Sunday, May 11, 2008

Mom's and Mummi's

Well, whilst Mom was out snagging some good eats, the eyasses prakhticed the group hug they would give her on MOTHER'S DAY - TODAY!
Me? Well, my mom and I are giving her mom - aka MY DOGGY NANNY - a special khreation from The AO4's VERY special mom! Here, take a look at what Dave and I worked out fur her
Since we are on the topikh of special moms, I would like to khomment on my MalGuyPal Summi and HIS special Summi Mummi! Well, the moms of SMS - inkhluding my MalGalPal , my BFF , and my SibeFella all khonspired to surprise Summi's mummi Shelly with something FURRY VERY SPECIAL! Even The Overland Park Pakhk's mom helped (but they don't have a blog yet so I khan't link to them BUT one of them is K(h)at's special fella ThunderDunder) when she helped my mom throw Summi's mummi off the trakhk with what she thought her gift was going to be!
Saturday was a khool day around here with lots of emails, phone khalls, and KHOOKIES! My mom passed some of the day keeping herself busy by making khookies from a recipe from Summi's mummi's grandmom AND chikhken/khorn/blakhk beans/salsa/khream cheese from Frankie and Maddie's mom Diane - the same name as my auntie in Phoenix who is the mom to my khousin Abby
Everything was a sukhcess - Summi's mummi was speechless and made rain khome from her eyes, the khookies were good, the chikhken was great, AND I got a walk!
Happy Mother's Day to all!
PeeEssWoo: We didn't get to give my doggy nanny her gifts as of this posting. We had some visitors on Saturday - Doggy Nanny's BF Fred and two of his grandchildren. We'll do the gift thing after I get my beauty rest and my mom has her khoffee!


Kathryn and Ari said...

Saturday sounds just wonderful--I bet you had a ball! And thanks for posting that wonderful picture of the PF chicks: that's just too cute.

The Daily Echo said...

Those fuzzy flightlings are just too cute....and quite charming too! Make sure you give Mom lots of lovin today.

Mack said...

You guys are having the right kind of weekend! Complete with cookies!!
Give mommy extra kisses today!!

H.A. Turbofire, Sibertarian said...

Woo! It's really cold here. In the low 40's. I think snow would make an excellent gift.

The Army of Four said...

Great post, Khyra! Woooo!
I hope your doggy nanny likes her special surprise!

Anonymous said...

Give woo mom and doggy nanny a kiss for Tia and I!!!
Happy Mom's Day!

Amici said...

Sounds like an awesome day!
Have a fun one today too! Happy Mother's day.

Lorenza said...

Hi, Khyra!
Happy Mother's Day!
Give your mom lots of kisses and hugs from us.

Teddy Westlife said...

Maybe next year I will have to get my mum one of those too. They are so cool.

Huffle Mawson, Honorary Husky and Explorer Cat

One of the pack said...


How incredibly wonderful and heart warming. Thanks so much for letting us know about these wonderful people and their talents.

The birds are really growing already. WOW!

Happy Mom's day.

The Forget Sit and Stay gang

Maverick the Pirate said...

Harrrr Khyra
stop on by me blog and see yer Cap'n answers to yer tag Harrr.
Cap'n Maverick the Pirate

The Husky in the Window said...

Happy Mom's Day to your mom too! Did you give her lots of hugs and kisses. The kisses are very important.
Husky Hugs, MayaMarie

Tucker said...

Sounds like a great day! Hope you got the presents to your doggy nanny.

Khoughie, huh? Your mom likes it? The Human Assistant is new to it, pretty much.

He had to buy a machine to chew up the MaxFund beans. I don't understand, really. Why didn't he just buy some that are already chewed up?

In fact, why buy food that's already chewed? It's okay for baby birds, I guess. But for humans?

I just don't get it!

Joe Stains said...

Happy Late Mother's Day to your Mom!