The state updated the Falcon Wire News on Tuesday with this
5/11/2010 :: Brood CompleteThis year, there is a full brood of three nestlings. Last year and in 2006 there were five. In eight of the nine previous years the brood numbered four. In 2005, there was a full brood of three nestlings. The adult female at this nest site is now 12 years old. It is not unusual for a breeding bird of this age to lay one or two infertile eggs. The birds cannot be disturbed at this critical time so the remaining infertile egg will be retrieved after the fledglings have dispersed from the area. The real work now begins for the adult pair. They will have to hunt continuously to keep up with their rapidly growing brood.
Monday night I sat out and watched fur Digby and Jackson
I khlosed my eyes and made a wish fur their safe journies 'round to visit evFURRYone
Chekhking out the Oriental Poppies

I hope woo enjoy it!
PeeEssWoo: It was furry good we rekhorded it on Monday - the rains arrived just after lunch on Tuesday - Mom and Dad PF kept the eyases furry khlose to them fur much of the day to keep them warm and dry!
I'm glad you took these early too. Where the heck did spring go?? :(
We had spring in February and now in May it is furry khold in khalifornia. Our human is getting out our sweaters.
Misty the alpha Poodle
Great edition of walking wednesday! We enjoyed seeing the poppies!
Wags and Licks,
Mollie Jo & Bobo
Snowing, yet again, here in the Rockies. Good thing you post pretty pix of Khyra sniffing the spring flowers, otherwise I wouldn't see any!
It rained here on Monday too. The humans say that all the rain brings May flowers. Hmmmmm.
Teddy Bear
We think that flower is real purrty! It has been cold here in Napa... rain too. As always we like your walking video!
Monty says "Hi! Khyra!"
the flower is gorgeous! so are you!
we love yr walking videos!
hey Khyra,
Lovely just walkin' photos!
What a sweet pup you are to watch for Digby and Jackson and wish them safe journeys! I am sure they heard you and I bet you even saw them!
I will keep my paws crossed that the PF mom and dad find enough food so their babies grow up to be big and healthy PFs!
p.s. My human LOVES the pink oriental poppies! Beautiful photos!
We love watching YOU my puppy pal!
I went pulling and running on wednesday! Looking forward to the next instalment!
Hiya, Teal'c here... We have similar things going on over here in Australia - only it is faaaaar too warm for this time of the year :( I think warm is better then cold but I guess a Husky sees that differently?!
Slobbers Teal'c
Thanks for the update. Every time we looked yesterday, mom/dad was sitting on the baby birds. I guess it was a cold day.
We are shocked, shocked, shocked. Someone did not know who you were? That happens to us all of the time.
P.S. - Khyra, we try to do the same thing you wanted to do to all flowers. Why do the humans stop us?
Khyra - maybe you need to share your fluffy tail tricks - do you go to the salon for special blow dryings? Or do you have some extensions in there? You sure do look extra floofy lately:)
Hope the rains stays away from the little fledglings. We had a duck in our city who was sitting on lots of eggs and suddenly disappeared overnight. They think a feral cat or coyote got her.
We hope we can steer the storms we just had away from your direction - wild and noisy night.
Woos - Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
Did you enjoy the walk? It's going to rain here again.
The temperatures have dropped here, too and the wind is blowing at 55-65 miles an hour. ACK!
I love poppies dancing in a breeze!
I love those flower shots!
I think three babies is more than enough for any mama to take care of. I'll bet they grow up fast!
Hi Khyra, imagine that car just pulling over and talking to you!
You were lucky they didn't know who you were or they would have been pestering you for a pawgraph!
Loved the irises!
Martha and Bailey xxx
That was very nice of you to make wishes for Digby and Jackson.
Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae
PeeS It is raining here today at my house too....bummer
I'm sorry, I just can't stop laughing at what da OP Pack said bout your tail...hey, does you ever braid it? Just wondering.
That was very much sweet of you to be looking out fur Digby and Jackson...may they rest in peace.
Lovin those flowers too.
That was so nice of you to sit under your tree and think about Digby and Jackson. I'm sure they had a safe passage by now and are running free and making friends. Nice pictures on your walk! We didn't go out because of the rain and now it's cold and calling for more rain. Mom is glad she didn't put her winter clothes away this year too early! Lots of love, Debbie and Holly
We also like to think Khyra was watching the night sky to help direct our friend Jake catch up with Digby and Jackson!!
hello khyra its dennis the vizsla dog hay shhh dont say poppies too lowd or yoo mite git a visit frum that stoner dea dog!!! ok bye
Beautiful, gorgeous Khyra; you are a total sweetheart...kisses...xo...Calle, Halle, Sukki
We gots rain here too last night and lemme tell ya, I didn't like it at ALL! I still don't understands your sponge game in the least. Those are some very much cute little baby birdies. I can't wait to watch 'em grow!
Wiggles & Wags,
It will be a rainy walkie today.
The flower is bewootiful!
Sam & June
pee ess: mom saw a husky on the way home the other day, that girl/boy has the same stripe markings as you!
hi k & p!
oh what wonderful photos!
we are working hard at getting all caught up on your adventures.
thank you for all of your sweet comments while we were away.
we always love hearing from you!
m & e
Woos! that mama bird is 12?!? She looks pretty good fur a mature mama! And yet more pics of those gorgeous poppies! (Mom says thank woo!)
jack a-roo & miss moo
Would you like me to send some sunshine your way? It's been really warm here lately. The A/C is running full blast! :)
Those little fevvers are getting SO big! And cute! We think this weather is CRAP! Where's spring? Who made Mother Nature mad?
I noticed the stars on Monday night too, and I noticed a couple of new ones that seemed to shine much brighter over the others! Your flowers are lovely and we're having some rain in Virginia too!! a good thing, my rain barrel is empty!
Loving the floofiness of the tail in the walking pics!
Hooray for a great walk and watching over your friends on their journey.
Remy and Flash
That poppy sure is beautiful, but doesn't make us smile like your floofy tail does!
Great PF shots and interesting data too. I wondered about that other egg. I am surprised the don't eat it evolution does not like wasted energy :-)
Moose says he can't wait to see your new khrakh... I told him that a lady such as yourself does not like to hear such talk but he insisted you would understand!
Dear Khyra -- thank woo for these pikhtures of the nestlings; how fast they're growing! The poppies are beautiful and so are WOO! I enjoyed sharing this spring walk.
Your fan in chilly Chicago,
Those babies get bigger every day!
We enjoyed your walk again today! That man must not have internet access cause if he did, how could he not know he was in the presence of THE Khyra! Silly man.
An early walk is always nice.. You sure see some beautiful flowers on your walk...
Hope the rain has let up.. We have lots of overcast and they are saying more rain. We sure hope those people in OK get missed this time around..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Those little birds are growing so fast.
That wind sure was pushing your fluffy tail along, Khyra!
Thank you once again for the beautiful salmon poppy shots!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
I am very glad that you sat and watched for our woofie friends, They will be running free now. Those birds are getting so big, it will be a full time job for their parents to feed them. The poppies are lovely. We also have gone back to realy cold weather. Hugs GJ xx
I thought you all had spring now. It's getting colder and wetter here but we are heading into winter.
The poopies were lovely; hope the bad weather did not beat them to pieces! You all seemed to have some nasty weather...glad everyone stayed safe and warm (even the birdies).
Glad you got in the nice walk before the rains came.
Those oriental poppies ARE beautiful Khyra...thanks for sharing!!
So where is Merdie? She should be ready for another Khamp Khyra session very soon, I think? Don't be bashful, Khrya, invite her over!
Pure beauty Miss Khyra :)
Hi, Khyra!
Crazy weather, right?
Happy Wednesday!
Kisses and hugs
Thank you so much for your kind comments on our blog. It's good to be comforted by those that understand the ache in the heart.
Pam, Bonnie's support staff
Great wishing and walking pics!!
It's very hot here in Singapore and the haze's back..but we did get rain in the evening and last night!
Oh what very, very pretty flowers!
Happy Wednesday!
Wow, you're walking and walking and walking.... ! Your birdies are so cute, and so is the flower! Purty pictures!
Sorry to hear about your pals that crossed the bridge. :(
That poppy sure was pretty.
miss khyra,
my mama wants to know if you could please send some of your rain to her cuz her trees 'n flowers need it!
the booker man
We have some poppies too- Your poppies are so graceful looking
Thank you for takinig us on your walkie and thank you for the update on the birdies.
Baby birds have some awsome parents
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