THANKS TO TOBY'S RAISER fur sharing this one! - we'll get to see more about her special gifts during tonight's special show

Of khourse, here is something else fur woo to watch
I can't wait to see this - the ads have all looked great. But not as great as the divine Ms. K. :)
Hi khyra!
Would luv to catch the show but
we don't get PBS here...bummer!!
Darn it! WE missed it...was it good? What did you learn Khyra?
im amazed at how big the raisers hearts must be to be able to love someone so much knowing that they have to let them go in the end
mommish cries everytime she read their posts and of course watching the documentary
but mommish is a big boo hooer when it comes to animals anyways so we expected as much
pibble wiggles
the pittie pack
Cool! We'll have to watch it!
Would love to watch the show, but haven't heard of PBS here so guess it isn't available :(
Thanks for the reminder, we know it will be a great show...xo...Calle, Halle, Sukki
Nice puppies, but not as nice as you my friend.
Great pics! We can't wait to see the special.:)
Teddy Bear
We don't get that in the UK but the pics look as though it is going to be great!
We got stuck on Walking Wednesday today for some reason but did get to see the pretty purple flowers and your great floofy tail Khyra.
We are still struggling to catch up with the blogs - our mum needs to know how yours manages!
Martha & Bailey xxx
We can't watch this in the UK ~ so well hafta rely on whoo to tell us how good it was.
That looks brilliant but we cant get it here so will have to rely on you.. Dont miss a thing as we want a full report. HUgs GJ xx
We are so glad that your mom didn't have to walk 10 miles to school in her bare feet, Khyra! That would have been the OLD days!
Thank you for a shot of the gorgeous redbud!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
we are marking our calendars
Thanks for the reminder, we just set our DVR so we do not miss the show!
Great preview shots for the show - it should really be a good one.
Poor Brofur - hope you didn't get his tail. He seems like a nice kitty, Khyra - remember those two kitties could be your allies in getting one of those squirrels.
Too bad the flowering trees don't last longer, but they are beautiful while they are in bloom.
Woos - Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
How fun! We will watch the woofies! They are very KHUTE!!!
Love, uSSSSS
Your tail looks extra fluffy in that video Miss Khyra!
Those tulips were gorgeous!!
We're definitely planning to watch!
WE will sit Sammy down and force him to watch it
Poor brofur getting his beauty sleep so rudely interrupted!
Lovely walk, though!
No PBS in dirtville :(
We hope Mom can remember!
Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Ruairi
Mom is putting a reminder on her phone right now so that we can watch it.
I can't wait to see the program tonight. I saw the previews last night and it looks really good. I love your video of Walking Wednesday!!! How cool!!! Kryra, you sure walk great!! Love the pictures of you and your shadow!! Thanks for taking us along!! Lots of love, Debbie and Holly
Toby would be happy you accepted his award, thank you!
We plan on watching PBS tonight!
Toby's Raiser
I likes PBS. They have the opera-singing people sometimes. :)
Oh, I don't know anything about the show, but I'm definitely going to look in to it. I'm interested/excited!
Can't wait to watch this!!! Wooooooooooooooooo!!!
Thanks for the walkie too beawoootifulest Khyra! We didn't get a very long walkie yesterday because we had RAIN! DRATS!
Wags and Woofs,
Mack and Mia
Thanks for the reminder. You are a bestest friend.
Oz and Zozo
Thank you! I put it on my DVR!!
Pawsonally, we prefur watching woo, MFT!
jack a-roo & moo too
#1 asked a friend in Chicago to record the programme tonight. Paws crossed he gets it right!
Mom and I are so excited to see this show tonight!
That looks like it's going to be a cool show.
We'll be tuned in fur sure!
Licks and sniffs,
Zack, Sassy and Buddy
You are so cute. Going to watch of course, with Josie and Mr. Blues, Jr. by my side. And Yes, Pandora does Rock. My husband already canceled his XM and only has Pandora know. It's much less but just as good, if not better, no commercials or DJ's and you do the programming yourself. Awesome.
Can't wait to discuss the program tomorrow.
Much Love,
Josie and Mr. Blues, Jr.
We'll try to watch it but our mommy gets all leaky at any animal show even if it's cartoons and she even gets leaky from happy shows. She's such a sensitive sap - aka wuss.
I very much want to watch this but won't be able to cuz of taking my high school test tonite. And mom's too cheap - er, thrifty - to get one of those DVR thingies. I wonder if they will maybe replay it at a different time? I hope so!
Wiggles & Wags,
We're going to set the DVR for that show!
We enjoyed your walk!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Miss Khyra, we have finally made it to your bloggie. We sees you everywheres you go so I tolds MUm I was coming to visit you RIGHT NOW! So, Hello!
We haves da DVR set and ready to goes. I must go finds some toilet paper so mum can blow da honker when her gets all mushy.
Love your walking area by da is a much beautiful place.
hi k & p!
oh how fun!
thank you for reminding us to tune in!
m & e
thanks for reminding. Our human has ADD at times.
Misty the alpha Poodle
What a cool looking movie.. We can't wait to see it..
You sure had a beautiful day for a walk Khyra..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Oooh, I gotta go figure out how to work the TV right now!
We so wish we could watch that here! Enjoy!
take care
Clive and the NSLM
So many cool pictures! It's very sweet that you posted Toby's memory stone. Hopefully I'll get it on my blog this week, too.
That's some tongue!
I hear everyone talking about this show, but we don't have cable. :(
Except here where it is on at 9 for some bizarre reasons, but that worked out because we had time to get caught up on blogs. Well, at least on some blogs. We are never caught up.
P.S. - Too bad you did not have the video running during the "Brofur" incident.
I have the DVR set to record it!
thanks for always leaving such Furiendly are a furry good friend!
Paws Up!
No PBS here either! Hmmm....
Happy Wednesday, Khyra!
Kisses and hugs
That was a good walk Khyra! We thought that was interesting ... but poor BroFur!!
Monty says "Hi Khyra!"
We don't get that here but those pics are great!
Your walking route is delightful...a little bit of everything...and you stride with such purpose and poise!
That was a totally awesome TV show! We really enjoyed it. All those doggies really got OUR attention, and Grammy loved the show too! Very smart dogs, and a wonderful program! Made us think of Clive!
Why this was not on in Denver last night, I have no idea. GRRRRR!
We were soooo disappointed- we did not get it.
But we know it would have been soo good.
My mommy thought it would have been a tear jerker to give away a doggy that you raised. But thank goodness people can do that.
We totally watched that show even though it meant Master had to miss a couple of innings of the boring Red Sox (hey they still have about 942 games to go, plenty of action for him, right?). It was fun to see all those hard working pups.
We thought the big guy in the wheelchair made the best match.
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