Friday, August 11, 2017

FrEYEday SkEYEday Free Fur All

 SUNday -
 Monday -
 From under the protekhtion of the patio :-)
 So much WET - we had miniature bird baths sprouting up !

 A trio in the mulch out bakhk -
 Mom wanted me let woo know she pawmits some of the 'weeds' to grow - the birdies and the bunnies and the bugs LOVE them - 
 Tuesday PM  - 
 Wednesday -
 Thursday PM -

 Auntie Di is visiting some human khousins in OrieGawn - she flew in to Portland - stayed with one branch - then they drove her to another branch - 
She's spending a few days with one that was the flower girl when TADN and Mom's dad got married - she's near the OrieGawn khoast -

Happy FrEYEday EvFURRYone!

Today would have been TADN's Mom's 115th birthday -

AND tomorrow is the 2nd birthday of THOSE GOLDEN DEUFTRIEVER Khousins Emmy and Bentley!



Duke said...

That mushroom does look like a birdbath! Mom thinks mushrooms are as pretty as flowers are. Happy Birthday to TADN's mom and to Bentley and Emmy!

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Hope those mushrooms are only appealing to the rabbits and bugs and birdies. We have lots of weeds due to lots of rain this summer, but we don't give those pesky rabbits much munching time - we chase them away.

Happy Birthday to TADN's Mom and early birthday wishes to the Golden Girls.

Woos - Lightning and Misty

The Oceanside Animals said...

hello khyra and holly its dennis the vizsla dog hay do yoo hav enny smurfs livving under yore mushrums??? do yoo want wun??? i can send yoo mine!!! just dont tel him i sed that!!! ha ha ok bye