Monday, November 1, 2010

Monday and Me

Just Me Thinking bakhk on all the fun times
At this session of Khamp Khyra
Hoping Merdie and The Kid enjoyed themselves
Wondering when they'll be bakhk
Merdie resting to be ready fur chekhkout
Same fur Harley
He seemed to enjoyed the khurl fur his Sunday nap
Merdie stretching out
Our last pikh fur the session - Mom had framed us up when one of The Beans khame in so we were kind of distrakhted
Watching the vehikhleKhome Bakhk Again Soon!

Mom and I need to rest up and then we'll review some of the pikhs and videos from this furry special session of Khamp Khyra -

Here are three videos from Sunday -

one is the last play session we had;

two is us greeting Aunt Shannon and The Beans - Unkhle Paul had already gone in to chekhk on the store;

three is the khlosing ceremony

Mom also asked I inkhlude a link to the Photobukhket slideshow of the passengers from the transports on Saturday and Sunday of LAST weekend - some were at The Earthlink Building when she was waiting fur Miller The Malinois to arrive; the others were on transports done by Mary and Marie the nice ladies in Charlotte. Mom khouldn't do the one she normally would have driven since she took Wilson to Allentown. Mary and Marie were THRILLED to have gotten to do their furst Brittany - normally the Britt transports don't travel through their area of NC but they lukhked out to have been able to help Maggie The Brittany Puppy get to her furever home in Florida!

Khounseloring fur a Golden Retriever puppy is a tough job but I'm glad to have been able to do it! Of khourse, Mom and I will be happy to sleep in fur a change!

Happy November EvFURRYone!

Hugz and Khysses,

Khyra and Khousins Merdie and Harley By Proxy


Anonymous said...

I'd like to make a reservation at Khamp Khyra. Do you take khibble?

Donna said...

O hai! :) I likes Camp Khyra. I would luv to pack a tote bag, sit on a bunk bed and tell lots of storees. :)

Cheyenne -Millie said...

That Khamp Khyra sounds so fun! Monty would like to join in too! I of course would like to stay here in my comfy spots hiding from everybody!

Monty says hi Khyra!!

Piappies World said...

Happy Halooween, Khyra!

Would you take us in at Khamp Khyra?!We can bring some treats too!

The lil Khyra and Merdie stuffies are so cute!

Piappies Fudgie, Princess, Frappie, Mocha, Sugar, Wai-Pai & Wai-Max

JacksDad said...

Yes me too! Does Camp Khyra allow dogs that sometimes get a bit excited?

Ina in Alaska said...

A good time was certainly had by all!

Sierra Rose said...

More fun times!! Khyra, you really did a snooter check of Merdie and Harley's vehicle. Looked like you deemed it safe! :)

Hugs and snaggle-tooth kisses,
Sierra Rose

Teddy Bear said...

Happy November, Khyra! We love all the pawsitions.:) We hope Merdie and Harley come back soon.:)

Teddy Bear

3 doxies said...

What does ya'll serve fur breakfast at Kamp Khyra? Gotta knows these furst and foremost...I'd like it served in bed too.


Noah the Airedale said...

They'll be back soon Khyra.

Noah xx

The Black and Tans. said...

Happy November Khyra. WE hope your furiends can come back soon.

Molly, Taffy and MOnty

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

Are Khats allowed at Khamp Khyra?

Huskee and Hershey said...

Oh Khyra... those autumn leaves are so pretty... love the pics of you lying under the tree..

Dexter said...

Here's the thing with house guests. Nice when they come, nice when they leave, right? Especially teenage cracker dogs. I did catch you doing zoomies with him though. He brings out khracker khyra.


Kari in Alaska said...

I am sure you're ready for a nice long nap!


Mack said...

I know M & H will miss Khamp Khyra!

Gus said...

Wow...they must have had a great time there. We sure hope you and your Mom get a lot of rest today.


D.K. Wall said...

Bet it seems a little quiet around the old home today, huh?

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

I PAWmise you... THEY will be back.

Cory said...

I think Grete wants to sign up for a session of Khamp Khyra!

Pee ess...I'm letting Grete have Wordless Wednesday all to herself this week since I'm such a generous khat!!

xoxo Khory

Jack & Moo said...

another successful enkhounter with khamp khyra! You have such nice golden khousins! Enjoy your nap...

jack a-roo & miss moo

Mogley G. Retriever said...

Glad you had a wonderful camp. We love having friends drop by and play a few days. Overnight play dates are cool.

Keep up the good work with transport, keep those rescues moving on with their new lives. It is great work you do.

Mogley G. Retriever

♥I am Holly♥ said...

I think we should rent a bus and go around and pick up everyone who wants to go to Khamp Khyra for the week. It would probably make me feel so much better and I could probably even get mom to drive the bus! Let's go to Khamp Khyra!!! Oh...may we come visit you Khyra? Lots of love, Holly and mom

Cyndi and Stumpy said...

Does Khyra get a little depressed when her khampers leave? I know Stumpy is sad when the party's over.

Zona said...

I am SURE they loved their stay at Khamp Khyra. I'd like to book a reservation for three! It looks like a fantastical time!!


The Oceanside Animals said...

You find Mondays more relaxing than I do.

Scout and Freyja said...

Khyra, you are always so furry busy entertainin' house guests an' khounseling an' keepin' your khamp attendees furry busy an' happy. We think that today you should have an extra helpin' of your favorite treats!

Martha said...

Visitors are always such hard work Khyra, even though it was fun!
Now you and your mom need to relax and take things easy - you can sew the stuffies Harley played with back together again.
We are sure it wont be long until they ae back.
In the meantime, like Tank, we would like to make a reservation!
love and kisses
Martha and Bailey xxx

Maggie Mae and Max said...

I wants to come and stay at Khamp Khrya too!

WOofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae

Remington said...

Looks like a nice relaxing Monday! Enjoy!

Anna the GSD said...

I got my backpack! I want to go to camp!!! I even can bring marshmellows! Yum!

KT and Easton said...

All good things must come to an you can rest....BOL

Fun video of the greeting, wow, such excited kids. I see Harley is mouthing. Young and unsure of his position. He is a very happy boy and glad to have a wonderful home. Made me smile the whole time. Merdie looked like she was cruising for something to carry in her mouth. Khyra was queenly in every respect.

Amber and Nala said...

Great paw crossing while sleeping action Khyra!! I hope you had a Happy Howl-O-Ween!


Unknown said...

you look tired, you need a good long nap!
ok now when can we get booked for Khamp Khyra?!!!

Jan said...

Khlosing ceremonies...just like the Olympics.

Misty the alpha Poodle

YD, sometimes with ♥June and ♥Angel Samantha said...

Wow, that's one happy greetings with Aunt Shannon and the beans!
We would really love to join Khamp Khyra!
Happy November to you & your mom too! Guess what? The white fluff will be here soon!

Sam & June

Sally said...

Hi Khyra and Merdie,
has Halloween been so exhausting.

Nice woooh

Life With Dogs said...

LOL! You have been around long enough to know better that to catch that puppy fever. ;)

Cloud the Wonder Dog said...

Hi Khyra! Mom's letting me say hi on a few bloggys today. I miss you! And of course MERDIE!! Wow, I'm out of the loop - Merdie has a BROFUR??? He is furry handsome!

Thinking of you...

Luv and kisses,

The Thuglets said...

Khyra we are sure they will soon be back.

Happy November

Big Nose Pokes
The Thugletsx

Angel Gracie=^o.o^= said...

Just checking to see if you all made it home safely from my Halloween party. Thanks so much for stopping by. We must do something like this again.

Looks like you were pretty worn out at first. Glad you had some rest time before you headed outside.

Duke said...

What a bummer that Merdie and Harley are gone. We bet they'll be back soon, Khyra! Your camp sure is a fun place to be!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

We sure hope that the Red's can come back to Camp Khyra again real soon..
Those puppies are so cute.. We love that Betty Boop.. We guess she likes the spots...

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie

Martha said...

No Khyra, we could not catch the sibes, we chased them for ages - we were not sure if it was you, the Army of Four or The Thundering Herd!
We then decided it couldn't be any of you cos you would have stopped and said Hello!
Martha and Bailey xxx

houndstooth said...

It sounds like another successful session of camp! I'm not a fan of Mondays, though. It always means Mom and Dad are going back to work.


Jans Funny Farm said...

Happy Nov to you too. Hope Camp Khyra will be open again soon. It looks like fun.

KB said...

I'm glad that you had such a great time that you need a nap. Harley looked like such a handsome and fun boy! A great addition to Khamp...

Chris and Ricky said...

We're sorry to see Merdie and Harley go but glad you will now get some rest!

Unknown said...

Ooh - Can I come to Khamp Khyra too?! :-) It looks like so much fun from all those videos!

Honey the Great Dane

Sagira said...

Khamp Khyra sounds like so much fun. We should have one big blog camp there sometime, hehe

BeadedTail said...

We're sure Merdie and Harley are resting up from their session at Khamp Khyra and hopefully they'll be back soon!

You are a beautiful and generous hostess Khyra! Hope you are having a great Monday!

White Dog Blog said...

Sounds like the Kamp needs to expand to fit all your wannabe kampers! A new career? Merdie and Harley will be back soon we know, send them our best.

Teddy Westlife said...

Kamp Khyra looks like so much fun!

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Can we come to Kamp Khyra for the weekend? Mumsie's havin' some pesky gum surgery on Friday...see who won't be in a good mood around here on Saturday!!!

We have our #2 pencils to go and VOTE tomorrow...

Are they gonna be servin' pierogies at the polls in Eastern PA? I'm just sayin'....

Khisses and I have a hurt paw...nasty absess...on drugs...and it's BANDAGED....

It's very hard for me to flirt as usual...


Lacie Khakes with a Sore Paw

Tweedles -- that's me said...

I just know that Harley and Merdie probly will not even unpack their bags. They will want to be ready for the next KAMP.
Oh ,,,, I can just see me now at Kamp Khyra,, and I would bring some of my friends too.
Maybe if I wish on a star.
I came to get some hugggs and give some

Ruby's Raiser said...

Oh, those paws!!! Too cute. Enjoy the rest, sweetie, they'll be back soon! :)

Yas said...

Im very sure they'll be back sooon!
I definitely would!
Have a great day!


Lorenza said...

We all know they loved being there with you at Kamp Khyra!
Tell will be back soon!
Kisses and hugs

Two French Bulldogs said...

So what are you thinking about Khyra?
Benny & Lily