Monday, April 1, 2019

Monday MOMSandUSandTHEMday

No Foolin' ;-)
 Lady PF keeping those eggs close to her heart!

 Our new pages for April - Angel Dr Quincy - hop hop!
 We promise a better shot - didn't realize how blurry it was - GO BIBI!!!
 And OH THOSE Goldens!

 Or should I say BLONDES???


So, I came home from The GKP Saturday evening - Auntie Di was out with her friend Jackie getting some 'stuff' for Auntie Di's new house - I watched The Phillies win - then some March Madness - and then I let NAP happen - was sleeping SO well I stayed khouch bound - until - OMD - 1130 SUNday!

Auntie Di and I went out a SUNdayFUNday mission for some more house stuff - started at Quaker Lube to support our pals there - I had -  *hangs head* - three cokepepsi things - just wasn't feeling adult beveragy - then off to BJ's and TAR-j for house stuffs - then off to THE HOUSE!  

I got the official tour - very nice - and very happy for Khousin Emmy and Auntie Di - I didn't take many pictures - but I'll share a few tomorrow -

Happy Monday EvFURRYone!

ALL Of Us At NAK's Khottage
PeeEssWoo: and YES - we will see our dad soon - just needed to do and get done what we had to and what was needed!


Dandy Duke said...

Angel Dr Quincy reminds us of our wonderful friend angel Mango. He was the bestest! We can't wait to see pictures of Auntie Di and Emmy's new home!

Dawn said...

I do a "Katie calendar' from the previous year of her, because I have so many pictures of her you understand. LOL I am excited for the new house!