Saturday we went to The Park fur our furst walk of the day - if you BIGIFY and look between the two trees and bench area, you'll see a roof with some blue tarping - that is the far edge of our walk - their roof took some nasty hits during that Friday storm a few months bakhk - the one where I snagged some rainbow pikhs AND my tree shed lots of limblettes!

More of the field o'purple



To get woo ready fur tomorrow's post

Another shot where if woo BIGIFY it woo should be able to see the blue tarped roof

A purple magnolia from along the walking path


I'll be bakhk again soon!

Speaking of bakhk SOON

I should khwote Molly Hatchet fur this one

The house up the street

Akhtually the house the heron had been roosting on last year

A furiend of Mom's sent this pikh Saturday afternoon

Which inspired us to make a drive to
Rita's Saturday evening

Paws khome in SOOOOO furry 'hand'y - Mom had a gelati with Passion Fruit italian ice and khustard - she did have her eyes on the MANGO but I told her PASSION FRUIT would be the next best thing!
Of khourse, I was a hit and kept hearing look at the husky look at the dog look at her - the girls that waited on us asked my name - and giggled when they heard it fur her name was Kara
I would like woo to read about PAY IT FORWARD/PAW IT FURWARD ovFUR on the TBH&K Channel- it is khoming up in a bit more than two weeks - whilst woo are there, woo khan read about the two new additions to their furamily of Goldens and Newfies and Snakhks OH MY!
Mom and I were furry thrilled to see the khool khomments about Sunday's lukhky pups! I think Mom is still smiling about the six of them!
See woo here tomorrow fur Walkin' Wednesday!
Ooooo! Those magnolias are so pretty! We don't have those here, at least that we know of. You are quite lucky!
And ice cream, well, I don't have to tell you how delicious and wonderful that is!
oh so furry nommy we're droolin on the keyboard
pibble sugars
the pittie pack
What a nice walk you had, Khyra! Beautiful trees. Great pictures!
Your ice cream looks so yummy! Lucky girl!
All those blooming trees look pretty
Oh such lovely pics!!! I'm really wanting some ice cream now! You are so lucky to get some!
Thanks for the tour of your park Khyra! We love blizzards but we don't have a DQ near us:( Somehow ice cream seem just perfect for a cold weather dog such as yourself, LOL!
awwwww, beautiful magnolias, TQ
is THAT ice cream? dang, mumster just finished the Baskin Robbins....if only i can drive, as i am dying for some ice cream!!!
i'm licking your ice cream from the screen!
Just beautiful! I may be in your neck of the woods soon. Any chance you want to visit? :)
Those are some cool flower pictures. MY uncle Ed has some of those purple flowers in the field by his house too!!
Have a nice Tuesday
Pretty scenes and lovely blue sky and walks!
Its raining water here (not cats and dogs...yet) and I'm inside, again, as usual...
Its a hard life!
What a lucky dog, you got ICE CREAM! What lovely trees you have in your hood.
So nice to meet you.
Beautiful pictures, the flowers and trees are just lovely, but nothing is prettier than you, Khyra; we're sure everyone talks about your beauty when they see you!...Our Mom just loves your awesome tail!...xo...Calle, Halle, Sukki
If Rita's was near our house we would go there every day!! Love Toby
Excuse me Toby, we would go there a lot but not every day!!! Ina xoxo
Pretty Pictures. Spring is in the air, I love it!!! And I would love some of that ice-cream, Mjammie!!!
Paws from Zoë
Yoor park is very pretty, no whonder whoo like going there!
Once again, we are overjoyed to see those gorgeous magnolias.
Great park visit - you really had that look of "do we really have to go already?" in that shot in the xterra.
Any yummy treats too - we think we might need to get the Momster to take us to Sonic or DQ one of these days.
Woos - Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
That was quite a hike. Looks like a wonderful place.
Beautiful pictures!!
Thanks so much for stopping by and wishing us a Happy Purrthday!!
♥ Maizy and Ferris of the Creek
I love all the spring flower and tree photos! You're so lucky you get to go to Rita's! Mom has never ever taken me there!
Yep, 3 eggs so far! And a name for the new male - Trooper!
Magnolias.... dang! homesick...
The colors and clouds from yesterdays skyscape were amazing. It was really windy and I should have done videos they changes so fast!
That tail is lookin' mighty floofy. You must have had a spring cleaning and brushing.
Happy Tuesday
Once again, awesome pictures! Thanks so much for sharing!
Riley and Star.
I saw the phloophy tail, I saw the phloophy tail .... yummma yummma Gelato any flavor will do. Mighty pretty in the spring time where you live. Big walks are the best. Speaking of that, off we go >>>>
KT and Lady
Such pretty purples. you've got to love Spring.
Khyra, I am out of the dog house at the moment, chewing on a pig's ear. However I am wortking on several other naughty ideas.
I get so jealous whenever I see your walkie pics.
Also, I've got an award for you, Khyra! Check it out on my blog!
2 Things....
1. Woo have a really beawooootiful neighborhood for walkies! So pretty! Our momma is lubbing the horticulture.
2. Woo got Gelati??!! MANNNNN I am so jealous of woo Khyra!! I don't know if you guys have a Brusters near you, but Brusters has a doggies sunday and it's specially for us four leggers!
Wags and Woofs,
Mack and Mia
Grrreat walk in the Bark. You got ice cream??? Yummmy
The purple field - ohohohhhhh! So pretty - and the flowering trees - just gorgeous! Guess you MUST have need "something scrumptiously cold" to help you cool off from all that walking! Mmmmnnnnnn - ice cream, DQ!
Have a great Tues!
Hugs xo
Look at all the flowers! Definitely springtime -- despite the presence of a Blizzard. ;-)
Wow! That park looks a lot like the sports field we walk in every day. Are you sure you don't live in New York, Khyra?
Thanks for taking us along! And, I'm sure Mango will be happy that you had mom order the passion fruit flavor instead of.. well, you know!
What gorgeous sights and a yummy treat!!
Spring means pretty flowers and YUMMY icecream!! Glad you got to enjoy both!! Score!!!
Mmmmmmmmm...*smile*, I love seeing Spring through your eyes.
i totally love 'n adore that purple magnolia!!!
ice cream!! you are a lucky ducky, miss khyra! it looks like you licked that cup clean. teehee.
the booker man
Darlin' Khyra, of COURSE those girls were remarking on your beauty and grace. I'm surprised they didn't comment on your eyes, the limpid pools.
Anywho, I believe I've got a tight rein on the mom and hope to remain a regular presence over in my neck of the woods. You know, I think WOO missed me!
Hi Khyra and Phill,
Love all your pictures you took on your walk:) Love the blooming trees:)
You live in a very pertty area!!!
Come back soon....
XXOO, Bambi & Fern
I love icecream too. Unfortunately we have only barely some at home. But I am also allowed to taste it. I like vanilla.
Nice Woooh
What a nice park and the Magnolia's are lovely! RITA'S....Mmmmmm. Mom loves the watermelon gelati. She's not a fan of mango, but her mom and sisbean are.
Look at the beautiful magnolia.. Look at the beautiful Khyra enjoying the ice cream.. I loved the field of purple. We have whole fields of purple in the summer.Also fields of yellow. Hugs GJ xx
It's nice to hear about your mommy smiling. The fluffy tail shot got us all ready and excited for tomorrow's post!
Mmmmmm...ice cream! Did you know ice cream goes good with spaghetti? Okay, well, I don't knows that for sure. But I'm willing to gives it a try.
Wiggles & Wags,
I love those purple fields. And Ritas...YUM. Right up my alley. Going for walks is the best. And your mommy puts up the best posts. I want some ice cream now. Blues doesn't know what that is yet....Wooof
Much love,
Josie and Blues
Great pics! I love the cold stuff! I get frozen yogurt for treats!
I can fink of very many reasons I should be there wif the you! Some of them are tasty and some just are just very very pretty!
wif love from the Luke
So you're a gelato girl, Khyra? It must be yummy! I've never tried it.
Yummy that Rita's looks good and your park is so beautiful.
Yeah for blue skies, pink flowers and ICE CREAM!!
The flowering trees are all so lovely! Thank you for sharing them all, Khyra!
Mom says she hasn't had a Blizzard in a LONG time. Maybe now is the time?
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
Oh the flowers are so beautiful..
Wow Khyra that looks like some really yummy stuff.. You do have the paw thing down...
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Oh my dawg. i keep seeing ads for blizards and it makes me miss my east coast days... hard to find dq's out here.
MFT is looking mighty fine. her pantyloons are floofed for spring!
Khyra what great pics today! The park and tree pictures were so pretty and springy! And you look like you really enjoyed that ice cream!
Beautiful pictures and yummy ice cream...what a treat!
Happy Spring Khyra!
What a great day! A park and DQ!
Hi, Khyra!
those purple magnolias are beautiful!
Mmmm... now I want a cherry blizzard! Yummy!
Kisses and hugs
I wish I could see some of your purple flowers. Maybe next month we will see some.
The town has stuff blooming more than we do.
That is a huge huge park Khyra- wow!
Now my mom and I are hungry for icecream- i wonder why?
The trees are beautiful! Yummmmm, we're drooling here. We've been craving ice cream lately.:)
Teddy Bear
Mmmmmmmm...that looks soooooo good! :)
Hi Khyra,
that sure was a lovely walk you had. the flowers are all so bright and tempting.did u get plenty of bumble bees to chase? and butterflies?
we loooove ice-cream too and ur pics made us drool infront of the refrigerator..and mummy actually got the idea and gave us some!
we hope we shall be great friends
Buddy and Ginger
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