Tuesday, November 2, 2021

Tuesday Telling

Lord PF was EYEing up NOvember from his point -

Here comes SUN up!

Monday almost evening and he looked ready to GO!
Now for assorted shots from Willow's SUNday -
Galaxy PhotoFilterPhun -
ComastoseCast message on the television -
Anorhwe one -
Hoping she heard a tech out there somewhere -
Heart melting endearing look!
CBS SUNday Moments In Nature time -
My yummy green beans/red pepper tasty stuff - as good on Night 2 as Night 1 as I'm enjoying some now -
the veggies were slow roasted in butter and olive oil - then sprinkled with some EverythingBagel seasoning and some dollops and plops of a vegetable srircha sauce I had 
Our Monday - and we did get a walk - just The Block as I had to head to The GKP - but with Mother Nature not switching on the lights until after 736am, our stroll had to wait -

So the training continues - had some 'sploding head moments on Monday but in time, it will come like breathing -

Today is our weekend so I intend for us to cram in what we can!

Happy Tuesday EvFURRYone!

All Of Us At NAK's Khottage
Now With KhattleDog!

1 comment:

Dandy Duke said...

Do you ever run out of toys to play with, Willow?!☺ Happy Tuesday!