter. No green grass, no leaves, no flowers.
Love Ruby & Penny
oh, that was great walking khyra! i especially loved when you stopped to smell the flowers. that is a very important part of walking. enjoy that nice weather!
Lovely walk! Khyra you are one gorgeous girl! I too love your stripes, very glamorous and stylish! We are dreaming of the day (soon) when the snow goes away... this morning we awoke to a fresh 2" powder which we KNOW you would love!! xoxo Toby, Ginger, Jeter and Halle the Glamour Poodle
Wow, I still can't get over seeing green grass and lilacs! Lilacs don't blossom here until July!
I'm glad that you had such a fun walk. And the flashy beast...
Does someone want a tummy rub?
Wow Khyra! That last pose is straight out of PlayPuppy Magazine! You got super modeling skillz girl!!!
do you have a date fur twix date-event?
well would you go with us two???
let us know
El'bow & Hauwii
Did we miss something? Are you now striped? Please unconfoose us.
Wirey woofs,
Jake and Just Harry
Khyra, you go on such long walks. Mom says our lilacs won't bloom until May. Do you ever get to pull wagons or other things?
Cat Mandu
Oh Khyra, thanks so much for taking us on your walkie. We didn't get one yesterday because our momma was a big wussy because it was raining kinda hard...so she made us go out in the backyard...lame!
It's sunny today though. Thank goodness!
Wags and woofs,
Mack and Mia
You had such a lovely, sunny day to go strollin' about! Mom just wants to take a sniff of them lilacs! Ours are just starting to bud (the flowers), so hopefully the next few weeks, mom will cut them and bring them inside. We like when she does that!
Thanks for the walk, MFT, we needed one badly. You look very nice with those lilacs. And some great tail shots - so floofy.
Happy WW.
Woos - Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
It looks like a very beautiful day for a walkie.
I noticed you did your Play-Dawg pose.....very cute!
Nice walkie!
One of these days we're going to have to do our own "walking wednesday" to show you June's fluff. :)
Sam & June
Fluffy as always!
I LOVE lilacs!!
Pink and lavender are definitely your colors.
Misty the alpha Poodle
You get to go on the prettiest walks!
All the colors are so beautiful. And you are the most beautiful color of all!
Love the pictures of your walks and the flowers etc.
Also our son who is a Northwestern alumni loves the color of your leash, (Northwestern Purple).
Sheila & Bob
Mom & Dad to
Hamish & Rescue Sophie
Haha! House of Snakhs! That was funny!
My mom wants to skritch your belly in that last pic. I haves to admit. You look pretty skritchable.
Wiggles & Wags,
As always great photos. Is Merdi with u permanently now?
I have a favor. Will you email me(cuz I am nuts and cant find your email addy)
Oh Khyra, you should always have flowers as a backdrop to your photos, you look absolutely gorgeous! Well naturally as you ARE gorgeous - but with the flowers, well - swoon! Schnauzer snuggles - JD and Max.
Ya what a wonderful day for a walk..
Those lilac's sure are beautiful and it looks like they smell good too..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Wonderful spring photos! We enjoyed them all!
take care
Clive and the NSLM
Have I told you - I love a girl on a mission. You always look so focused on your Walkin' Wednesday.
We heard you saying hi to the doggie in the passing car in your video, Khyra. Mitch does the exact same thing - he lunges at moving vehicles and mom just about has a stroke! Your mom is a whole lot calmer than ours!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
No one walks wif just the same gwace and attitoode as you..it's youw floofy gowgeous tail and pantaloonies and that smile of youws.
I looove lilacs..ahhhh the fwagwance is bootiful
smoochie kisses
Great pictures! We love going on walks with you. We're going to the commentathon tomorrow too - see you there!!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
We think woo need a sibe sib to make walking more interesting by twining leashes like we do. What d'ya think?
jack a-roo & moo too
You are so sweet stopping to smell the flowers! I hope the Mango enjoyed your sexy photo too :)
I told ya the GUV NER likes your half of the state better....stoopid cheesecake...er cheesesteak... (Lacie giggles while nibbling on a pierogie...)
Can ya pop a few through the puter??? Ah Khome ON, Khyra...you have plenty...
And they are soooooooooooo PURPLE!!
You made our day...
Lilacs are coming, lilacs are coming...
So are you and Mango more than just friends?
Inquirin' Lakies wanna know...
Need to go watch the Pens...first playoff game....
I love the lilacs, our lilacs are not in bloom yet.. pretty soon, I hope!
You look like you had a great walk today!
I have been trying to walk everyday!
Have fun!
fur the Mango... FUR THB MANGO???
what about fur THE LUKE!!!
just sayin.
wif love from the Luke
Hi, Khyra!
Haaaa! Flashy beast!
Nice walkie, beautiful flowers!
And beautiful Khyra!
Kisses and hugs
Yeah!!..Floof and flowers, our favorite!
We enjoyed going on the walk with you Khyra! We look forward to it every week!
Thank you for taking us with you on your walkie Wednesdays.
There is so much beauty and you have a special way of showing it to us.
The beauty makes us smile.
But your beauty makes us smile more
hmm, do you ever want to walk more than just once a week? :-P
Love your pics with the lilacs! :)
You are beautiful. WE love how your leash matches the pretty flowers!
No, I used a blue crayon to do my taxes....and I didn't eat them either.....
Floofalicious as ever!
OOOO you're such a huzzzy!
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