I'm going to turn it ovFUR to Mom so she khan tell woo all about the furry furry special Sunday - please get khomfy fur she has lots of pikhs here and in the album from the day - she knows many of them are similar BUT she just khouldn't delete them - especially since there was something in each of them that tugged on her heartstrings as she looked at her three passengers - the other five went with the nice Peggy Lady - as she had khrates in her vehikhle fur the others - so take it away Mom!******

JD and Max's message to their FH is at the end of the post - since this was the transport they had bid lots of their kibble monies on, I asked them if they had anything special they wanted me to say - they pawed it along!

I can't say enough great things about this group of eight - as well as the drivers met in Hagerstown and Harrisburg - you'll see some drivers of the future in the pictures and videos as Molly brought along her two boys - they had a BLAST - especially her younger one and Gator The Beagle mix pup - at times, I wasn't sure who was walking and who was being walked! They
both loved the giant hugs Glenda was passing out to any that wanted them!
If you want to see more about them, please visit The Last Resort's Available Pets Page ! ! !
As I mentioned above, there are quite a lot of pictures and videos - since I was being roped by three different sized canines, pictures were a challenge - videos were much smarter to do - and of course can capture so much more than still shots -
Here is the link to the Photobucket Album with 11 videos and here is the link to just the slideshow -
I am looking forward to next Sunday's run for it will be Sally and The Puppies from Maya's Legacy and another handsome Husky fella!
As promised, here is what JD and Max wanted to say - I had sent them a preview of the passengers so they could see them:
As far as comments go we know that FH would be tickled pink if you could wish her a yappy barkday when you do the dedication post. And if you could pawsibly add the following comment we’d be very happy – “The rescue of all these 8 cuties is dedicated to Richie and Ronnii and their wonderful mama Tea – we know that Angel Mollie was looking out for all these doggies which is why they have all been led to promise of a brighter future thanks to the kindness of Khyra and her mom.”
It was our honour and pleasure!
Hugz&Khysses From Khyra's Khorner
PeeEssWoo: Khyra and I would also like to give a giant WOOOOOOF to our favourite anonymous benefactor for PAWing us some green paper$ to our PAWpal account - Khyra wants to give you a giant smack with her fluffy tail and I just want to make you SQUEEEEEEEEEE!
OMD! Those faces are precious! What special passengers on a special transport! They tugged at our mommy's heartstrings too. Khyra, your mom is such a wonderful, huge hearted person and the world is a much better place because she's in it!
LOVE those pics, especially of Sherry being so comfy! Yeah for another good transport and some good new homes for those pups!
efurryone was so snugglie wugglie in the xterra.. just makes woo want to close your eyes and go zzzzzzzzz.
nitey nite!
Wow, lovely group of pups. They are all so adorable!:)
Teddy Bear
Thank you SO much Khyra and your mom! We always love your transports and we were SO excited to be able to sponsor this one. Thanks for the dedications - he he he! FH was smiley and leaky at the same time all the way through reading this (humans are WEIRD!!)
We loved seeing Fluffy - we've heard about Fluffy but hadn't seen a photo - gosh, what a CUTIE!!
What we always love is how contented the pups on your transport always look - they can obviously feel the love and hope of a brighter future and this is truly wonderful. Your co-pilot was just TOO cute - thank you so much for this little extra touch, it was just delightful!!
We're gonna link to this post when FH gets back from work today (she's tapping this just before setting off!)
Thanks again - what you and your mom do is simply wonderful and the world is a much better place because of you two!
Schnauzer snuggles - JD and Max.
Wow! That fluffy Glenda sure is cute! I thinks so furry like Monty after his fur has grown for 3 or 4 months! We like all the other dogs too!
We can never say it enuff, RESCUE ROCKS! Thank yoo so much for being yoo, and for helping these beautiful dogs. Smoochies.
There wasn't one pup there NOT to love, but we were especially drawn to teddy bear Glenda, sweet Summer, and adorable Gator. We hope all those pups make it some wonderful furever homes.
Happy Birthday to FH all over again.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
Very cute group of dogs in this week's transport! Glad you had another safe trip!
Sherry was aadorable and just made herself right at home, so sweet. Glenda looks like a gentle giant with an old soul and so sweet.
I love these monday posts from yall.
Loved the Co-pilot!!! That was so very much nice of you to dedicate the run to Miss Clare!!!
The Xterra has logged many transport miles.
I know about the Pencil Vane E Ah PoPo guys. They are super nice. Butt it is not good to speed so the Cruise thingy is the rule in Jennifer Jeep too. hehehe
Super Transport girrrrl.
A successful transport again, well done!!!
Thanks for sharing those beautiful pictures, the doggies are really adorable!
What a cute group. Sherry is adorable and so is your copilot. We love the picture of you Khyra looking out the window..
Benny & Lily
Pee S Khyra your mom was driving 56437 mph AND taking pictures. BOL
What a great group! Thank you for all that you do, my friend!
So much meltiness!
Do you think I could reprogam the fur-girls to think Monday is MOMday? With my luck, they'd just think that means it's the day Mama should do nothing but cater to them!
Wow, Glenda was a big fluffy ball of love!! Another great angel transport! High paw!
OMD, I like that fluffy gal. I don't think i could have let her go. How did woo do it?
Oh, so sweet. Another successful transport. Sniffs, The HoundDogs
Glad to hear you had a great transport!
Sherry being comfy is too cute!
Beautiful puppies!
Thor and Jack
Oh! I just LUVED this transport. Everybuddy just looked so full of the contentments. And your co-pilot was Most Pawfect!
I am so happy that this super terrific transport was done in honor of those two super terrific schnauzers and their FH!
Wiggles & Wags,
What a sweet group of pups! I am so happy to know that all of them are on their way to better lives!
Oh my, dat Glenda is just gorgemous...of course they all is really. So glad they is on to a new life with love. Well Done.
I will haves to go wish da FH a happy birfday.
My Mommy sure does enjoy your posts with all the special passengers! She said something about wanting Glenda...and I had to jump in and say "ENOUGH"...Harooooo!!!! Thank woo for all dat woo do for the pups!
There are just too many ohhs and ahhs to mention just one. What a fabulous transport you had again. I loved them all. I think the donation into your account was a fabulous gesture and wow how much it was deserved.. You rock Khyra's mum.. Hugs GJ xx
That is one relaxed bunch of passengers! Clearly, they realised that the bad times were behind them and they could just relax!
Looks like it was a beautiful day for a transport.
Okay...what it the trick to get such calm passengers? My mom transports Weimaraners for her rescue sometimes and holy moly...they are ALL over the place.
Oh those photos, we are in love with them all.
Looking at your odometer I could not help but thinking all those miles, and how many precious lives saved and forever homes obtained.
You are the Greatest
Sheila & Bob
Another great transport! :) All da pups is so cute!
Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae
Oh Romeo is adorable. Cans I keep him?
woof - Tucker
I love these transport specials. And you look sweet as always, Khyra.
I can't say it enough - you have a tremendous heart and I am so thankful there are selfless people like you in the world. Thank You!!
They are adorable!
Sherry sure felt safe with your mom, Khyra!
Happy Monday!
Kisses and hugs
Thank u and ur Mom for doin the reskyoos! I love to see all the critters and hear their stories. Hugs for them and their noo hoomans. :) Yay! {{{hugs}}}
What a khomfy khrew you had this week! Bet Khyra gave you a cheer and a big aroooooo for all those 0s!
Another successful run. Glad you enjoyed it and arrived home safely.
The words you said have stuck in my mind.... the words about heading away from the sad and bad memories and heading to good ones.
Such strong words,, and a beautiful post.
The happy hopeful looks on those faces just makes the whole week start out with a wonderful perspective! Thanks for aiding in the journey to perfect forever homes for these adorable babies. Momma would add Glenda to the White Dog Army in a heartbeat if we could!
Im sure noone would have noticed if Glenda had just "disappeared"
I just love what someone else said-"The bad times are behind them."
Wow whats a busy day dat was, whats beautiful dogs and We hopes dem all find perfick forever homes real soon. I be sure that like JD & Max said Angel sista Molly will be watchin over dem all and sendin dem somebodies speshul to luvs dem.
A big huge Fank Yu to Khyra and her Mom fer doin dis transport and a Big Fank Yu to JD & Max and Mama Clare fer sponsorin it. Golly gosh Just a big MAHOOSIVE FANK YU to all ovs yu
xx xx
miss khyra!
what a totally awesome transport! i love the schnauzer stuffie for jd and max and miss clare. heehee. everybuddy looked so comfy cozy 'n relaxified on the trip. i keep gettin' the giggles every time i see the pic of miss sherry with her snooter almost restin' in the cup holder. HEEHEE. :D
the booker man
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