Please visit the lovely post his mom put together fur him and leave lots of love
Two of my pals have shared to pawesome posts fur Prince - The OP KS Pakhk and Prince's Pal Mr Koda - so woo've might have already seen the news about Prince - but I just wanted to share it - I really think his mom would appreciate more hugs from all over the world
PeeEssWoo: Please furgive the brevity of this post - I wanted to K-I-S-S fur a change - I'll be back with PF updates/etc tomorrow - but as of dawn on Monday, there were three puffs and two eggs! Remember the link fur the site is on my sidebar - look fur the PF pikh!
Thank you Khyra for sharing the word about Prince.
I am going now to send some love and put my paws around them
Oh dear. Another very sad loss. This hurts.
Thank you for sharing the news about Prince and his moma with us ... we've been to his blog and now we paw this out with tears in our eyes.
Another bright star has joined the heavens.
Jake and Fergi xxoo
Thanks for letting us know, we visited Team Husky and left our condolences.
Your response to Prince's mom was so beautiful it made me cry. All these sad losses make me grab the dogs and give them a gigantic bear hug.
Oh no! I didn't know! I haven't had a chance to read any blogs this weekend. I'm so sad! We will definitely stop by and give his family our condolences.
Holly and Khady
We just left anothew condolence message and awe so sad about the gwavely ill fwiends..this is a vewy sad week
I will go and leave pwince's mom my love
smoochie kisses
I went and pawed some purrs for your friends mum and am sorry another ovely went to the bridge. He was a gorgeous looking woofie and his mum must be hurting now.. Hugs GJ xx
Kodasnuggles will be going out to Team Husky's mom tonight! And I will give Mr Yak a bit of a word about being a good boy too... Keep him in line and all that. But hes a good boy!
Poor little puppy, such a beautiful woofy.
We're so sorry to hear about your beautiful friend Prince; this is very sad news...Blessings and comfort to his family and friends at this difficult time...xo...Calle, Halle, Sukki
Sometimes KISS is the way to go. I'm off to visit your friend, but not until I get my fluff fix. :)
Sorry to hear about your matie.
Noah x
We'll be sure to stop by and show some love.
Teddy Bear
Hi there khyra!
So sorry to hear about Prince.
Our prayers for him and family.
Maxx & mommy
We are sad to hear abowt Prince and are sending purrs.
We will stop by too...Thanks for letting us know.
I'm so sorry. FYI it's snowing here today, so if you need to feel a little better, feel free to drop by!
We were very sad when we heard last week that Prince had crossed. There can never be enough good thoughts and wishes for Prince and his family.
Woos - Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
I am so sorry about your friend (but I am looking forward to tomorrow).
Hi Khyra. We just went over to leave a note at Prince's. There has been so much sadness in the sphere recently. Let us hope for better times all around soon.
What sad news about Prince, We will go send our condolences. It's all just so sad.
Woooos Miss Khyra! We have already been to visit with the family of Prince. Mom knows what woo mean about spending some time just hugging our pups. I got a full massage last night from Mum! That was nice.
~husky Kisses~
-Kira The BeaWootiful
I will visit. We know how much it hurts since it's been only a week that we had to say goodbye to one of our babies.
Thank you for letting us know about Prince. We will most definitely go and visit his momma today!
Wiggles & Wags,
We are so very sorry to hear about Prince. Mom sure knows about the feeling of loss and how tragic it is. We left a message and we hope and pray they know how much they are loved. Godspeed Prince...tell everyone dear to all of us that we love them. Lots of love, Debbie and Holly
RIP, Prince
Thanks as always, Khyra and Mom for helping to spread khindness to those who are furry sad today. xoxo
I'm on my way there right now...thank you so much for letting us know...
He was a pretty boy, and so young. :-(
So sad, thank you for sharing....
I went over and left a comment with Prince's family. Have a great week Khyra!
We are so sorry to hear about your friend, Prince. Purrs and hugs and we will go visit.
I was very sad to hear about Prince. That was nice that you posted about him.
Oh, PS. I'm glad you received your box of goodies!
we are furry sowy to hear thenews of your angel furryend and we'll go over and paw our sad woo's to his mommish.
sad sniffles
the pittie pack
We went ofur to pay our respects.
Sorry to hear of your friend.
We're so sorry to hear about your friend, Prince, and will go by and leave our condolences.
Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Ruairi
We are so sorry to hear about your furriend. We will go send our purrayers.
I am very sorry to hear about the loss of your beautiful friend. My heart goes out to all the family and friends. :(
Hi Khyra,
Thanks for sharing about Prince.
It is so sad to lose them. I am so thankful for Bambi's 12 years and 5 months on this earth!!!!!
Watching the Mama bird has been very enjoyable!!
XXOO, Bambi & Fern
Thank you for telling us about Prince, we have visited his Mom's Blog and left our condolences.
It is always so very hard, weather we know them or not.
We feel and know the pain which is universal to those who have loved and lived with pets of any sort.
Sheila & Bob
Mom & Dad to
Hamish & Rescue Sophie
We're so sorry to hear about another sad loss.
Wooo Khyra,
It was a furry sad day when Prince had to leave his Maw and sibs.
We are sure he be waitin' at da Rainbow Bridge fur her.
We is sendin' her lots of hugs from our pack.
Husky kisses,
Mom is trying to catch up-she says she never will. And get things done. Things around Casa de Tejas Perros are a mess!
We will leave condolences. Mom and us have become captured by Digby......
Woo are lookin good girlfriend!
hayhayhay!!an mee toooo ok anok howdee keera! Scooter
Sorry to hear about your friend
sad woooh
We went over and left a note. What a wonderful woofie Prince was.
We did see this on da OP blog but that's ok...you can still reminds everybuddy. It is just so very heartbreaking. My mum is pretty sensitive to this kinds of things and then hers starts with da tears and then I haves to go comfort hers.
pees:can't wait to see tomorrows pikture...hehehehe!
We are so sorry to hear the sad news.. He all have heavy hearts here.. RIP Prince..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
So sorry to hear about Prince, we visited yesterday - it is so hard.
thank you, miss khyra. you are a good friend to prince's pack. we just got back from visiting prince's mama. her ache is our ache. :(
the booker man, asa, and their mama
Such sad news about your friend Prince. My mom and me just sent puppy prayers to his family.
Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae
We'll stop over and see Prince's blog now!
It's always sad when one of our doggie furiends leaves us.
I'll stop by and leave my condolences with Prince's humans.
Thanks K!
We'll go visit Princes mommy now. We didn't know him,but any friend of yours...
Now about this puff stuff at the end of your post...What the heck are you talking about? We're clueless!
Smooches from pooches,
BabyRocketDog and Hootie
I read the post from Prince's mom and the messages left by many. Very moving!
I am sorry about the loss of your friend, Prince. We have left words of support and sympathy. It is so very sad to lose such a handsome and giving member of our community.
I have already visited Prince's family. It's very sad.
Thank you lovely and beautiful Khyra for sharing the news. I much appreciate hearing about our furiends because as you know I'm struggling to stay in touch these days. I'm sorry for the loss of our furiends...
Hawoo Khyra and her Mom
Thank woo fury much fur posting about my Paw. It has been fury sad around here and just doesn't seem right wifout my Paw. My Aunt Summer is fury sad too, she doesn't even wan to play wif me!
Maw said to say she was fury touched by yur post and to thank woo fur being our furiends.
Play bows and woofs
Hi, Khyra!
I did not have the chance to meet Prince but sure is sad to know about him.
Our thoughts and prayers are with his family.
Take care
Kisses and hugs
Oh no... sorry to hear about Prince.
Awwww! watching those eggs hatch is adorable but your paws Khyra! YOUR PAWS! I LOVE them!!!
Another sad day with the loss of your friend... Thanks for letting us know... The CC
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