As promised yesterday, here is another video of me - just hanging out until the SRF spirit moved me!
Mom has a transport furst thing Sunday - she's got the Hagerstown MD to Harrisburg PA leg fur three lukhky fellas!
Stella's Mom asked if we would get the word out fur them - she's solved the nasty blogger mess by switching ovFUR to Wordpress -
Their new blog is Joandstella's Blog
OvFUR the khoming weeks, she'll tweak it into shape but fur now, woo khan find them there!
We kitties are always innocent! MOL
You can tell that cat did something. He's got those shifty eyes!!
It looks like purple is the color du jour!
Good luck to your mom tomorrow.
I don't know if I'd trust that cat!
Did Brofur "help" with the birdfeeder too?
He's innocent. We'll vouch for him!
We took some time to look at your beautiful blog.
Has anyone ever told you how fun it is to come to visit you?
And not only that , but we always feel so good when we leave because we know your mama is helping doggys find forever homes.
Your pink tree and flowers are so gorgeous. It is shocking to think just a month ago your home had snow.
Thank you for taking us for a tour through your world
BroFur is so cute!!!! Is there a home for him and his mom somewhere? Good vibes to you and all the lucky pups on the Sunday transport!!! Hooray for Happy Endings (Beginnings) xoxo
What could the Morsel be up to???
Hello Khyra!
Luvly flowers!
Best watch out for the kitty kat, the more calm they seem the more fierce they are! hehe!
May your mom have a safe transport!!
Kitties...they have so much freedom! Are violets your favorite flower?:)
Teddy Bear
Hi Khyra - all so pretty! Butterscotch looks like butter wouldn't melt - hmmm, we're suspicious! Schnauzer snuggles - JD and Max.
Your flowers and redbud are all so pretty. That cat looks kind of shifty to me.
Thanks for sharing those great pictures with ut.
Hi Khyra
Thank you for the info on Stella - we will drop by.
Lovely pics today and your video was cool!
We are still waiting for our blossom trees to come out in Scotland but they are beginning to bud.
Martha & Bailey xxx
Hi, Khyra...
Another great game...You must have scored at least two touchdowns...
Definately earned your 1/2 time rest...
Abby xxxooo
But Brofur is so beautiful - you just have to like him. Pretty flowers and fun video - still think you need a teammate for that football.
Good luck with the transport and we are so happy to see that Stella is back.
Woos - Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
I used to be so thrilled with every new flower of the season. Dang I miss that!
Be safe on the road! Watch out for the idiots.
Thanks for the heads up on Stella's blog!
Love the Johnny Jump Ups.
Brofur is waiting for the birds...
and we don't think he wants to just watch!
Licks and sniffs,
Zack, Sassy and Buddy
Always a fun time to come to your blog! Love the pics! Thank you!
Kyura - you have such a big heart and so many friends, would you help spread the word about this raffle with tons of cool Dog Good Prizes? It is for a very good cause.
If ever we can return the favor - let us know
Whatever happened, we say BroFur was framed!...Safe, happy transport...xo...Calle, Halle, Sukki
Thanks for the link to Stella! I am amazed at how great you are at football. You will have agents seeking you out soon!! Love the tree..it's so pretty. All of our trees had very few flowers last month and now have leaves. Something is very wrong...no flowers!!! Lots of love, Debbie and Holly
Very beautiful, we loved the violets! We hope your Mom has a good transport today Khyra. Love ya, Farley
Just stopping by real quick to tell you Mom is going to see your Phillies again. I khould khare less about her dumb Dbacks so I am hoping she doesn't bring that home run luck like she did to the first game in the series.
We miss you and all our pals, but we will be all moved soon!!
Hey Khyra,
Keep away from that cat.it sure is plotting and planning something.
Hope ur Mom enjoys her transport. are u going with her too?
Mummy says thanx for appreciating her efforts at making ice-cream.
wags, Buddy and Ginger
Hi, Khyra!
I hope you are having a nice and relaxing sunday!
Thanks for telling us about Stella's new blog!
Kisses and hugs
Oh, the violets are so beautiful.
Good luck tomorrow.
Nice woooh
what dit that cat see
El'bow & Hauwii
Furry pretty flowers. Kin I come ofur and dig sum up for my maw?
Be careful of Kitty. He's up to sumptin.
Husky kisses,
The violets are lovely!
Hope the transport goes well for your Mom.
take care
Clive and the NSLM
Loved the pretty flowers and trees. Did you see mums visitor on my blog. Safe trandport for mum.. Three more lucky pups today.. Loved your pics as always.. Hugs GJ xx
Our cat always tries to blame her antics on the dogs, and our pups are always happy to take the blame--For a small bite of her meal of course!! :-)
Our momma always loves to come by to see the flowers. We'll have some pretty soon, at least that is what we hope!
i looove this SRF thingie!! can i come play with you, miss khyra? pleeease??
i hope your mama has a good transport today!
the booker man
Thank you for the pictures of those beautiful flowers. Your yard sure is purrty
Benny & Lily
Those flowers sure are pretty.
Can't wait to hear about the transport this morning. Hope all 3 got to where they were going safely.
Mum and I love your photos - especially that pink tree, as all the leaves are falling off our trees and turning brown. What are we doing wrong where we live (which is at the bottom of the world)?
I also don't know what that cat was thinking!
Woofs, Riley
Oh happy as can be looking at your piktures...always so prety..except fur da kitteh kat...hehehe!
What another beautiful day you had for a walk.. Such lovely flowers.. That kitty is a nervy one...
We will pop over and say howdy to Stella and Jo...
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Woooos Khyra! woo are being so nice helping Mom fill the bird feeder, aka squirrel bait. Let us hope woo get some of those evil squirrels now. We will go check on Stella's new blog now!
~Husky kisses~
-Kira The BeaWootiful
Yoohooo Khyra! I've seen the wood violets on my walkies too.Cute. Redbush is too.
Those kittie Bro furs of yours ...they leave you any of their dogalicious little kittie snacks Khyra?
Wiry love Eric xx
There's no way else to say it...I just love those two cats! So independent and chubby and satisfied in their happy little world. :)
You are an excellent and patient landlord, Khyra!
Uh, blogger mess? That sounds ominous.
Hope your mom had an uneventful trip today.
Thank you for giving us the updated information on Jo and Stella!
We can't wait until tomorrow to hear all about today's transport!
We know that HE is innocent! That redbud is still looking beautiful!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Thanks for sharing those beautiful pictures! I especially like the one of you lying on the grass, enjoying the day!
Thanks for sharing!!!
And, kitties are NOT always innocent!
Your innocent furriend is very cute. Have you thought about giving him a lick?
Hi Khyra,
We love your walks and flower pictures. But we love pictures of you and Brofur the most!!
Hope mom was okay on her long drive.
Much Love,
Josie and Blues
Pretty purple flowers Khyra and you were a great help for your mom as she filled the bird feeder! You have snoopervising down pat!
I wondered what had happened to Stella!
Oh, what a beautiful tree! You guys look sooo content in laying in the sun!
Have a beautiful week!
Riley and Star.
love that shot at the end.
All the violets I have ever seen were darker color blue than the ones you showed. I learned something tonight. Violets come in different shades of blue. Neat!!!
XXOO, Fern
Ahhh.. CAT!! Did you say hi to him? He didn't seem to be very fiendly...
Those little violet flowers are pretty!!
There's something about those orange and white kittehs that I'm not comfortable with. Especially since one hissed at me yesterday. In my own yard! Do you believe it? Grrrr
your pal
Looks like Brofur is trying very hard to be koy...but is, like Jack says, looking kinda shifty!
Don't let the kitteh fool ya!
Heh heh... Tasty!
Wif love from the Luke
P.S. [But he sure is khute!]
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