Saturday, September 10, 2022

Saturday Sharing

Mid-day and all is well at The PF Palace -
And The Now Lady PF was by to check out the box  in mid-afternoon -
She says there is a new post on the FALCON WIRE! -
Since 'sleep' hadn't happened until short of 3am, I slept in a bit - with some weed culling as Willow was out for her morning stuff - 
As SOON as I put on outside world clothes - and combed my hair, some pup RACED to the door!
Then raced to The KhrossTrek -
Do ya think she LOVES her KhrossTrek time?
I can still recall her Foster Kim saying how much she loved the car - so much she was tempted to let her sleep in if she wanted and the weather was right -
I didn't realize how blurry this was until I got to Bob's - guess that SUN thing was fighting me!

I had seen on BobTheKhat's FB page the breakfast special was their 3 CHEESE omelette - with homefries and toast - SOLD!
Of course, I immediately filled the tax collector's envelope - plus, I brought quite a chunk of the omelette back to The Khottage - so filling and I didn't  want to overstuff myself -
Patiently waiting - with baited breath and khrossed paws -


Willingly khonsumed - and a happy Wiggles!
Our khorner - time to go LEFT yon KhrossTrek!

We came back and continued watch coverage of the sad khrossing of NAQE2 - and I hoped for a nap but...

Not sure what our Saturday 'venture will consist of - I've been kicking around assorted ideas - we'll see where the wheel stops!

Happy Saturday EvFURRYone!

All Of Us At NAK's Khottage
Now With KhattleDog!

1 comment:

Dandy Duke said...

Of course you love your car. Yummy things come your way every single time, Willow! Happy Saturday!