Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Walkin' Wednesday 2015

 Some late day PF akhtion -

 One Holly furgot to inkhlude on Tuesday's post - BTW, I thanked her furry much - it was nice of her to do the post as she had time during the day whilst we otherwise okhkhupied with TADN akhtivities - it is Holly with her dad in the bakhk left - and her mom in the left foreground - I think the pup in the middle is her mom's friend's pup

 This was the result of trying to rekhord a video on SON/SUNday - oh well!
 The furst high biskhuit of the year!
 Some SUNday night shots - 

Still thinking about too much - I need to be like a khat and not think ;-)

Here is this week's video - we hope woo enjoy sweating along with us - we did get two of 'em - the furst was 1.14 miles AND then I chose 1.28 mile route fur our evening trot - Mom did some ROTE - solo of khourse due to the temperatures -

I've told Mom we'll start sharing some of the pile of pikhtures we've generated since SUNday - please bear with us - especially since I send her bakhk to work today



Donna said...

Arf arf! :)

Luv, Angel Keisha and Murphy the Poodle

Dandy Duke said...

We loved walking along with you, Khyra and Holly, and listening to your mom chitchat. Hugs♥

Anonymous said...

Hi Phyllis - I'm so very sorry to learn about your doggy nanny. I was catching up a bit on your blog yesterday after a comment on FB clued me in. I hope you and Khyra are doing ok and that many wonderful memories of your mom will help to ease the pain. Hugs to you... from me. Kathy

P.S. I haven't found the Holly story yet, but gather that you and Khyra took her in when she needed a new home. Lucky dog!!

Two French Bulldogs said...

Looks like a fun group you have there
Lily & Edward