Friday, April 30, 2010

FrEYEday SkEYEday Free Fur All UPDATED ;-(

Please stop by Charlie's Blog and leave some words of support - just after my blog posted, we saw in our Google Reader that Charlie has left us
Furst peep

We have an eyas! Around 2:30pm on Thursday Mom noticed stuff was happening - she grabbed this - it was the furst one that showed any portion of the little khritter!

She'll be using the link on my sidebar to show updated pikhs going furward

We really do suggest woo watch the live feed when woo khan - it is fascinating! Mom celebrated this one breaking through (to the other side) by eating the shell throughout the afternoon - it provides nutrients to her!

****** I've got my eyes on someTHING
IT was hiding in those bushes - if woo bigify it woo khan make out the top of its head in the bushes!
We got a note from Stella and her mom Wednesday eveningThis is just a short note to let you know, I got home today, yes, a day early! I am very happy about it also.

The surgery went fine, the Doc checked the surgery this morning and he was pleased, so all that is OK.

He ordered a home health aide to come every day and check the stitching and/or change the dressing, this person will also provide me with PT at home. Then for the next week, or many, I will be an outpatient of a therapist at our Hospital's Brand New Therapy Center. This will run from six to eight weeks x 3 sessions a week.

So thats my story!

Thanks to every one for their sweet notes and I am most grateful for all.

Love and hugs,
Jo and Stella


JoAndStella's Blog
I wanted to show Norwood that Frog Island has been freshly mulched fur the season


Mom saw these at the grocery store

This was right below it on the rakhk

We khan see Momma's tail feathers pointing to about 10 o'khlokhk in the center of the pikh


Tuesday evening

More Tuesday evening

Mom khouldn't decide which of the three to share so I pawmitted her to inkhlude all of them -especially since one of them khontained the full moon khoming to say HOWL-OH!!!

Here is this week's Photobukhket Sky and Tree Slideshow Link - she built it as the days happened and labeled them so woo khould see when they were khaptured!

Happy FrEYEday!




Life With Dogs said...

I'm headed for that live feed. You got me hooked on this a year ago!

i said...

Hi Khyra, what was hiding in the bushes? Sorry to hear about Charlie. Going over now.

dArtagnan Rumblepurr/Diego Hamlet Moonfur said...

RIP sweet Charlie.

Ms. ~K said...

I love watching the live feed!

Beautiful photos!

RIP Charlie.

JacksDad said...

We didn't have Flavos at our local drive-in. I think that might have been a good thing :)

And no one will have the slightest idea what I'm talking about except for you! :)

rescue dogs for adoption said...

my condolences to Charlie...lovely lovely dogs :)

Teddy Bear said...

We still can't believe that Charlie has left us.:(

Teddy Bear

SeaThreePeeO said...

So many interesting birds to watch!

Martha said...

We will go over and watch the live feed - so many things on your post today.
We are sorry to hear about Charlie.
Good news about Jo - we will pop over.
Great pics of you of course Khyra.
We are still struggling loading blogs this end so falling a bit behind!
Martha & bailey xxx

animal lover, quilt lover said...

Hi Khyra,
So sad to hear about Charlie....
Love the bird. I don't watch the live feed much b/c I am on dial up but have gone and spent some time at it.
nice pictures tonight.
Thanks for sharing!!
XXOO, Bambi & fern

Kate said...


Very sad to hear about dear Charlie. Pups or people, grief is never easy.

Kit Kat Paddywhack, Give Khyra something fun to CHASE!

And Snack on...


Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

Hi Khyra. We stopped by Charie's blog to pay our respects.

Is Merdie coming back fro a visit soon?


Snowie Baby said...

sorry to hear about charlie..

its never easy when any furpals left us for the other side of the world.

have a great weekend!

ocmist said...

We are so sorry that you have lost another of your friends. He was a beautiful little guy, and I'm sure he is being missed.

We are also happy about Stella's news and hope for continued quick healing from that surgery.

We also want to thank you for posting the pics of the birds because our computer is to slow to go and watch the video feed. The CCC and their Grammy

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

Khyra, we are so sorry to hear abowt Charlie. We went over to pay our respects to his momma.

Abby said...

Hi, Khyra...

So sorry to hear about Charlie...We went over to add our condolences...

Abby xxxooo

dog arthritis said...

The pictures are very nice.

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

We didn't know Charlie, but it is so sad that his life was cut so short. Sad woos from us to his family.

And the cycle of life continues with the hatching of the first falcon. Fascinating watching those eggs.

We were very happy to hear from Jo as well. We wish her continued good progress.

Happy Friday.

Woos - Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

Chris and Ricky said...

So sorry to hear about Charlie.

If you have a little chick, we might not be far behind now. How exciting!

Maxmom said...

Hey there Khyra!
How exciting about the little chick!
Thank you too for updating us on Jo...I'm so glad she's okay!
Sending lotsaluv to you all.

The Taylor CatSSSSS said... have khaptivated uSSSSS with all the wonderful pictures!

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

I love that birdie thingy.

houndstooth said...

Oh, cool, they're finally hatching! We've been watching a mama robin outside our kitchen window, but there are no peeps coming from the nest yet.


Unknown said...

What a packed post, Khyra! Looks like you''ve been busy! I couldn't see what you were seeing, though, on your walk but you sure looked interested!

Honey the Great Dane

Erica Vojnich said...

Oh RIP Charlie, I'm going over. I'm so sorry.

I'm going over to the live feed, baby birds!

I'm glad you can't fit in our sink too Khyra! Valerie barely fits and she's 6 pounds!

Gus said...

Howl OHHHHH back. Watched the cam for a bit this morning but didn't really see much action.


Thor and Jack said...

Sorry to hear about Charlie.

Thor xx

the magic sleigh said...

Wooos Miss Fluffy Tail, woo tail was down and not so fluffy when woo saw something, woo suddenly looked like me... I will have to ponder that fur a while...
We stopped by Charlies, we did not know him, but I am sure he will be missed.
~husky kisses~
-Kira The BeaWootiful

Mack said...

That is so sad about handsome Charlie. We went over to send over condolensces.

We couldn't tell what was hiding in the bushes (mom has "old" eyes). Don't tell me it was an evil KHAT!?!

We will go to the live feed next. Mom loves that kinda stuff.

TGIF Sugars,

Anonymous said...

We are so sorry to hear about your furriend, Charlie. We will go send our condolences. LOVE the froggy glasses! MOL...our mom would wear them! She's SOOOOO weird!

KB said...

Love the baby birds!!! So cool to see them hatching etc. It would be great if you could post the link again.

So sad about Charlie.

Ina in Alaska said...

I saw the link to Charlie last night on Facebook and went over to visit. That was so sad. On a happier note, loved this week's PB slideshow, the trees and the neighborhood are just gorgeous. I also could not tell who was peeking from the bushes! Happy weekend! xoxo

Cindy said...

Poor charlie. Love the live feeds!

Sam said...

Oh poor Charlie. I didn't know him, but I will go over to his blog to express my sympathies.

I'm glad my internet started working again for Friday Free Fur All - good news about Stella's mom!

♥I am Holly♥ said...

We are so sorry to hear about Charlie. That is always so hard on the peoples.
Your birdies are really cool!! Also glad that Stella's mom is home and doing better!! Love your pictures!!! Lots of love, Debbie and Holly

Cyndi and Stumpy said...

So much info and things to do, today, posted here. Very sad about Charlie.

My laptop is running particularly slow this morning (and driving me crazy) I hope I can see your slide show!

Too Cute Pugs said...

We're so sorry to hear of the passing of you friend Charlie.

Pug love from,
Pearl & Daisy

mayziegal said...

Thank you for telling us about Charlie. How very sad.

On the other paw, I'm very much happy to hear that Jo is doing so good! I need to makes sure that mom puts in her new bloggie address.

Wiggles & Wags,

Unknown said...

Hi Khyra, thanx for letting us know about Charlie. We went over to meet his Mom.

We are so interested in knowing what was behind that bush. Often times in our garden, we find lots of frogs n chameleons.

Wags, Buddy n Ginger

Baby Patches said...

Hi Khyra! Dis is a pawsome post but I sorry to hears about Charlie. I will has to checks out dat live feed.


Jan said...

So sorry about Charlie, thanks for keeeping us informed. Love the baby birds. The circle of life.
Misty the alpha Poodle

Miss Lizzy said...

Happy Friday, Khyra! Thank you for sharing all your pictures. (We biggified and saw the top of what looked like a kitty head peering you! The nerve!) Very sorry about poor Charlie.

Josie said...

We say your posting yesterday on FB about the eggs hatching. Went straight to the live feed to check it out. What an awesome sight. Great pictures as always of the night sky. And beautiful pictures of Khyra, of course!! Love the birdie pictures too.

Sorry to hear about Charlie. Our sympathies.
Long may he run up on the rainbow bridge.

So sad,
Much Love,
Woofs and Hugz,
Josie and Blues

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

Thanks for the peep show!!!

Also thanks for the wonderful sky shots!!

So sorry to hear about Charlie!


Donna said...

Helloo! I like ur pikshers. I wish I could roll around in the pretty flowers and grass! :)

Cloud the Wonder Dog said...

Sorry to hear about Charlie. :-(
Mom loves the falcons, they are so beautiful! And thank woo fur sharing Stella's new blog addy... mom didn't know it was up yet!


3 doxies said...

Godspeed Charlie...we just gots back from commenting.
You know those little birdies are quite facsinatin'..who woulda known.

Sierra Rose said...

Wow! Well...we are so sad to hear about dear Charlie.
Amazing to see the live feed. And will watch for updates.
Frog island! How cool is that! You get to visit Khyra?
Glad about Stella's new site, and sounds like recovery is on a good path.

Hugs and snaggle-tooth kisses,
Sierra Rose

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

We are so sorry to hear about Charlie. It always makes us sad when we hear such sad news....
We stopped over to say hi to Jo.. We sure hope she gets well soon...
Great photo's Mom...
Have a great weekend..

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

Sorry to hear about your friend.. I will go accross. LOved all your pictures.. Hey the first of the feathers.. Mum loves watching the feathers.. Hugs GJ xx

Pat Wahler said...

This post was filled with both sad and happy news. Thanks for keeping us updated.

I'm very excited to see the bird cool!


the booker man said...

rest in peace, sweet charlie.
thanks for all the grrreat pictures, and miss khyra, are you stalkin' a kitty in that picture? i think i saw a kitty head behind the bushes...
the booker man

Rocky Creek Scotties and Rocky Creek Ramblings said...

We're just stopping by to say hi - for some reason we can't see your content tonight.

Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Ruairi

BeadedTail said...

We're so sorry to hear about Charlie. We'll head over there too.

It's always fun to go on walks with fun things to see isn't it? We liked the sky photos too and of course the new birdies!

White Dog Blog said...

The new birdies hatching are so exciting!

Jacqueline said...

So sorry to hear about your friend, Charlie going to the Bridge...Always love photos of you, Khyra, you gorgeous girl...We enjoyed the cute bird and sky pictures too...Happy weekend friends...xo...Calle, Halle, Sukki

Ruby's Raiser said...

We are so very sorry to hear of Charlie's passing and we have sent our condolences.

What beautiful photos of your precious girl and how it renews us after such sad news.

Tucker said...

Poor Charlie, makes my humomma want to cry. She's been printing more pictures of angel Charmin for her memory album and thinking lots of her especially since my new sister Libby looks a little like her. ANyway, what great pictures of your surroundings! I tried to watch the falcon cam, but it's nighttime and just black, so will come back tomorrow.

Licks and wags..

Tweedles -- that's me said...

We did not know Charlie but we just visited Charlies house and left some love. We are very sad for the family.

Your sky pics were so pretty, Thank you for sharing the beauty.
Thank you for the moon picture. I was looking for a new star in the sky- one for Charlie

Duke said...

We're so sorry to hear about Charlie. We're on our way over. Thanks for letting us know, Khyra.

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Sally said...

poor Charlie. It's too sad. Sniff

sad woooh


The Oceanside Animals said...

Sorry to hear about your friend, Khyra. :-(

Sagira said...

Very sorry to hear about the loss of Charlie, that is so sad. :(