The homestretch of my furst walk on Thursday

The lilakhs are starting to emerge

This was my furst a-hem...

My sekhond...

I dropped the head a WEE bit - sorry it is a bit blurry but I was beginning to wear her down by then!

And since it was WARM

I was somewhat khooperative when Mom wanted me to sit under one of the cherry trees

The weather soooo stressed the blooms - and Mom was so sad during our walks as she sees the change from early walk to late walk - the magnolias in pawtikhular were so spent she khouldn't bring herself to snap any of them
She did put together a
Photobukhket slideshow of assorted blooms and such from the past week - a few you might have seen 'here' in the past week - some are new

Here is a Merdie Moment snagged from her mom's FB of their FebWOOary Fun Fest in their neighbourhood

Fur my pal in Master Chew Sits - his furst view of Frog Island

Here is my furst toad of the year - he/she was hanging 'round the other week - I went out to play with him/her later but Mom was mean and made me leave him/her alone

Woo might not be able to see him furry khlearly (make sure woo bigify him -he looks soooo khute in his window) but this is my neighbourhood Gussie Dog! He has a khomfy nappy spot in this window AND he uses it fur sentry duty! He loves to greet us from his bakhkyard - then run into the house to see us from here - then bakhk out so he khan look at us from his side yard!

Here is shot from Sunday evening - and here is the
Photobukhket slideshow of this week's skEYE show Some of the pikhs are cherry tree related as well since with the warmer temps we had this week, our sekhond walk of the day was after dinner which allowed us some sundown shots
Woos, your flowers all look great! Mom has been so busy she's hardly noticed anything blooming! We're gonna have to drag her out more often. And we love lve lovee your pretty paw poses! Nice Frog Island, we like islands of al kinds.
a-roos to yous,
jack a-roo & moo too
Khyra, we LOVE the picture of you under the cherry tree. Your happy face is adorable and made me smile.
Layla found a frog once. She had heard that frog legs are a delicacy and sampled it :/ (She only broke the leg, didn't rip it off).
I thought she sneezed because her nose touched the dirt so fast, but she came up with a baby frog.
I moved him and he did hop away, so hopefully he was okay.
He wasn't anywhere near as big as your picture though!
I love all your flower pictures! You look even lovelier with such a stunning backdrop! We're still waiting for our lilacs here.
I like surprising the frogs with a cold nose poke from behind and watching them leap up!
We gotta get our momma a rag to dry the drool off her lappie-top. She see'd those flowers and couldn't help herself - she went coo-coo!
That loohks likhe our sentry window to keep the neighborhood sekhure.
Misty the alpha Poodle
The cherry trees are beautiful!!! How warm are the temps? Should I send you some snow to play in?
Hugs and snaggle-tooth kisses,
Sierra Rose
No flowers for us , it goes down to 30 and 40 at night and only 60s during the day, so its not exactly banana belt weather yet.
Pretty soon we can do some plantings!
Peeesss! Merdie looks really cute with her beans who also look very cute!
Stella again
We LOVE lilacs but they arent here yet!! You sure look good on your walk there Khyra and the flowers are very pretty
Look at that big smile under the tree - but it is a misleading smile, since I'm sure you would much rather be frolicking in snow!
I wonder how Marge would react if she saw a toad. Something tells me she wouldn't start to get all prey drivey.. I think she'd actually be worried because she wouldn't know what it is!
Hi Khyra,
I cannot get enough of the dainty way you cross your paws!! :)
Hope the lovely weather continues into the weekend so that you can go for more walks!
You look beautiful, Khyra.:) Merdie in the snow...I love it. I wish the white stuff was still here.:)
Teddy Bear
Khyra, you are the best model, such a beauty and the cherry trees are lovely...Hope you have a happy Friday!...xo...Calle, Halle, Sukki
Toads! OMD!
Sorry for your Mom and her flowerdepression... kisses?
Can puppies dig on Frog Island?
Very sincere and emotion string wrenching photos there Khyra - Brill paw crossing actions of course.
Happy Friday!
Koda MD
You are such a woofy supermodel!!
hi khyra...yuup... i think your flowers are further along. except, now the magnolia tree POPPED! but the lilacs are still snoozing. the humomm is hoping she gets to see the magnolia for a while longer before the temps. drop again <----it's coming. cooler today then yesterday. ms. blue is on her way to a herding clinic in pa. we'll check out the plants there!
We adore the pic of yoo under the blossom tree! Whoo are very handsome!
Mom can smell that beautiful Lilac all the way over here, Khyra! They're such beautiful fragrant flowers!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
Lucky you to gave such nice weather, Khyra. We're back to cold temps here. Do you think our summer is over already? Hope not. Your cherry tree is beautiful!It must be a fantastic sight when it's in full-bloom. You must show us a pic with all its blossoms and you under it with your paws crossed!
Hi Khyra,
We're sorry we've been remiss in getting around but our secretary has been swamped with taking care of the puppies!
We know a Scottie named Gussydog. When we biggified the pic, we could see your Gussydog looking out the window, but we couldn't tell if he was a Scottie or not.
Have a great day and don't forget to smell the lilacs.
Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Ruairi
I didn't know you have a frog island! Neat! Our lilacs haven't begun to bloom yet which is probably a good thing - tomorrow's low temp is supposed to be 33! Frost!
Wonder when we'll get our next egg here?
Why is the song "How much is that doggie in the window?" now going to be trapped in my head all day? And Norwood must be napping - I did not see his response to frog island yet.
The flowering trees are just so beautiful - Mom still loves the magnolieas the most. And that second photo of you in front of the cherry tree is awesome. Happy Friday.
Woos - Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
Beautiful pictures as always. Thank you for sharing them with us.
The Cherry Tree shot is a keeper...you look like you grew and planted it all by yourself!
Are those toads benign? Or like our toxic much larger bufos?
Wirey woofs,
Jake and Just Harry
We've had quite the opposite here - the weather has made the desert flowers bloom like crazy! It is quite the pallet of colors right now.
Lilac! Oh send me some...I miss lilac!
Love the skyshot!
Thank you for the spectacular pictures and we wish you a Happy Weekend! Say hi to Mr. Toad! xoxo
GUESS WHAT?!?!?!?! It was snowing here this morning! DO YOU THINK IT WILL STICK?????
Your pal,
AWWWWW Spring is soooooo beautiful!!! Thanks for sharing the sights. I had a toad in the yard the other day. I Peed on it!! My dad was quite impressed with my peeshooter control.
I didn't knows you were real live furends with Gussie! That is oh-so-amazing! I always likes the picture of you with your pawsies crossed. You looks like such a lady!
Wiggles & Wags,
Love going on your walks with you! Mom is super jealous your Lilacs are blooming already. Ours just has the leaves popping out. Also, we have a toad too! He's a B~I~G sucker. We call him Bubba (as in Bubba Gump). Love Frog Island too!
We have froggies that come out when it's warm and rains...I like to umm..squish them with my paw. Mom says this isn't nice of me. The other day one was in my waterbowl and I had a complete fit!! BTW, they taste bad in case you didn't know. Blah!
Hey there~ I have missed so much with the new birdie watch and blooms and walkies and photos...I sure hope my mom can get more time to come and see everyone soon, before I am so behind on everything. My mom said to tell you that kitty kitty thinks he is a doggie, so he may not taste the same....lol
Oh wow, our lilacs are just getting leaves on them... it's be weeks before we get flowers!
Thanks fur all the pretty pics. :-)
Beautiful pictures Khyra!
We love the photo of you smiling under the cherry tree! And the lilacs! Ours are nowhere near blooming yet!
its our favorite day :)
El'bow & Hauwii
Keep smiling! Keep shining!
We wuv your pwetty flowers!
Mia is being all scardy cat because she has seen a lot of frogs likt the one in your picture around lately and is scared they might attach her.
Wags and Woofs,
Mack and Mia
Wooowoowoooooooooo Khyra....
your flowers look great and they have such a beautiful colors!!!
Thanks for all your sweet words for Paco......
We're sure he will heal soon!!!!
All your pics are wonderful and the one of you under the cherry tree is SUPER!!!!
And we love the pic of Merdie with her family!!!
So is she coming to visit you again soon????
WE love you and please...forgive us for being absent for so long!!!!
Sweet kisses and licks!!!
Merdie looks like she wants to come in from the snow. Are you sure you two are realted?!BOL!
What a pretty picture of Khyra and the Cherry Tree....
Don't get any chopping ideas Khyra...teehee
Hi Khyra! I sure do like your purty purple leash! Almost the same color of those lilacs you were looking at! Too bad you didn't get to play with the Toad....maybe next time just pick him up with your mouth and hide him in the house!
Berner bumps,
Maybe you should wear a lilac in your fur since it matches your collar!
How pretty your coat is Khyra! And your lovely leash matches your Mom's lovely lilacs!
looove the froggies, miss khyra!! i haven't seen any at my house yet...soon though!
the booker man
Our lilacs are in full bloom now, too! You are always such a lady with those cutely crossed paws!
It must be miserable to have the temps change so quickly! We've had some spring this year which is really nice. Grandma OC says it used to go from winter to summer in one week around here, too, and it is sad when that happens cause the flowers are up and then gone too quickly! The CCC
Love the pics from photobucket!! So very pretty!!!
I think it's mean you didn't get to play with the froggy!
Great Friday to you, too! Enjoy the weekend!
your neighbor ish furry cutie patooty
and we also love to look at the froggies in our yard
we just love spring all around
we spend lotsa time wiff the pawrents outside barbqing and we always get special meat they cooked
pibble sugars and wee wags
the pittie pack
Bummer that the blooms are all gone!
You under the cherry tree is very cute. Bet you wish there was still some snow under it to cool you off instead of the shade!
We would like to play with that toad~!
The Merdie moment was lovely.. Cute.. Sorry the weather battered the flowers. I could just picture the woofie running from garden to house and back..MOL.. Have a good weekend.. hugs GJ x
MORE pretty blossom pictures!!! We need some of those trees by our house!
We like how you cross your paws... Captain does that sometimes and we have to tell him it's not very manly!
xo martine & the kiddlets
Very nice pics! I can't wait until our stuff blossoms!
I like the trees. We gots palm trees in front of our house. I can't climb them or anything. The ducks sit on the lawn and quack all the time. :)
With all those incredible flowers photos, it is like Spring lives on your blog! What a day brightener. Thanks for sharing
Hi, Khyra!
I hope you had a nice friday!
Sorry your mom did not let you play with that froggie!
Happy picture of Merdie and the kids!
Kisses and hugs
Those are all great pictures. The trees are very pretty - it is too bad the heat is stressing them though.
And it is too bad that your mom wouldn't let you play with the toad - it would have been very fun!
Have a wonderful weekend!
Wow, Frog Island looks pretty cool...especially if there are real toads to play with! :) Looks like you are having some great weather! I am jealous!
Khyra you better watch Kermit the froggy
Benny & Lily
Hi Khyra,
Mom you did a wonderful job with the photos this post!!!!! Khyra you looked beautiful under the tree!!!!!!
I am glad for you all, that you have spring back too!!! It was just too hot too early!!!!!!!!!!!
The flowers are pretty but not as adorable as you! Good to see Merdie too! Hi, Merdie!!! SS wants to hug you both. Too bad we can't have a dog.
You look so pretty under the cherry tree but we bet you'd be more happy with the snow that Merdie was in in Febwooary! We don't have any frogs around our house but we hear them when we go walking at night. They shut up by the time we get to them though so I can't find them.
Hi Khyra
Your toads are brown. Our toads or froggies are green.
All your flowering trees and flowers are so mangnificently beautiful.
And the sky photo- wow.
We are going to the photo bucket now to see more beautious skys and trees. Thanks for sharing
are the lilacs making the air smell beautiful?
Does Norwood eat toads too? I hear they don't really taste like chicken.
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