Monday, August 14, 2017

Monday MOMandMEandHERandTHEMday

 Khaught her chilling in the kids' old room :-)
 Mom keeps furgetting to share the latest updates - so here goes!

8/1/2017  ::   Update on "Blue"
The blue-banded falcon remains at the wildlife rehabilitation center. The falcon is flying well, but still undersized. "Blue" will be having additional x-rays to examine the falcon's liver development. At this point, it appears that "Blue" may become an educator's bird supporting endangered species outreach programs.
7/28/2017  ::   Update from the Ledge!
The fledges have not been observed lately, so they are likely no longer in the area and confident in their flying and hunting abilities. 

The Falcon Cam is live year round, and viewers may tune in to see the adult pair spending time together at the ledge. This is good news in that it indicates their pair bond is strong and the outlook for the next breeding season is good. The resident female typically stays in the area year round. The resident male stays in the area most of the year as well. There is ample food supply available and the climate is suitable, even the cold winter temperatures
 Now fur the extra excitement we had on Saturday night - 
 too slow Mom - too slow!

 GReat Gator Akhtion!

 Bentley -

 Khousin Geufy khlaimed The Khouch -
 He was so khomfy there when we went bakhk to bed, Mom didn't make him get up - he did at some point fur he stole my beds and I had to sleep in the hallway - oh the things a khounselor must do!
Tomorrow we'll share the Happy Birthday Bentley celebration !

We had a low key yet akhtion pakhked SUNday - a walk - and toast - and naps - and more naps!

Happy Monday EvFURRYone!



Duke said...

I love the picture of you standing there and watching the Golden biteyface action and looking not too sure if you want to get involved or not, Khyra☺

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Khamp Khyra looks like a lot of fun - I need to find a khamp like that too:)

Woos - Misty