Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Watchin' Wednesday

 He's watchin'
 And so are The Three Stooges!
 She's watchin'

 Sadly, Mom won't be able to watch them get their bracelets this year - she'll have to wait fur the event's stream to be uploaded to their arkhhive - HERE IS THE INFO FROM THEIR SITE
5/19/2015  ::   Peregrine Falcon Banding Event!
The annual banding event will take place at 1 PM on Thursday, May 21 here at the Rachel Carson State Office Building. The event will be a live stream webcast. This is a highly valued educational opportunity as nearly 130 students and teachers will be in attendance. Web users can view the streaming video by visiting the DEP Home Page at and click on the falcon link.
 I'm watchin' Mom -
 She chose this khup of The Doggy Nanny's fur Tuesday's khoffee - this was SO The Doggy Nanny -
 Mom was watchin' me - I was dreaming and twitching and boofing - 
 I keep watchin' fur her - 

 Mom says this akhtually makes her sadder than having been there when The Doggy Nanny got her wings - 
 She decided it was time fur My Stunt Double to share some sekhrets with me - 
 Sorry these are kind of blurry - but again, woo get the idea - Mom is still SO happy she thought to take this to the hospital - there are so many smells of The DN - I will relish them - and hold them khlose to my snooter - and my newly frakhtured heart - 
I have told Mom that at some point, we need to let MSD do her own post - not anytime soon bekhause Mom is going to be furry 'otherwise okhkhupied' as humans term it - 
Holly is watchin' all of us too - she knows we are all so sad - and tries so furry hard to make us laugh - 

Here is this week's video - it is akhtually from March of 2010 - when The Doggy Nanny and Fred returned from FlorieDUH - and it features a special guest - ANGEL MERDIE!!!

We do have another video of their homekhoming from another year - we'll share that sometime - Mom and I decided THIS was THE ONE since it inkhludes the furry special ANGEL MERDIE!!!

Once again, Mom and I want to thank evFURRYone fur all the kind words - we hope we'll be able to get around to thank all those expressing their words of khomfort but right now, Mom has so much going on in her little human brain that she khan't promise it will be any time soon -

Happy Wednesday EvFURRYone -

Please make sure woo let those woo love KNOW WOO LOVE THEM -



Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

Sending you some more hugs today. Can't ever get too many hugs.....

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

We are glad that your stunt double was able to gather some of Doggy Nanna's scent to bring home to Woo... That is super... YES you will cherish them fur EVER....

Two French Bulldogs said...

We do that twitching stuff too when we're sleepin
Lily & Edward

Dandy Duke said...

We're still wiping away tears here. You and Merdie were sure treasured by the Doggy Nanny and Fred, Khyra. What a great video to see once again. Hugs all around ♥

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

It is always so good to look back and smile at those lovely moments from the past! Merdie must have been so happy to see the Doggie Nanny!

We are sending purrs, woofs, neighs and hugs to your Mom as she does the 'stuff" she has to do.

Tommy (and Mad Fernant for today)

Elyse K said...

I am glad your stunt double was able to bring the Doggy Nanny's scent to woo, Khyra. I am sending big hugs to woo and your Mom. As Amber already posted, can't have too many hugs. Thinking of woo---