BUT Mom did spot this khritter at my tree


Here is another khlip of me having some Springtime fun - of khourse, there's always more where THAT khame from and I'll share some more of my moves tomorrow!
Thanks furry much fur the khomments and support fur Stella - unfortunately, the way Blogger/Google/Gmail is khonfigured, you khan't direkhtly khontakht them fur things like this - but we'll keep working on 'em via the means we have to use!
Brofur doesn't look very happy with the modeling gig. Maybe time to inccrease his paay or provide more perks!
Love the rainbow shots! I hate to see the cherry blossoms snowing. I'll miss see ing the pics!
hollky wowswers Khyra, you can get a football in your mouth! that ball is as big as my sister Truffle!
you must tell me your ways!
Tail Wiggles & Puppy Kisses,
Coco The Princess
Your Skhwrirls are pretty fat seeing how winter just ended! I hope they have not been stealing biskhits or the like! The Rainbow is beautiful! PA has some lovely scenery I must say!
I've never heard it called roaching, but I guess that just about describes it!! Someone was asking me why their dog did the same thing and I said it must feel good!
Khyra, that first photo is awesome, you look so happy and we can't even see your beautiful face!!MOL...Good to see BroFur and the rainbow pictures are lovely...xo...Calle, Halle, Sukki
What a great roll Khyra - we watched the video and thought you had some impressive paw action in your roll too!
Yes Spring is a lovely season, was that blossom it was snowing?
Butterscotch looks very contented too and we loved the rainbow.
We are told there is a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow but we have never found the end!
Have a great weekend Khyra and mom
Martha & Bailey xxx
Does Brofur have a different favourite place each month to loung abowt?
We love the rainbow pics.
But most of all we love whoo, Khyra! Have a specially nice weekend.
Happy Weekend, Khyra!
Adele, Vincent & Bella
Grammy always grabs her camera when we see a rainbow around here, too! She really loves them, and she misses the cherry blossoms... they all "snowed" down several weeks ago around here. :(
Bet those squirrels have been stealing some of your kibble or something to be so fat and sassy!
We could tell you were really loving the way all that tossing and turning was making your back feel. Pretty soon, your floof is going to be coming out in big chunks! Ours is! The CCC
We were thinking about Stella's pics... does the fact that the blog has been closed also means the Picasa album the photos automatically get stored on is also disabled? Maybe they can still retrieve the photos from there?
Great shots of YOU, Khyra, ad we always love a good rainbow!
Can you send that squirrel to my house? I'd likes to play with it.
Mst beautiful rainbow...mum says those are quite hard to fotograph.
Oh ands is that yard? If it is I'm coming to lives with ya'll.
Phantom is the only roacher here, TD is more likely to do the Cheoah slide even if there isn't any snow.
Pretty pink collection of snow you have there, MFT.
Paws still crossed that things work out for Stella.
Woos - Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
Paws crossed for Stella.
You are loving the springtime, I can tell. Humph. Such a fuss about the snow melting, but you enjoy the fresh grass and growing things too.
Hey Miss Khyra most impressive football handling skills.. gotta say great floof at the end of your spurt:) mom laughs b/c your spurts are a little longer than mine.
woo heard the news: Mango's trying to get in grad skool with us. too bad woo don't live closer.. he'd have to get a whole lotta Fenway Franks 2 keep it togethah!
Hi Khyra - we've just been having a lovely catch-up with your blog! Wonderful stuff - oh, we're SO in love with your floufy pantyloons! That photo of you sniffing the tulips the other day is now our pin-up - so beautiful! And the rainbow shots were amazing! Schnauzer snuggles - JD and Max.
We like your pink snow!!! That evil squirrel better watch out - taking over your tree could be dangerous for him.
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
The rainbow pictures are great! Cute little khritter too!
Hi, Khyra...
Me & Mom sure do love watching your Football moves...
I think your ready for the Steelers...But I'm not sure they let girls on the team...
My Mom loved the rainbow...Rainbows always make her smile...
Abby xxxooo
It did NOT snow... don't even pretend :) I'd love to have your kind of snow. Gotta admit that I'm getting a little tired of our kind.
Love that first photo!!!!!! Plus the rainbows.
We are very sorry Stella's blog is GONE. We would be so upset if that happened to us.
Hi BroFur, you are looking good.
Khyra, you looked like you were having a great time in the yard. ~AFSS
PS: I got to chase a squirrel the other day. It ran up a tree before I could taste it though. ~Fenris
Smug Smug
Smash that Bug!!
The pictures of the rainbow look good to me. Keep your eye on the squirrel. This means no letting your guard down -like taking naps outside. They can me mischievous.
nice rainbow pictures!!
do get the squirrel! do justice for us fourlegged! they are too much!
A purrty rainbow for a purrty girl!
That skwerl has some major cahonas!
Ozzie and Zozo
Blossom snow. We love blossom snow. And Rainbows.
Misty the alpha Poodle
Pink snow? Now I have seen it all...oh..mom just told me those are leaves. DOH!
I LOVE Rainbows. We don't see them very often but smile everytime we do.
Somewhere over the rainbow,
We see a SQUIRREL!!!
Not exactly a pot of gold, huh?
Licks and sniffs,
Zack, Sassy and Buddy
Gosh, that was a Most Pretty rainbow! Does your kitteh brofur ever lets you play with him? Mine doens't.
Wiggles & Wags,
Oh my! I doubt that snow does the same things for you as the other stuff! It's very pretty, though!
That tree rat has a lot of nerve! Cheeky bugger!
You are so right any rainbow picture is worth showing and those are lovely.. I adore that one of you.. Mum wanted to tickle that belly.. Mum saw a kitty when she was at work that was just ike your butterscotch and bruver. Have they been missing at all. Mum took a pic and will show you.. I think that squirrel is saying You cant catch me.. LOL HUgs GJ xx
Time for squirrel smack down!
Hai Khyra! Its furry nice to meets you. I saws you comment over at Ginger Japsers bloggie.
Momma and I luvs da video of you wif your football, momma has always had a fing for huskies MOL
What is your brofurs name? Is he an indoor/outdoor kitty?
The first video was too short!!! Okay, the truth is, I loved the photo at the top so much that the video was just perfect :) Khyra you look gorgeous!
Hi, Khyra!
I can see you are having a nice saturday!
Some roaching... some football time...
some... squirrels?? Hmmm...
The rainbow pictures are beautiful!
I hope Stella can fix the blog problem!
Kisses and hugs
The pictures are beautiful as always!
Hmmmm...that is one pretty confident sqrrrrlll! You had best watch out for him(her)...s/he/it may have designs on those bones you hide!
Dear dear Khyra!!!!
How are you and your mommy???
We want to say thank you for your incredible friendship...Paco was soooooo happy reading your message....
You're sooooooooooooo special for us!!!
You're for us like a rainbow....magic!!!!
We missed you a lot.....hope our secretary will help us keeping in touch with you from now on!!!!!!!!!!
Pleaseeeeeeeeee.....don't forgive us ok????
HAve a wonderful weekend!!!
Tons of love and kisses
What a beautiful day for playing in the yard..
Mom the rainbow is just awesome.. Thanks for sharing...
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Oh My...What a brazen little tree rat!!
Happy Khaturday!
Where does the time go??!! I'm late getting to your blog again--but not late in wishing you a great weekend!! I'm sure you're off on some great adventure and I can't wait to hear about it!! :-)
What a gorgeous rainbow. We haven't seen one of those in a long time!
Happy weekend,
Riley and Star.
Your rainbow pictures are just gorgeous, Khyra!
We had pink snow at our house too!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
Like that rainbow Khyra! And you videos! Monty has a football too ... but mom hides it from him ... the meanie!
We thinks that BroFur looks kind of sad!
Monty says "Hi Khyra"!
Rainbows are special! Thank you for sharing yours :)
You are always incredibly cute Khyra! We enjoyed your videos!
We haven't seen Butterscotch in awhile. She must go out and about on Khaturdays now.
That squirrel is just asking to be chased!
Pretty rainbows!
Hi Khyra,
Very good pictures as usual. Dogs just love to rub their own back!!
Sorry to see the cherry blossoms going. I do so love cherry trees blooming!!!
Thanks for sharing!!!
Hugs & kisses for Khyra, Bambi & Fern
Great pictures. You better put up a No Trespassing sign at your tree.
Benny & Lily
Goodness!!! Khyra, you are excellent with a football!!! You really know how to play!! I love the videos and the pictures of the rainbows. The squirrels...oh no...they are already out and running? Next thing they will be tearing up my couch and blaming it on me again! Happy Weekend!! Lots of love, Debbie and Holly
A rainbow is always nice to see!
I'm back!
It snows flowers where you live? I want to move there!
You look so pretty next to the snow.:) Those squirrels...why do they have to be so fast???
Teddy Bear
Hi Khyra,
You post beautiful pictures. These two are worthless in the photography department:(
You are looking pretty as usual - but the chipmunk is cute too:)
Licks n wags,
Brofur is quite handsome... fur a kitteh, that is!
Can you believe the nerve of that squirrel? Is he nuts???
wif love from the Luke
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