Note the evil marauding eyes filling in!

Napping after brunch

So they khould have more


It was khool and damp in Harrisburg on Tuesday - they spent a good bit of their day huddled together and/or sleeping

Monday afternoon's Poppy Chekhk


Let's go

I was eyeing up tree rats running down the street


Chekhking out Ginger's Irises

Mom loves these kholours - she babbled something about iridescent


Off we go again

Chekhking out the pee-on-me's


Heading fur home



Floof Floof!!

Full FLOOF FLOOF FLOOF fur my RH Pal in Master Chew Sits
(thinking of woo)
Here is
the link fur this week's WALKIN' WEDNESDAY!!!
Mom is glad woo liked the butterfly pikh on the outside patio door! As fur my Chip-N-Dale pal, I khan't wait to see that little chippie again - I think the stripes must make fur an interesting flavour khombination!
The first picture is Layla's favorite because the baby has the same face markings as her.
At what age are they no longer called eyases? (Still an awesome word. I keep trying to find the occasion to work it into a conversation. It's hard!)
I love all the pictures of the flowers. Our soil is so sandy down here it's hard to have nice gardens, and I don't really get to see a lot of flowers.
Hey Khyra! I enjoyed your Walkin' Wednesday which happened on Sadieday! That long legged dog that walked beside you sometimes was kinda funny lookin. I'm sorry your mom isn't able to go off leash but it is nice that you take her on walks around the neighborhood anyway! Ha roo roo!
Flowers are pretty. :)
I'm not allowed to pee-on the flowers. So I just eat them instead! :)
You have such an awesome fluffy tail, Khyra, it's really beautiful...Happy walking sweetie...xo...Calle, Halle, Sukki
Lovely photos - we really like the poppies - and we are jelly of such a fluffy tail - maybe we could get extensions?
Lots of licks
Sally and Paddy
We're not sure which is prettier. Your fluffy tail, Khyra. Or those beautiful peonies. Whichever, it made us happy to visit your blog tonight. It always makes us happy. We're gonna be even happier when we get to visit YOU!
Gotta head to bed. Life requires a good night's sleep these days!
Love ya
Jake and Fergi xxoo
Happy Wednesday Miss Khyra!!!
A wonderful walk as always! Sorry for not visiting often enough...I blame Mom. *wink* Thanks for sharing the photos of the cute birdies and the pretty flowers...they all look PAWSOME! *grins*
Hi Khyra
I love flowers too, but they don't let me play with them in our garden. It love pushing flowers. HIHIHI
Nice woooh
Look at all those beautiful flowers! The butterfly pictures were pawesome. They fly away so quickly sometimes!
Teddy Bear
What beewootiful irises. We don't have those where I live. And your tail is looking extra floooofy today Miss Khrya!
hey Dancing Queen Khyra,
I was hoping for more pics of you dancing! But those gorgeous pics of your flooffy fluffy tail work just as well!
What a pretty walk you get to take! I bet the smells from all those colorful lovely flowers are yummy!
And those little fluff ball chick-a-dees are adorable!
Keep dancing!
Beautiful flowers and fluffy chicks. Thanks for sharing them with us.
Those chicks are growing like lil' weeds, aren't they?? We just got back from our morning walk, and we don't have the pee-on-me's so much or the colors that you do--Mostly just green, green, and more green--Which is okay!! Hope you have a good day!!
We saw Oswald in your video and realized how many Oswalds we have seen lately. We think Oswald has lots and lots of cousins living near us.
Those little birdies are sure growing fast and we think they are trying to imitate your floofy tail with thsir feathers all floofed out.
And the poppies are trying to increase and multiply - looks like a lot more there today.
Thanks for the great walk - we are once again walking virtually with you.
Woos - Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
Those litle birdies are getting SO B~I~G! And Pee~On~Mes!!! BWA HA HA HA HA HA, that was so funny Khyra!
The poppies are just so pretty! We are still waiting for ours to bloom!
BUT we have hatching going on!!
I don;t think I have ever seen you looking floofier!
I have to tell you, Mom has serious poppy envy! We love those flowers of yours!
I am most intrigued about this chippie you keep mentioning. I haven't seen one, but I'd like to!
Teka says to tell you that the stripes make them taste mostly caramel with a chocolate swirl. Or, mostly chocolate with an espresso swirl. Depends on how deep the colors are.
She's the expert.
Mom said the Irises are BEAUTIFUL! But we prefer yoor floof!
Hi Khyra!
Are those flowers really called pee on mes..? The irises are beawootiful!
Happy Wednesday to you!
The chicks are getting big. It looks like you had a nice walkie too.
Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae
Birds, flowers and a beautiful dog....life don't get any better than that!
Speaking of tree rats, do you know that one of them had the audacity to hang upside down from the tree and stare back at us as we looked up at him? It was totally surreal - I'm so mad I didn't have my camera, though I was a little scared too!
Looks like all the rain we've been getting has really made your flowers come in nice!
Oh dang it...you beat me to da pee-on-mees...I was so gonna say that.
Those birdies sure are getting ripe..I mean big.
We love pee on mes too!! Thanks for the wooferful walk today!
Woofs and Kisses!
The Fiesty Three
We love your walks Khyra!! Also love your floof floof floof very much!!! Checking out the flowers is fun. We especially liked the pee-on-me ones!! Have a wonderful day!!! Lots of love, Debbie and Holly
Judging by the floof, things are a little windy!
great walk! we love poppies (but ours all died a couple of years ago in a very late frost) and our irises is purple and white!
Those PF's are adorable all huddled together!!
Flowers and Floof...another wonderful Wednesday!!
Smileys and Snuggles,
Dory, Jacob and Bilbo
I swear your tail has doubled the floofiness! :)
Mom loves those pee on me's. She wants to plant some in the yard. I say, go for it. Because I've got the pee ready. hehe
Your floof is looking lovely today, Khyra.
Your pal,
Ohhhhh - those poppies and peeonmees (hahahha!!!) are just so gorgeous - I've never seen them growing here, but would sure love to try! Mom can't even get tuberous begonias to get going, although they can sprout here - what is up with that? I love your walking encounters - oh, and walkies too - you have such adventures! Have a great "rest-of-Wednesday!"
Hugs xoxoxo
Windy floof!!!!!
Beautiful flowers!!!
Hi Khyra,Mummy just LOVES those poppies. she asks if she can save that pic so she can paint them.
We sure hope u meet that chip n dale guy. can't imagine why he doesn't want to play with you, anyway.
btw, we hav a little award for u on our site. could u pls go pick it up?
wags, Bud n Gin
What a great walkie and awesome Floof.
Those tree rats would not cross your street if you were not on a leash, they know better than to mess with you.
Remy and Flash
Loved the pics of your walk - you are looking nice and floofy - Mango will be happy with those pics.
We enjoy seeing the different flowers in your part of the world.
We will come back and watch the video later as we are 'catching up' yet again.
Clearly our human has to make a choice between work - or blogging!
love and kisses
Martha and Bailey xxx
Just LOVE the tail floof today, Khyra!
Our human is sad when she sees pee-on-mes because they don't grow in this climate. They need to have frozen winters. She used to have a forest of them when she lived back east.
Misty the alpha Poodle
That was a fine walkie! Very nice flowers. Good luck catching the chipmunk!
Emma Rose
Great tail action on your walkie Khyra!
Wow how fast those feathers grow..You have some pretty flowers on your walk and I love how you stop and smell them.. Hope you see chppy again.. Hugs GJ xx
Lots of lovely flowers to check out. We really like the pee-on-me's... Mom you are so silly...
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
The baby birdies are growing so quickly! Your neighborhood seems to be abloom in the most beautiful flowers in really unusual colors. Thanks for letting me virtually walk along.
We love seeing all of the pretty flowers in your neighborhood, Khyra, especially the poppies! Doesn't anyone have orange? There is a purple one but mom doesn't have it - YET!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Oh, Khyra, how I wish I hads your floof! You are prolly SO proud of it! I think those poppy flowers are real pretty and we have some of those Iris flowers in our yard! Only different colors.
Wiggles & Wags,
Love the peonies!
Mom gets homesick for New Jersey when she reads your blog. She used to have purrty pee-on-mes at her house. She remembers that they used to be covered in ants.
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
You do have the most beautifully floofy tail!
Such pretty flowers.
Looks like a great walk. :)
Nice walkie my friend! Beautiful blossoms on the walkie....and floof of course :)
Hugs and snaggle-tooth kisses,
Sierra Rose
I'd love to smell the flowers!
all the ones we have here are to high for me!
Fluffy tail! I love it!
Kisses and hugs
You surely have the best fluff ever. Thanks for sharing your swishing with us. The flowers are lovely. In fact they look like wonderful toys. You'll have to try one out for us.
Loving Life,
Lola (another fluff tail)
You should have put ZZ Tops song about the gal with the legs over that video, look at those things!!
More and more purrty flowers! My mom is wishing for some of her flowers to sprout flowers! Of course she planted them from seed!
Thank you for taking us on a nice walkie past the poppies.
We can't go for a walkie here cause its pouring frogs and lizzards and the sky is growling.
I saw my tree rat doing flips and skips in our yard. Does yours do that?
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