
I'm going to turn it ovFUR to her now - she has LOTS of pikhs and videos to share bekhause she got to Hagerstown fur her passengers whilst the three heading North to Harrisburg fur The Last Resort Rescue were waiting fur their next ride!
Here woo go Mom
Kota the GSD
Casey The Bassador or is that The Labset?
Owen THE VERY VERY VERY Lucky Mastiff/SharPei/Mix
Seriously, before I add the links for the Photobucket links for these three, please check out Owen's story at The Last Resort Rescue Available Pets Page - just put his name in the search field.
Here is the PB Link for the album with THREE videos and pictures; and here is the link for just the slideshow of pictures
I'm glad I got to meet these three - I had committed to Amy's transport so I couldn't do this one too - I attempt to alternate when I can
******The transport I did do from Hagerstown to Harrisburg was in memory of TaiChi - some of you may have met her but if not, please go leave some words of comfort for her family
Avalon and Hans - Khyra asked this pic be first for some reason!
Journey as we waited at the traffic light to leave the shopping center
Our GOOD luck charm!
Yes it did!
An AHHHHHHHH moment between Avalon and Journey
Journey and Hans
Journey just short of our destination - we were within about five or so miles now
Avalon as we got off I81 so we could head to the meeting spot - these three were another group that KNEW the change from highway speed meant time to switch rides!
Avalon so you could see her BROWN eye since you'd already seen her blue one!
I did discover the challenge associated with photographing an all black dog - poor Hans! He truly was a cutie and I'm sorry his pics aren't better but I think you'll enjoy his videos!
Here is the link to the Photobucket Album with SEVEN videos and assorted pics from the day; here is the link to the PB slideshow of pics only
Just as I was to 'here' in putting this post together, I got this note from the rescue that Journey went to:
I would like to thank all of you for the help with getting the babies safe...I am just getting home & she is awesome... she's a dream.
Thank you again
I will agree: she was quite the doll - almost everyone along the route wanted to keep her!
THEN AROUND 10:30pm, I got this email from Amy (the Northern contact for this group)
It seems that Hans may have found his forever home along the way with one of the driver's sisters who has applied to adopt him!
Avalon's family was thrilled to meet her and couldn't get over how beautiful she is.
Journey's rescuer welcomed her with open arms (and lots of kids to play with!). She already has several applications, but she will be with rescue in NYC for a few months before she is placed.
Once again, six lives are safe due to the cooperation and care of folks from GA/TN/SC/NC/VA/MD/PA to NJ!
I knew it was going to be a good day when near Shippensburg on I81 I saw a license plate that said RESQ4U - it was on a pickup truck with some emergency services decals/etc BUT it works for pups too!
Thanks for the support and kind words!
Hugz&Khysses from Khyra's Khorner
What a SWEET little crew!
Pitties are always a favorite - I'm sure you'll get all sorts of great comments from the Pittie crowd about Journey -
And Hans reminds me a little bit of Marge!
Thanks again for helping these little souls!
Have a great Monday!
What a fun groups of pups! Is it just me or was Journey giving you a little thank you wink? :)
Aaahhhhh, more lucky pups on their way to a new life! Love Journey's eyes!
You are very lucky to have such a loving and giving mom Khyra!
Holly and Khady
I am so happy that Owen's story had a happy ending (or a mid-ding at least).
I just love them all. . .I need a bigger house and some fenced acres!
Jo (and Stella)
What gorgeous dogs!
Merdie, do you like baths?
Looking into your passengers' eyes I wonder what they would tell us if they could. Hans struck me as a soulful friend. I could not read Owen's story, I am not up to a sad tale. I am so thrilled these sweet survivors get a second chance at a good life. I always give my Pack an extra hug for you and your special passengers on transport days. Bless you and all the angel rescuers. xoxo
I am back to say WOW I cannot believe you got MERDI as a word verification over on my bloggie! AMAZING!!! xoxo
They are all so adorable with sweet faces; your Mom is doing such a wonderful thing for so many babies...Khyra, looking great as always...and Merdie, hope you enjoyed your bath!...Happy Monday...xo...Calle, Halle, Sukki
Oh Merdie looks soooo sweet in her bath look!
What little characters in the tranport today!
Wet Look Merdie!
Hope Monday is faring well for you Khyra!
Koda MD
Another pawesome transport. What a group of lovely pups! Does Merdie like bath time?:)
Teddy Bear
What a great group of doggies! We wish them best of luck in their furever homes!
Every Monday, we are so moved by the stories of the wonderful woofies who are saved from an awful fate. This time, we were particularly touched by Owen's story. What a wonderful woofie he is. May he and all the others know nothing but love the rest of their lives!
You know we love tuning in Mondays to see the pics and videos, but then we were shocked that a pup we knew needed rescuing. Merdie - we are so, so sorry about the abuse that was piled on you with a - shudder - bath. We hope you recover.
P.S. - We got brushed - a lot - this weekend. it was horrible.
Did woo get a bath too Miss Khyra? I would like to see that.
Woooos! Another wonderful transport by MFT's Mom. Woo are one very special lady and something magical will bless woo!
Poor Merdie, she looks as happy as Scampi after her bath! (strange doggies)
I read mango's comment. I am sure Mango would love to see woo getting a bath in pictures... he, he,he, silly boy has quite a crush on woo doesn't he?
Have a happy Day!
~husky kisses~
-Kira The BeaWootiful
That was khwite the khrew of khuties! Just beawootiful! Journey is such a pretty girl! We know she'll get a great family! And Avalon, it was nice to read that her furever folks already love her to pieces! Paws crossed fur the others, too, may their paws find safe landings.
jack a-roo & moo too
PS - our sympathies to Merdie
OMD, you are the best! This post gave me goose bumps. These puppies are lucky and you are Awesome!!!
Hi Khyra! I got to blog today! I was naughty! ~ Shen x
It's amazing that you help so many dogs. You're both angels!
They were all so cute! We're glad to hear that people are waiting to love them!
We love the redbuds, too!
Total beauties, all of them! Another job well done. What could be better than 3 more wonderful canines on their way to their happily ever after!
Another successful transport. I am soooo happy for those that are now safe and will soon know the love they deserve. Your mom is wonderful. PeeS.. I posted pic of MY lilacs for you!!
Oh my...a bit of floof for my Monday eye treat.
And poor Merdie...ya know, in some ways, me and Teka prefer outside baffs to inside ones, but the temptation to roll in the grass keeps muzzer in an inside mode. Ahhhh...you can tell that Merdie is enjoying the dry off period.
All those lives are safer partly thanks to YOU. Thank you...
Hans was the one who caught my eye... Looks kinda familiar, like R looked 2 years ago. I'm so glad that he may be headed to his furever home very soon!
Ah, Khyra. That virtual pup on Farmville can't EVEN compare to your gorgeous self. The ultimatum I gave mom may have had something to do with the resumption of blogging activities. ::shrug:: Who knows?
That bunch o' pups is muy fine-lookin' and it always makes me glad to see fine furries cared for so nicely. To Forever Homes For All!
What handsome passengers you had Khrya Mom!
Merdie looked awfully sad after her bath!
Six lucky pups - and that story about Owen was so touching. We also loved Hans, Journey, and Avalon. That pic of Journey peeking around the corner of the car's seat was really sweet.
Good to see Miss Merdie - we are sorry she had to have a bath - we don't like baths.
Happy Monday.
Woos - Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
Journey sure is a cutie -- I was ready to take her myself!
Monday is our favourite day to visit your blog. We get to see all the pups you've helped & hear some happy, happy stories.
Happy Monday
Love Ruby & Penny
Great pics! Thanks for sharing your adventures!
What a nice lookin' bunch! Especially Journey! Whew!
One--poor Merdie! A bath?!?! At least she had some nice sun to recoup in!
And wowzer, Kota was a hunk! Looks like a great transport and even better when forever homes are found along the way!!! Great work!
What a great group you transported - love the picture of Avalon with Journey! But they are all super photos! Went and checked out Owen's story - heartbreakingly wonderful. And also love your pix (of You!) and Merdie taking her bath! And have to say - also the photo of the redbuds on that hillside. Unforgettably pretty! Thanks!
Hugs xo
Oh MY!! What wonderful transports!!
We were so sorry to hear about TaiChi too...but know that now she is running painless and free!!
happy happy monday to all of you!
what a great weekend and photos!
thank you for sharing them!
Good morning Khyra!
Happy week to you!
I think Casey's breed is called a "BLAB"! hah! BOL!
Such beautiful pictures today...Merdie sunning herself and then bathing! Oh my word...has her household emBarked on Spring Cleaning?
It looks like your Momma had her hands full with that transporting! She really is a star!
Lotsalicks and lotsaluv
Love the pictures of you and Miss Merdie! And we must say...your mom has the best looking travel companions effur!
Your rescue stories are an inspiration. Thanks for what you do for dogs!
Another great transport! We think Avalon was trying to pawticipate in our "Tail-wagging" Day!
Poor poor Merdie, got a bath. Shhh, please don't say that out loud. We don't want mom to hear the "bath" word.
Sam & June
Owen's story started out so much sad but now it's so much happy! I can'ts believe he is the same dog. He's Most Handsome! I mighta missed it but was he going to his furever home?
And that little Journey was one of the Most Adorablest things I have ever ever seen!
Wiggles & Wags,
Those pups are all super cute. I'm trying to keep Mom from looking at that pic of Merdie after her bath. I've been hearing the b word a lot lately. :( I don't want to remind her. hehe
Your pal,
Wow it sounds like that was a very good, very successful day! And they are all such cuties - I am glad they will be finding good forever homes!
And Khyra you are beautiful as always - and poor Merdie getting her deck time disrupted with a bath! At least she got to be out there to dry!
Your rescue posts always make our momma bawl like a baby - from happiness. All of us are rescues so we know how imPAWtant it is to find a FURever home and momma knows how imPAWtant it is to provide one, too.
What a sad then happy story about Owen. So hard to think that there are so many like that who go un-noticed. I have decided that if they will not close down puppy stores who sell puppy mill puppies then anyone who wants to buy one should have to get a license which would only be sold at the end of a long and winding path through these shelters. A license for unaltered doggies would also be only available there. I think some people can turn their back on them, some think it is too sad to face but sooo many people are completely ignorant and I think their minds could be changed if they only knew. I did not even go in the back when I went to pickup Bella at Animal Services and it was officially the saddest place on earth!
That Bassador is something else and poooor Merdie! She looks quite pathetic all drenched like that. Hope she got a biscuit of something!
Oh noes, someone needs a bath real bad! Our mom loves the redbuds too this time of year!
Great set of woofies...we hope they all get great forever homes.
What a beautiful group!!! Khyra, your mom is the BEST!!!
Cloud and his mom
PS. The Merdie baff pics were priceless!!!!!
What can we say? So glad they all arrived safely and either have or will have a forever home.
Okay, I didn't think Merdie could get any cuter, but oh my wet Merdie is so stinkin cute!
Thank you for all you do to help out these pups. Avalon is so unique looking. My dad wanted a dog with 1 blue and 1 brown, but he will have to stick with 1 and 1/2 blue and 1/2 brown, haha.
What great company you had this week. Journey looks a bit like Marley..
Poor Merdie got a bath.. :0(
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
You have such busy days, Khyra!
Poor Merdie, getting a bath? She should take a swim instead!
Love the sunbathing thing. Me too does that.
Your posts are always so interesting, Khyra. You have a wonderful life getting to help rescue all these sweet pups, and knowing what a difference you and your Mom make in so MANY lives!
It is always fun to get to meet so many others and hear their stories, too! It makes US more thankful that we've had good lives from the very beginnings! The Country Corgi Crew
P.S. Grammy and GrandPaw Robert have LOADS of trouble too, when they try to take pics of Auntie Sadie, or as they call her, Miss Absence of light!
Oh what simply lovely woofies.. That aww moment is gorgeous.. That number plate was an omen for sure.. 6 more happy woofies safe.. HUgs GJ x
What beautiful dogs your mom got to transport this week, Khyra!
Mom says 'thank you' for the redbud pictures!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
Poor Merdi getting a bath - then being shown wet and nekked on your blog! Crickey. Though I'm almost sure she'll forgive you!
Wirey love Eric xxx
Oh my goodness....Khyra....you are so beautiful and all the other woofies are too! Mommy was very partial to Journey! Do you ever need help around the Maryland/D.C. area??? Mommy would love to help sometime!!!
Love, uSSSSS
Khyra, you look so pretty lounging outside whilst your mom was watching you!
Merdie!!! Bath time huh? At least you got to dry out on the deck in the sunshine!
The transport pups are all so cute and so diverse! Love comes in all sizes, shapes and colors!
How could it be anything but a GREAT day when six lives are saved--each one so precious and beautiful! Khyra, you and your mom ROCK!
Oh poor Merdie...a lot cute kids in the car over there..
benny & Lily
That was great! Love hearing that applications are in for forever homes for these fantastic pals. And, so nice that you can experience them, and share messages you receive.
And, Khyra, always good to see you and Merdie too! I am due for one of those bath things soon.....
Hugs and snaggle-tooth kisses,
Sierra Rose
Oooohhhh Journey looks the cutest.
Sheeba also had a bath yesterday.
I have a nice video of a dog playing soccer with a deer, I know you will like it.
Great transport pics! But poor, poor, poor Merdie...not a BATH! AUGH!
So, Khyra, do you like sitting outside in the sun when it's warm out just as much as you like it when it's snowy?
All of them are adorable!
Hans looked a little bit worried, right?
Merdie had a bath??? Wow! Lucky, Merdie!
Please give your mom kisses and hugs from us, ok?
Take care
Kisses and hugs
Journey is to die for - hmm we love pitties.
Awesome ride, looks like a cool crew! Love the curly Merdie air-dry look! Is Khyra next?
I are so proud of ur Mom and all the nice peoples who do the reskyoos! :) I is happy for all the animoos. Wuv. :)
oh my good ness
journey! journey! journey!
most bewootiful eyes she has
and oh we are full of squeees ofur here
again we thank you , thank you so much for all you do. a sweet wittle pibble ish safe thanks to your big heart
pibble sugars
the pittie pack
oH Merdie
You look like you got a permanent.
You look so cute laying in the sun.
And miss fluffy tail- look how pretty you are just standing there gazing,
Were happy the transport was a sucess and pups are going to homes to get some lovin
Quite the good lookin and fun lovin trolley full! And I know they were grateful for the lift!
All ways do my heart good to see happy pups off to their new Forevers...
Add the Khyra on her watch and the Merdie wif her baff... and well, you've sent me to Cloud Nine!
wif love from the Luke
sign I love that pittie :)
Pawesome group of pups! :)
Poor Merdie got a bath! Boo!
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