Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Watchin' Wingin' Workin' Wednesday

Again - no PF's...

The latest post on FalconWire shared the wintry plans for some 

11/23/2021  ::   More on winter and peregrine falcons
As many Falcon Cam followers know, the name "peregrine" means wanderer, and the peregrine falcon has one of the longest migrations of any North American bird. Tundra-nesting falcons winter in South America and may move 15,500 miles in a year. Peregrine falcons can travel long distances, sometimes between continents, to get from their wintering grounds to their breeding grounds. North American peregrine falcons can be migratory or non-migratory. Some live year-round in Alaska, the Midwest, the Northeast, the Southwest, and along the western coastline. Peregrines in the more northern climates (Alaska and Greenland) are more likely to migrate during the winter to places that have a milder climate, such as the southern United States, and Central and South America. Falcons of the Mid-Atlantic winter closer to home, spending time along coastal areas. As many birders know, peregrine falcons are often observed near Cape May, New Jersey. During winter months visit the Edwin B. Forsythe National Wildlife Reserve, specifically the Brigantine and Holgate Units, to see wintering peregrines.

Our Tuesday - and beyond -

Willow - with the grapes -
The entire time I worked on this post, she was SO amusing herself with the ball - and even after undressing it, continued to play!

And the RED WUBBAS -
From The NAK Khollekhtion!

As promised yestereday. we did a 'venture to CVS when I got home - she was a happy pup!

Happy Wednesday EvFURRYone!

All Of Us At NAK's Khottage
Now With KhattleDog!


Dandy Duke said...

You are too funny with that nekid ball, Willow☺ Happy Wednesday!

Dawn said...

Have a very happy Thanksgiving!