Friday, November 5, 2010

FrEYEday SkEYEday Free Fur All

Before Jack Frost khame to visit
We snagged these pikhs
Good thing bekhause the next day, all but the purplie ones were gone
We would have taken a pikh on Thursday but it was wet wet wet
Mom says to bear with us here - she was in the kitchen and looked out to see one of the resident Red Tailed Hawks khruising over the khourse just off the bakhk edge of The Doggy Nanny's yard
So she took the flashie beastie out and just pointed into the sky hoping she was snagging SOMETHING
When she downloaded them to the laptop, she saw she had indeed gotten pikhs but not the khlearest but RTH none the less
She's inserted some text into the pikhs to direkht where one should fokhus
Of khourse, woo might be able to bigify 'em - thanks to my pal Stella from MinnieSnowDa fur noticing the heart shaped khloud!
Plus, the skEYE looks kind of khool too!

This was from Wednesday afternoon - woo khan see by the khurbing the flashie beastie operator didn't nail it but it looked nice enough to share anyway - and here is the link to this week's Photobukhket slideshow of stuff that inkhludes some of the HOWL-o-ween dekhorations we saw earlier in the week - and the hawk pikhs inkhluded above!

Happy FrEYEday EvFURRYone!



PeeEssWoo: We purry much enjoyed and appreciated 'Blogblast For Peace' posts on Thursday - due to stuff Mom and I had to get done, we didn't khomment on them BUT we looked at all of them - I'm fluffing fur peace too - it really would make the world a much better place!


Stella said...

I love the heart cloud! That is just beewootiful!!!!

Puter is home and fixed all I need is some info to input from our ISP, and that will come tomorrow.

Well, wheeeee!

Cheers and hugs,

Jo and Stella

Unknown said...

Those flowers are soooo pretty, I love all the colors. Your mom did great taking shots of the sky - I love the panoramic one - I need to try something like that - too cool!

Of course your tail looks super fluffy and beautiful

Jan said...

Timmy said the sky shots look quite delicious.

Misty the alpha Poodle

Jacqueline said...

Beautiful, cool photos!...We love Khyra's awesome tail next to the gorgeous blooms and that heart cloud is really cool!...Happy Friday, sweet friend, we wish for peace and love too...kisses...Calle, Halle, Sukki

Teddy Bear said...

The sky looks very cool.:) We've got our paws crossed for peace.:)

Teddy Bear

Jack & Moo said...

Ouu, I love the heart cloud! that's furry khool! Gorgeous flowers, MFT. They make a suitably pretty background fur a beawooty like woo!

jack a-roo & miss moo

The Oceanside Animals said...

Is that Jack Frost out and about already? Brrr.

Amy / Layla the Malamute said...

I didn't realize (or read) that you added the text to help focus the picture; I thought the hawk was carrying something monstrous in its talons!

BeadedTail said...

We thought the hawk started a new business carrying sky banners! LOL We did enjoy the sky photos and the heart shaped cloud and especially you sniffing the flowers Khyra!

Bocci said...

Thanks for those beautiful photos!
And Happy Friday to ya !

Yas said...

Wonderful sky and cloud pics!
We luv it!
We luv it!
We luv it!


Martha said...

Gosh Khyra, those flowers looked pretty, just loving the purple.
Too bad they are all going - our flowers are a sorry sight right now!
Lovely heart cloud - we couldn't quite see the hawk but we believe you.
Glad you are floofing for peace.
We loved the pics of Merdie you emailed - thanks for the that and the explanation!
Martha and Bailey xxx

Duke said...

The heart cloud is so cool, Khyra, and mom is just loving the pretty flowers!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Goldie, Shade and Banshee said...

What gorgeous blooms!! You are looking splendid as usual Khyra!

♥Mona + Prissy + Angel Weenie♥ said...

Beautiful heart cloud Khyra!!

Oh Mommy was so excited to see all those pretty flowers, even if they are gone overnight. Mommy loves the first one because it showcases your fluffy tail.

Happy weekend...Mona

Dexter said...

MFT! I hope the rain stops today. At least I can look at your blue sky photos and dream about sunshine.


Sally said...

Nice pictures.

Dear Khyra I would like to invite you and your friends to join the "Santas Secret Project". You will find more iformation on my Blog.
We can't wait to play again. ;-)

Nice woooh

SeaThreePeeO said...

What fanatastic pictures! Thank you for sharing them with us.

Chris and Ricky said...

I'm surprised to see those flowers still looking good - ours finally succumbed to a heavy freeze a few days ago.

Gus said...

Wowser, the hawk pix are lovely, even if you don't bigify them, just for the clouds. Have a good weekend.


Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

We love the pics ~ and the heart shaped cloud is really special.

Kari in Alaska said...

It was cooling down in LA but last week it got back up to 100!


houndstooth said...

That hawk was really soaring! It must have been relaxing watching him fly around. You definitely have some beautiful pics!


Remington said...

What a great eye you have, my friend! That heart cloud is amazing! Well done!

Cyndi and Stumpy said...

Love the heart shpaed cloud! I need to steal it for my skyscapes blog!

♥I am Holly♥ said...

What beautiful pictures! Love the flowers and the sky....especially the heart shaped cloud!! Definitely love Khyra! Lots of love, Holly and mom

JacksDad said...

It's so hard to get good pictures of birds. It's like they never want to co-operate! :)

Mochi and Bali said...

What pretty pictures of you with the flowers! :)

We love the heart cloud! :)

Mochi & Bali

Ms. ~K said...

Old Jack Frost will be rearing his ugly head here tonight w/ a chance of snow flurries!
Happy Weekend!
~K and The Pups

Sierra Rose said...

Happy Friday Free Fur All :)

Hugs and snaggle-tooth kisses,
Sierra Rose

The Florida Furkids said...

Those flowers are beautiful!

The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie

Anonymous said...

Lovely clouds! We believe the heart was made by Skeeter.

Cat Mandu said...

I love the pictures with the flowers! Maybe next year they'll be back!

3 doxies said...

I sure did need dat heart cloud today...very cool!
We had our furst frost dis morning and it was too cold!


Gus, Louie and Callie said...

We love the cool heart shaped cloud too... Great pictures Mom..

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie

Anonymous said...

All our flowers are gone, too. Even thought it's s'posed to be close to 80 degrees tomorrow. And then maybe SNOW next week. Collie-rado's a ker-azy place.

Wiggles & Wags,

PeeS. I liked the pictures of the birdie! I saw it right away.

Sagira said...

Wow...those are some cool shots. The clouds are pretty as well.

You look mighty cute at the country club. :)

Sychoberians said...

We had to go back and look at the first pictures as when Khyra is in the picture we dont see too much else.

Remy and Flash

Elyse K said...

Dear Khyra, that heart khloud is so neat!

I like the photos of woo with the pretty flowers at the khountry club. The plantings are lovely and so are WOO!!

Your fan,

Teddy Westlife said...

The heart cloud is just lovely.

bbes tribe said...

Beautiful pics! Those beautiful flowers really show off your beauty Khyra!!

White Dog Blog said...

We felt your added hope for peace, Khyra! Thanks for sending out vibes of harmony and love.

Jans Funny Farm said...

Such pretty clouds. We had a problem seeing the hawk, though, even after borrowing Jan's glasses. Don't tell on us.

dArtagnan Rumblepurr/Diego Hamlet Moonfur said...

Ohhh, so beautiful! You look lovely my dear.

TwoSpecialWires said...

Whoa! Those flowers were beautiful, Khyra! We already miss the colors of summer. And your sky shots make us stop and peer. Hawks in flight make us wonder what life is like for them ... soaring and floating.

Thanks SO MUCH for helping us get the word and reminder out about the Worldwide Moment. We've been leaving comments for everybuddy on our blog roll ... but you'll spread the word even further.

Thanks, again, Khyra. It's gonna be an amazing moment.

Jake and Fergi

Tweedles -- that's me said...

Thanks for the cloud show Khyra,, and you talked about peace,,, we wish for peace too,

Vicki said...

The autumn leaves look lovely. I love the big rose! And the sky looks pawesome!

AFSS said...

The heart shaped cloud made our day. It made us think of our sweet Charybdis.

The flowers are gorgeous. We had a light frost last night. Not sure what survived as Mommy is to sick to go outside and look, and at the moment doesn't really care.

Two Schnauzers from New England said...

Hi, Khyra -

Mama and I loved looking at all the pretty colors of the flowers. It rained all day Thursday (11-4) and Friday morning (11-5). When the sun came out in the afternoon it was colder and windier.

Love -

Hershey and Kaci

Mimi Lenox said...

Thanks for "fluffing for peace" with us. I'm placed your participation in the peace globe gallery as #2072.

Hope to see you Nov 4, 2011.
Peace to you and yours,