Friday, August 13, 2021

FrEYEday SkEYEday

Going to wing this and just load up the pictures now that ComatoseCast hiccuped and fixed itself - maybe -  There are some RAINBOW shots from Tuesday evening's rain -

You  can't them in this shot but the neighborhood hawks were hanging in at the end of the storm

Then everything turned the color of orange sherbet -

These were pictures from Wednesday that I couldn't use on Thursday's non-picture post -

Willow was khrossing her paws - hoping sh*t would UPloaded in a blink instead of a century -
Here was our FURst image of the pups 'soon' to be Khousin Purple and Khousin Pink - AKA Emmy and Bentley -
I had intended to use more shots but ComatoseCast thought differently - to say I am frustrated is an understatement - I will post the shots from our Thursday Thinking on Saturday - foodables and all you know!

And to compound the xfinity comatosecast mess, the cable went out whilst I was trying to work on this - one picture at a time BUT when the television came back after 30-45 minutes, the picture upload seemed to be healed too - but

Happy FrEYEday EvFURRYone!

All Of Us At NAK's Khottage
Now With KhattleDog!

PeeEssWoo: Poor Willow it is still 91 at 815pm - no walk again 


Dandy Duke said...

The rainbows and orange sherbet skies are just gorgeous! We missed our walk yesterday too. Too darn hot!

Dawn said...

Beautiful puppies.

The Oceanside Animals said...

Lulu: "Hello puppies! So cute!"
Chaplin: "Sounds like you are still having some Internet trouble from when we tried to run Dennis's blog through the online spell check. Sorry about that."
Charlee: "Shhh! I keep telling you, that's our secret!"