Saturday, June 4, 2022

Saturday Sharing

No PFs spotted at The Palace on FrEYEday - I kept looking - but Red was returned and Flying Trio was out - check out the update on Falcon Wire -
It was an awesome day - the kind of weather I always want to clone!
Even though I had slept like khrap and was slow to want to get started, it was time for 'venture!
This week's FrEYEday 'venture will be much more Willow friendly!

Breakfast with Bob!

When I checked their Facebook Page during Khottage Khoffee time, I knew what I would be getting - can't pass up the special of chipped beef gravy over toast and homefries!
And I made sure to reserve some to pay The Dog Tax!
No pictures of the consumption - the SUN was in my eyes - and trying to handle the foodables and snag shots of Wiggles, well -
but she LOVED her payment -
Now off for Stop 2!

In for another bag of Peanut Butter Biscuits with a nutjobherder dog!

We were lucky and located what appeared to be the last bag in the store!

Then it was off to the Weis Markets that was my standard store when living at TADN's - I needed pumpkin for Willow's morning kibble - and MyGiant has been out of their brand so I got SIX cans to so we are good for a while - after leaving there, we went for our last stop on THIS 'venture - we'll share pictures of that tomorrow as the post is already running long -

AND today's 'venture will be to White Clover Farm for tasty foodables - and to keep Willow entertained on the last day of our weekend -

Happy Saturday EvFURRYone!

All Of Us At NAK's Khottage
Now With KhattleDog!


Dandy Duke said...

My mom used to make chipped beef gravy over toast. Thank you for the memories! Have a sensational Saturday!

Dawn said...

Those sound like good biscuits! Hope Willow enjoys them! I'm sure she will. Unfortunately Katie is declining...she just wrote a blog to bring her loyal subjects up to speed on her health. Writing it wore her out, she's napping now.

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

Hey Willow! I'm glad the dog tax was duly paid!

#1 says she's envious that you got to go to Tractor Supply!
