Saturday, May 24, 2008

Turning Japanese!

My buddy Ekhho tagged me to spell my name in Japanese. Here is the khode to use for your sekhret dekhoder chopstikhks -

A - ka, B - tu, C - mi, D -te, E - ku, F - lu, G - ji, H - ri, I - ki, J - zu, K - me, L - ta, M - rin, N - to, O - mo, P - no, Q - ke, R - shi, S - ari, T - chi, U - do, V - ru, W - mei, X - na, Y - fu, Z - zi

That woo'd make 'me' Me-ri-fu-shi-ka!

Nah, I'll keep Khyra fur now!

Since just about all of us have been tagged in some fashion, I'll just say have a great Saturday! It is beeWOOtiful here and I've got to rest up a bit more before I make my mom do outside stuff with ME!

PeeEssWoo: My mom says she's sorry if some of woo now have an earworm and just khan't get it out of your head - OH wait, that's another group for another day!


The Army of Four said...

Well, MY MOM sure has one now! HA roo roo roo, Merifushika!

I'm turning Japanese
I think I'm turning Japanese
I really think so
Turning Japanese
I think I'm turning Japanese
I really think so
I'm turning Japanese
I think I'm turning Japanese
I really think so
Turning Japanese
I think I'm turning Japanese
I really think so.....

Play bows,

Lorenza said...

Hi, Khyra!
I like how your japanese name sounds!
Kisses and hugs

One of the pack said...


Khool shot of you included with your naming. Looks like Zim can sing. We have some talent in this group.

Outside with the human is the best. Enjoy the day, and keep us posted.

Husky Happiness,

The Daily Echo said...

Arrrggggghhhhh - that song!!! I do like your bewootiful Japanese name though. It's not silly like some of them. And we can pronounce it too!

Tucker said...


Does that sound better?

Steve, Kat, & Wilbur said...

I'm glad you decided to keep Khyra. I don't know if I could say Merifushika when I'm whispering sweet nothings into your furry ears.
