This might be one of the last Redbud pikhs - most of the trees in the neighbourhood are losing their purpleness
This week's Photobukhket SkEYE Slideshow
Stella's Mom asked Mom and me to let woo know they've been kikhked off Blogger through no fault of their own. There was some spam associated with the gmail address Stella's mom used and now her blog is gone.
She's trying to get it restored - we've also been working on finding some support as well. If she khan't get it restored, she's planning on starting something at WordPress.
If anyone has any suggestions fur them, please let me know and I'll see they get your advice!
One of the biggest bummers about the situation is that there are pikhs she khan't get to - and she doesn't have them on her pc anymore
Spamming khan happen to any of us - and those that think it khan't are only fooling themselves
Have a great Friday!
I really hope she can get them to reinstate here account - she should be able to prove that she is not the spammer. Scary stuff...
Oh no! That totally sucks about Stella! I sure hope she gets her blog back!
Great pics btw!!
That is scary about what happened to Stella's Mom. I agree, it could happen to any of us. I wonder what a blogger can do to avoid it.
and you Sky pictures are just lovely. I think the trees are done too. They were gorgeous while they lasted. We had a mini BLIZZARD today. It snowed HARD for about 2 hours, then stopped, now its all gone, thankfully.
Khyra tiptoeing through the tulips is great!...Sorry to hear about Stella's blog and hope she gets it back soon...Happy Friday...xo...Calle, Halle, Sukki
Love the first pic of you tippy toeing around the tulips. Have a great weekend!
This is the last weekend before I am to be abandoned for 2 weeks, so we are doing a lot of cuddling.
Bummer about Stella's blog...
Hope she gets it back!
We luv the pic of woo smelling the flowers, very nice!!!
Have a great Friday!!!
Poor Stella's mom ~ we hope she can sort it all owt!
What a bummer about Stella! Heck, we know she's not spam!
Once again, mom thanks you for the beautiful redbud photo!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
Hi, Khyra...
Great pictures...I love the purple trees...And you add such beauty to the tulips...
Hope Stella can get her Blog Back...That's too bad...
Abby xxxooo
That is horrible about Stella! Hopefully she'll get it all back.
Happy Friday, Miss Khyra! You do look most charming in the tulip bed.
I bet Norwood will go cracker dog over all those froggie photos.
Hey! Wish you were here too. I might put up a brave front but that Tula Monstah scares me a little bit. Momma says that is because she is so much like me. What does that mean?
Very pretty tulips - glad you took the time to tiptoe!
Hope Stella gets her blog back - how horrible! We would hate to lose ours!
Ribbit ribbit - Norwood will be hopping happy with this post.
We sent Stella some info that might help her a bit but we sure hope she can get the blog back - scary stuff.
Woos - Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
That's terrible about Stella! I sure do hope she can retrieve her pictures at least!
What beewootiful redbuds! We don't see those down here very often
Oh No - hope Stella can get her blog back!
Love the pics of the tulips and the redbud.
You are beautiful as always.
Pugs & Kisses,
Yoda & Brutus
We hate to hear that. We had gotten some suspicious emails that appeared to be coming from them advertising..........
As far as the pictures go, she needs to google 'stellas world' and then click on the images button - and a lot of the pictures will come up.
If you are in contact with them, have Stella's Mom shoot our Mom an email.
Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Ruairi
Oh thats awfull.. Why do the horrible spammers do this. I so hope she can get her pictures back.. I will keep paws crossed it works out ok.. Hugs GJ xx
After all the nasty spam we get that never gets taken care of by those Chinese porn stars, I can't believe somebody legitimate got kicked off! The ones who spam us just keep coming back! We're most sorry for Stella!
ACK! That's horrible about Stella's blog! I think an email compaign to get it re-instated is in order!
The panoraama is really beautiful!Makes me want one of those cameras!
Watch out for bees in thos tupips, Khyra!
That is horrible about Stella's blog being lost due to spammers. I know they are out there and it's scary what they do. I hope she gets it back. Your pictures are so beautiful. I love the colors of the flowers and trees and of course Khyra is the most beautiful of all!! Lots of love, Debbie and Holly
Drat about Stella's blog, What gets us most annoyed is when we end up paying the price for mischief caused by others - clearly the case here. We hope they can get the blog back up again, and find their photos!
Love the panoramic view!
Wow...talk about ending on a positive and upbeat note! But muzzer says you are right, and our sissie e.Rabbit got hacked just last week, so we was holing our collective breath hoping nothing badder happened.
She was lucky, and we appreciate the heads up. We also love the redbud trees.
Nice...I see you got to tiptoe through the tulips too! Isn't it delightful!
Hi Khyra
What a very pretty picture of you sniffing those tulips - such a nice colour.
How awful to hear about Stella's blog - we have never heard of this happening before!
Thanks for letting us know and lets hope they get things sorted out.
Martha & Bailey xxx
hi k & p!
happy happy friday to all of you!
m & e
Thanks for letting us know about Stella....that is just terrible! I hope it gets fixed soon!
Awful to hear about Stella. We're having some issues too and there's nothing we can do about it. We use this medium honestly, but the minute it's out there, it becomes anyone's property. I'm finding it very disheartening.
But, on a lighter note, R&K would like Khyra to know that, yes, IT'S SNOWING here again!
We had a live froggie in our backyard. We thought it was the neatest toy until we got caught batting it around.
Poor Stella. That is terrible to have happen. Hope it gets straightened out.
Misty the alpha Poodle
Purty tulips!
It's so unfortunately about Stella's blog. We do hope that they can get back to Blogger and get their photos.
Happy weekend Khyra & Khyra's mom!
Sam & June
p/s: great news about Buddy/Gio! We are so happy to hear about this tail! Happy tail wagging!
That is just awful about the Stella... just awful. Surely someone will help her get her bloggy back. Sure wish we could help...
So happy you also include the pitchers wif your post...
I would love to tippy toe frew the tulips wif the you!
wif love from the Luke
Hi Khyra and Phill,
I would suggest she take her PC to a PC repair guy. If there is a chace to get her pics and blog back a good repair could.
Great pictures and thanks for sharing them with us!!!!
Have a good one, Bambi & Fern
LOVE the froggies!!!
OOOOO, that would be scary to be kicked off of Blogger. I wonder if there's a way to do a back-up?
I'm trying the Wordpress thing right now. I'll let you know how it turns out!
I am putting a BIG thank you to YOU tomorrow on my blog for reminding me to back up the Blogger stuff. I went the WordPress route and it worked really well.
But I wanted to come back here and say Thank You again, as one can never say thank you too much!!
That is a most beautiful panarama pikture. And da trees are beautiful too.
Great froggies too, at least those are da kinds that won't pee on you and gives you da warts.
Really sorry about Stella's Blog.Hope she gets it back. there are ways they can check the IP address from which the mails come. so she can prove she was not the spammer.
Your pics are lovely. you live in a beeeoootiful house.
Grrrrt that u caught the last purple flowers
Glad that u like our post. thanx heaps
wags, gin n Bud
poor poor stella and her mommish
that ish just terrible to lose all those precious memories. we hope blogger can resolve her issue or else we'll have to do an ol fashion tootdown on them and rally for the cause
the pittie pack
What a shame about Stella! Why can't computers be simple? Argh! I hate when things go wrong with them!
Great pix! And we hope Stella and her mom manage to sort it out!!
Oh no!!! We hope she gets everything taken care of quickly...
Thanks fur the great pics, Khyra!
We love the first pic of you tip-toeing through the purple tulips!
Sorry to hear about your furiend's blog. Hope it gets resolved.
Khyra, you look so purrty amongst the tulips....if only we could see your purrty face too.
We hope Stella can get her blog back too. Blogger sometimes is just crappy.
Poor Stella!! Spammers are BAD!!! Hope everything turns out for her, I especially hope she can get her pictures back!
Beautiful tulips...and now Mama has someone named Tiny Tim tiptoeing through her head!
Love the panorama! And the frogs... the peepers were just starting to sing around here until the big storm started.
I hope that Stella can resolve things. It sounds sort of like getting your identity stolen... very hard to prove.
Oh Khyra we are so sorry your friend Stella had her blog taken down - blogger is so dumb - lots of people have gotten spammed lately and then it goes and goes. It isn't their fault! This is why we export our blog a lot - just to be safe! WE highly recommend everyone do it because it is quick and easy and part of bloggers own system. We think you can upload it on other blog servies too (not sure how though).
And the pictures are wonderful - it is too bad the trees are loosing their purple though. Wouldn't it be cool if they stayed purple all the time!!
Norwood would love those frogs..
That is just terrible about Jo and Stella.. We know what pictures mean to all of us... Hopefully she will be back real soon..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
oh, miss khyra, you're teasin' me with those pretty pretty tulips again! i just looove them so!
that is so not fair about miss stella and her mama. i hope they get their bloggie back super fast. spammers are such poopy heads.
the booker man
Hi ya Khyra!!! Love the Eye shots!
Golden Samantha had a problem with her bloggie at some point, might want to check in with her mom...May have some tips. Do not think they were able to restore it though.
Have a wonderful weekend. Thanks so much for leaving a comment on Honey's site. We miss her dearly.
Hugs and snaggle-tooth kisses,
Sierra Rose
That is terrible about Stella - hope she can get a resolution to her problem soon!
Love all those froggy pics!
Have a great weekend
Clive and the NSLM
Is there anything we can all do to help save Stella's blog? And you are so right, it COULD happen to any of us!
That is such horrid news. I've been wondering where Stella's posts have been. How furry MEAN of blogger and quite frightening. We loves the flower pics - Khyra "tiptoeing" through the tulips - just beautiful photos. And love the sky photo too. Will go over and look at your photobucket - they are always amazing!
Big Hugs xoxoxo
How terrible! We hope she gets it back soon. We loved all the flower photos.:)
Teddy Bear
Hi, Khyra!
That picture of you and the tulips is beautiful!
Frogs! I wonder what that one did to be jailed!!
I can't believe Stella's blog is gone!
I hope they find a solution! Paws crossed!
Kisses and hugs
I think spamming is really, really bad. Shame on the not-nice people who lied about her! I hope ur friend gets her blog back. Hugs. :)
Hi Khyra
You are so beautiful tip toeing through the tulips.
What bright pretty colors.
The sky show was fabulous as always.
You have the prettiest sky in the world.
We hopes Stella gets her blog back and all the pics too.
Those tulips are so beautiful! I never see then around this area.
I'm so sorry to hear about your friend, Stella. I hope that she is able to get things worked out. Is it sort of like ID theft? Did someone take her email ID and send spam with it? I'm just trying to figure out what happened... Grammy from Corgi Country
MOL! @ the first pic! hehe! We both were smelling the tulips yesterday.
Poor Stella! The doggie didn't do anything wrong, but her blog got deleted! Can we sign a petition to get her blog back or somehting?
You never think that is going to happen! Good luck - we hope she can get her account back!
Oh noes, is that what happened to Stella? I hope she gets to come back soon! Meanwhile I think I will back up my blog now, I haven't done it in a while ...
I turned green just reading your post! I'm all croaked up! Love it Loveit and thanks for spreading the word on my film festival...
BTW I'm looking for your entry.
Khyra + Tulips = Beauty
That is very sad to hear. I hope that never happens to us because this is our history page and where we are keeping track of everything. EEK
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