Saturday, February 4, 2023

Saturday Sharing

Checking The PF Palace -and after saving the screenshot, I did a DOUBLE take -
looked again - and then
opened the video camera link so I could pull them up a bit closer!
Afternoon time -

And yes it was WINDY  - but so NOT MountWashington's weather - we are 17 at 730pm FrEYEday - with our low expected to be 12 -
We did sleep in and once sensed I was motivating to face the outside world, I began to get THE LOOKS!

Toss you the keys?  Can you drive/work a clutch?

Since I didn't need anything at MyGiant that couldn't wait for an after work quick run in, I had phoned in our order and headed the two miles to DAWNS! -

Some pup was so helpful watching for traffic as I backed The KhrossTrek out of the parking spot -
Mind melding that what was in the bag was hers - HA!
Our turn back to the  Shangri-La of a neighborhood we were lucky enough to luck in to -

We'll share the tasty foodable stuffs here tomorrow!

Happy Saturday EvFURRYone!

All Of Us At NAK's Khottage
Now With KhattleDog!


Molly the Airedale said...

We love your Happy Saturday smile, Willow☺ Stay warm! It was a brutal night but our power stayed on, thank goodness!

The Oceanside Animals said...

Lulu: "I know I keep saying about how good my furs would be in the cold but that weather on Mt. Washington would be a bit much even for me."
Java Bean: "¡Tengo mucho frío solo de pensarlo!