Monday, April 5, 2010

Monday With Three M's

Mom took me to the park on Saturday
She really wanted to try and make this view into one of the panormikh shots but it was too challenging given the sun/shade

A field of PURPLE filling in with grape hyancinths!
A happy me!
A furry happy me!
Some of the big steerdogs that live akhross from the park - my walk I do each time is akhtually just on the other side of the big dirt mound woo see in the center of the pikh!
Your Merdie moment - we snagged this from Merdie's Mom's FB page!
Here are a few other pikhs we snagged that I'll share prior to letting Mom take ovFUR
Sam was on part of the transport run on Saturday - he got off Saturday evening so Mom didn't get to meet him - he is a Brittany and went to a foster in VA!
Here is a pikh the furry nice overnight host sent Sunday afternoon - Buddy and Nutmeg overnight in WV prior to heading to Hagerstown then North to Mom
Buddy showing he khan sit - if woo say SIT!
Now to let Mom share her part of this post!
Thanks Khyra! First off, I'll apologise for all the pics here but I couldn't decide which to include on the post and which ones to stash in the Photobucket album - Buddy and Nutmeg were pawesome!
Those eyes!
He was just so energetic and sweet!
With our good luck charm!
Napping a bit - a very short bit!
Watching his new life and new world!
Khyra says he does 'khoy' very well!
Another short nap
I lost track of how many times I told him he was handsome
This was the light at Rt 61 and I78 - he kept watching the guy next to us whilst we waited for the light to change
Now for Miss Nutmeg - since she was happy in her crated, I didn't get any pics enroute of her but here she is once we got to the park where we waited for their next driver
What a sweet and kissy girl!
That face!
I loved her white sock on her left front leg!
Sweet! Actually one of the few facial shots I could get - these two were definitely confirmations of why I do so many videos or shots from a slight distance!
Buddy showing off his awesome combo of floof and jodhpurs! The OP KS Pack joked he was a KHYRDIE when I first sent his pic earlier in the week! His tail was soooo plumie like Merdie's and yet so floofy like Khyra's!

I'm so happy for both of the sweethearts! Buddy went with his new dad Sunday afternoon; Nutmeg will meet her people later today!

I actually found myself leaking happy tears as I went through the pictures of Buddy when I got home. I'm envious of his new dad because I just know Buddy is going to be one awesome dog - because he already is!

He was an owner surrender from the Wilson NC area - because 'owner said his tail hit things in the house and his wife did not like that'

He's only a bit more than a year old - like DUH - thank dog he's safe now and will know only love!

Nutmeg was rescued from the nasty GASTON NC - enough said on that!

Once again, thanks to THE LAST RESORT RESCUE for helping get Nutmeg and Buddy to furever homes deserving of their canine love! You can see more about them on their available pet page along with others in search of furever love!

Here is their Photobucket Album picture slideshow; and here is their Photobucket Album WITH six videos.

I'm sorry there are so many pictures but I couldn't stop myself!

You will see this transport was for TWINKIE AND GABE!!!

Khyra and I thought it was a fitting tribute to Twinkie and her mom for coming up with this great event!

I did jump off I83 and swing by The PF nesting site - I took some pics there - unfortunately I didn't spot Mom or Dad in the ten or so minutes I was there. I will let Khyra share them tomorrow since today's post is already WAY long!

Hugz&Khysses From Khyra's Khorner


houndstooth said...

Oh, congrats to Buddy and Nutmeg on their new homes! That Buddy sure is something.


Life With Dogs said...

Those blue eyes just get me. Beautiful dog...

The Musketeers said...

Yeah ! Nutmeg and Buddy got a new home ;)
Love Buddy's eyes. Very unique ;)

Stella said...

I love Buddy with the blue eyes, he is beautiful. Too bad (or good) he couldn't control his tail.More and more I am amazed at the reasons people dump dogs!

Nutmeg is gorgeous too, such a healthy looking little girlie. They will be great additions to their new families!

Once again, Good on you Phyll!


Jack & Moo said...

Great post, MFT! love the pics of woo looking so furry happy! And Buddy--- those eyes!!!! Ha-roo roo roo, we like the OP pack's joke -- "Khyrdie", that's perfect! May his wave his floofy tail in safety in his new home!

a-roos to yous,
jack a-roo & moo too

Moose said...

Khyrdie? BOL that is very Khlever and khwite fitting! (How is that for Khyra -speak)
Moose & Momma

BeadedTail said...

Khyra, you look so happy after your trip to the park! You are such a pretty girl!

MERDIE!! Always love to see you!

Buddy is very handsome and Nutmeg is a cutie pie! We're so glad they both have new furever homes!

Tweedles -- that's me said...

Dearest Khyra and mom
Thank you for sharing every single photo. There is no way to decide which photo to post and which ones not to. We loved them all and the scenry from the drive.
The hyacynths were stunning.
Sometimes I think about humans and dogs, and life. And how it is that fate decides who will be human and who will be dog. And all kinds of humans could have been born those very doggies that are being rescued. And the humans that are born as a dog, could end up being those that are not wanted anymore- and sometimes - just because their tail wagged too much,
Well... I was just thinking how thankful I am for Khyras moms and the others who help doggies with wagging tails.

tula monstah said...

Khyra- the easter bunnie wasn't hiding out in that purpley field? yeah, i have a not so nice message for him about not leaving candy. huh. Wowwie, Buddy is furry handsome, those ice blue eyes AND a floofer? very happy for him & nutmeg:)

oh, thanks for having my back- read woo's comment on his bloggie. he's not the only one who can run a trail & catch a froggie!

hoppy easter,

Khady Lynn said...

Such cuties!! Love Buddy's blue eyes and fluffy tail! What a sweetie!

I think little Nutmeg needs some extra treats to put some weight on!

Another great rescue transport!!

Phbbb and KhL

Jacqueline said...

Love your happy photos in the car, Khyra, you're a real beauty!...Buddy and Nutmeg are both gorgeous, lovely babies, real sweethearts!...I'm afraid if I were Buddy's original owner, the wife would have to go first, cetainly not the dog...but good for Buddy, those people didn't deserve him...You do such a wonderful thing, helping these awesome puppies get to their loving homes...Good luck to Buddy and Nutmeg!...xo...Calle,Halle,Sukki

Sally said...

What amazing eyes! Glad to see Buddy and Nutmeg are off to start Happy new lives - Easter is about new beginnings - so it is appropriate - I hope they know only happiness and love!

Have a wonderful easter

Sally and Paddy

Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

Yay to Buddy and Nutmeg on having a forever home.

Khyra looks fabulous as usual. Hi, Merdie! Always good to see you.

Happy Easter and every day of the year.

dArtagnan Rumblepurr/Diego Hamlet Moonfur said...

So many cute puppies!!

Kate said...

Ahh more pups!!!!


I was going to say Merdie Monday Mayhem but thats not really true....

Koda MD

Teddy Bear said...

Look at those stunning eyes. We are so happy that this weeks transport went well and are so glad that Buddy and Nutmeg both have furever homes.

Teddy Bear

Snowie Baby said...

what! the excuse is cause of the tail knocking things down? ridiculous!

buddy is really sweet and handsome and im so glad he found someone who appreciates him more!

D.K. Wall said...

Love your park and your walk. Going to the park is awesome. And congrats Buddy and Nutmeg. So glad they got such great Easter presents.

Mochi and Bali said...

Yay! I'm so glad they have furever homes! Buddy's eyes are just gorgeous! :)

Love the pics of you! :) Such a happy pup!


Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

We are so pleased that all the dogs were rescued, it warmed our hearts. Mom said that Nutmeg reminded her of her childhood dog ~ and she felt very nostalgic and relieved that Nutmeg has been saved. Smoochies.

Anonymous said...

They gaves him up cuz of that Most Magnificent tail? Well, good! They didn't deserve such a wonderful, sweet boy. I'm glad he finally found his Most Perfect Home That Ever Was and be appreciated and luved!

Oh, and I sure did think that field of purpleyness was oh-so-pretty!

Wiggles & Wags,

1000 Goldens said...

A happy you, and a fluffy you is a very nice thing Khyra! Your rescues looked like wonderful dogs. Buddy's floof and eyes were amazing and Nutmeg looked like a sweetie.

Abby said...

Hi, Khyra...

Wow what beautiful eyes Buddy has...Khyrdie - how funny, but it sure fits him...

Nutmet is adorable...

I'm sooo glad they both have their Furever Homes now...

Abby xxxooo

Dexter said...

Great way to celebrate a wonderful weekend; special Khyra field trip and transporting doggies.


The Florida Furkids said...

ConCatulations to Nutmeg and Buddy! They're both cutie pies and we can understand why you took so many pics!

Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

Beautiful eyes and beautiful dogs.. I can not believe that soeone actualy said the tail was a problem.. Grrr makes my blood boil. When I look at the sofa and chairs and see all the scratch marks and then look into GJ's eyes and hear the purrs. I think so what.. So glad the lovely dog is getting a loving home..

Take care.. LOve GJ xx

~Kim at Golden Pines~ said...

I enjoyed all the pictures--What a busy day & weekend!! I'm glad that Buddy & Nutmeg have found their to forever homes!! Those blue eyes certainly have a way of capturing you don't they?!

Brutus, Ellie, Pippa and Otto said...

Mom loves that picture of the field of hyacinths (they are her favorite spring flower).

Buddy is one handsome dude - those eyes are just beautiful. Nutmeg is adorable. So glad they are going to good homes!

Pugs & Kisses,

Yoda & Brutus

Michelle said...

Love the site, this is my first visit! Buddy has amazing eyes, they are so piercing! It's great that those guys found great homes.

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

We laughed and laughed at the idea of "Khyrdie"!

Looks like it was a great transport!


♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Buddy made a pawfect Khyrdie - that's for sure. Bet that tail is a tough one to brush. His eyes were really nice. And Nutmeg seems like a little sweetheart too.

Of course, the best part of this post was seeing your happy face there in the vehicle on your way to some fun time at the park.

Happy Monday.

Woos - Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

Gus said...

Y'all had Khwite the Weekend! Muzzer says she envies your energy. I just wish I could see that big purple field close you have Miss Katie Lamb hidden in there? That is her most very favorite color ya know?


Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Gee, you had an overnight Pantyloon Party????

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you had a successful Easter Eggspress and those doggies are going to new homes.

Golden Samantha said...

Wow - You did a ginormously generous load there yesterday and what cuties/sweeties! So excited to hear that they are going to their new furever homes. Buddy's just gorgeous, eyes, floofed tail and all and Nutmeg's penetrating, soft "look" tears at your heartstrings. Thanks so much for sharing. Oh! And that purple flowering field and pix of happy Khyra are majestic! I'm sure she loved her outing!

Huge hugs xoxoxo

the magic sleigh said...

Woooos Khyra and her Mom! I see that woo shared woo truck, (after going fur a nice ride wooself) for another awesome transport! Mum laughed when she read about the tail... she remembers another doggy in her past that used to clear tables with a single swoop, one of the things she loved about her. Now I hope he will find his new home will love it too!
Happy Monday!
~husky kisses~
-Kira The BeaWootiful

Jake of Florida said...

That phrase - "becsuse his tail hit things in the house" just got me. Well, at least he was turned over and not abandoned or abused.

What sweet dogs they both are -- and those eyes!!!

xx Joan (by permission of the Barkalots)

Cyndi and Stumpy said...

"his tail hit things in the house and his wife did not like that"

that's me hitting the floor. WOW!

We love your pictures and would demand more if uploading wasn't such a total PITA! What a handsome boy Buddy is and Nutmeg is as cute as a button! Happy forever, you two!

YD, sometimes with ♥June and ♥Angel Samantha said...

Say Khyra, is Buddy the Golden/Husky mix you told us about? He sure looks a little like June, that golden look body but fluffy husky tail! That picture of him and his fluffy tail, mom thought she saw June!
Glad that Buddy and Nutmeg are going to good homes now.

Sam & June

Mack said...

Those blue eyes are MESSmerizing!
I know those lucky doggies had the best Easter ever thanks to your wonderful momma!

YD, sometimes with ♥June and ♥Angel Samantha said...

Just for that "tail" reason(Buddy being dumped because of his nice fluffy), we should have a "Tail-wagging Day" just fur him!

Sam & June

Brandon - The dog with a blog said...

Congrats Buddy & Nutmeg!
They are such cute doggies :)

Arran, Arthur and Mum said...

Beautiful passengers again! How could you resist getting Buddy as a brofur?
He has a tail just like mine!
~lickies, Ludo

The Oceanside Animals said...

I knew one of those Ms would be Merdie!

SeaThreePeeO said...

Buddy has such stunning eyes!

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

Never too many pictures!! Looks like a great transport!!

Dory and the Mama

JD and Max said...

Hi Khyra,

Congrats to Buddy and Nutmeg, both such cuties! Your mom does amazing work, we're constantly in awe of her - please give her a special schnauzer snuggle from us as we're grateful every day for folks like your mom.

Lovely photo of the purple field - and we're glad you sneaked in a photo of cousin Merdie too otherwise we'd get withdrawal symptoms, he he!

Schnauzer snuggles - JD and Max.

Anna the GSD said...

Wow! What beautiful eyes!! And Nutmeg is so dang cute!

And Khyra, of course you're furry happy, you're with your loving and sweet mom! What could be better?!?!

The Taylor CatSSSSS said...

God Bless you! What a wonderful person you are to do all of this for these beautiful dogs!

Hi Khyra, Khome over and visit!

We enjoyed all the pictures of the very special woofies!

Love, uSSSSS

Mollie Jo and Bobo said...

Wow both are super cuties! Thanks for sharing all the pics. I know how hard it is to pick just a few. We love Buddy's tail....OH MY it was dreamy!

Wags and Licks,
Mollie Jo & Bobo

JB's Big and Small Worlds said...

That field with the purple flowers is amazing.
We really like the white sock woofie, of course all the woofies are wonderful, and your mom is wonderful!

Jan said...

Buddy's eyes are almost as pretty as mine. Almost.

My tail hits stuff in the house too. Glad Buddy found nice humans.

Misty the alpha Poodle

Bijou said...

We are very happy Buddy and Nutmeg found furever homes. Thank you Khyra for letting your mom help them find their way there.


Sheila and Bob said...

Wonderful photos, the reason for giving up Buddy is one of the lamest we have heard in a while.
Dogs have tails, they do wag, that is not a new revelation.
Thanks for everything you do to give these loves a second chance at life.

Sheila & Bob

Hamish & Rescue Sophie's Mom & Dad

Donna said...

I am so glad all the kritters has noo homes! Yay! :) Hugs.

Piti said...

wonderful photos
Paste fericit-Happy Easter

Snowy and Crystal said...

pawsome blue eyes Buddy has ^_^

and you are one bootiful husky, Khyra

wet licks


Two French Bulldogs said...

the park looks just as nice without anything pawnaramic
Benny & Lily

Sagira said...

Wow and people tell me I have blue eyes...those are some blue eyes. Very cute.

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

WOO HOO!!!! Every one looks wonderful!!!!!

Duke said...

Nutmeg has a tail just like Mitchy!
The grape hyacinth field is just gorgeous! Imagine running through all of those beautiful flowers!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Rambo said...

Nutmeg and Buddy are very lucky dawgs! G-Mom wants to know if the purple flowers smell good. She loves flowers.
Happy Monday K!

Nubbin' Tails said...

Yeah for both Buddy and Nutmeg! She has a nubbin' like me. Surrendered for having a tail, that makes my mom very very mad! I'm so glad that he is now in his furever best there ever was home!


Mr. Nubbin'

Pat Wahler said...

What a wonderful post, just full of grrrreat news!

Remington said...

Beautiful blue eyes....
Glad you had fun at the park!

Kari in Alaska said...

those are some super light eyes! Love the purple in the field

Raising Addie said...

Soooo happy that those pups have forever homes to go to!

LOVE the field of flowers! Our Blue Bonnets are just blooming and they are beautiful too!

Lots of Luv & Kisses
Addie, Lucie and Hailey

White Dog Blog said...

What beauties! Glad they are on the way to forever homes! You look SO happy these days, makes us smile just seeing your picture!

animal lover, quilt lover said...

I so enjoyed your post today!!!!!!
Buddy is very handsome!!! I can't see anyone giving him up. It will be much better for him now that he has someone to love him!!! Just to look at him, you wanted him!!!
Thanks for your visit, I love them so much!!
XXOOXX, Bambi & Fern

Yas said...

Hi Khyra!
It makes me happy seeing you looking soo happy! Great fur-riends you've got there, all so handsome and pretty! Enjoy your day!


Lorenza said...

Hi, Khyra!
Buddy has impressive eyes!
And Nutmeg sure is adorable too!
I hope you had a great monday!
Kisses and hugs

KB said...

What sweet dogs you transported. Buddy's eyes are mesmerizing... Wow!

Cory said...

Buddy is a very beautiful woofie...those amazing eyes!

Unknown said...

Yay for the new passengers. You're right about Buddy's eyes, piercing!

Ruby's Raiser said...

If someone can admit to the tail comment, imagine what they're not admitting to.

Very lucky dogs and very awesome driver! :)

Joe Stains said...

omdog look at those eyes! I think I need some contacts to have eyes that pretty. do you think Sophie would like that?