Lucky's Foster Dad sent this pikh Monday AM - Lucky was napping on the futon as his Foster Dad worked from home - he wanted to thank evFURRYone who helped him get out of Lincolnton NC alive
My Sunday night poppy chekhk
Mom brought my Milkbone out to me Sunday AM - she hadn't planned on bringing out the flashie beastie but when she saw what I had done, she just had to -
I guess it is a reverse plank preparation
Saturday AM she spotted this furiend on the door
She kept zooming in khloser hoping it would stay until
She khould snag this!
A bit later, she saw me take off fur my tree - there was a new menace taunting me - and it was too khwikhk fur her to snag - especially as it went up into the tree to hide from me



We are sorry to hear about your friend:(
I loved your happy dance.
And I wish the little tree rat would come play with you. I know you wanted to play so much.
I don't know what that is on the curtain- is it a bat?
I am sad about Mack. We went to give some love
I love the butterfly pictures! When you are not so busy with butterflies, baby birds, and all the other amazing stuff you do, please stop by my blog and vote for my next giveaway. I hope you win!
Thanks for balancing the sad news about Mack with your chipmunk stalking and happy fostering news. Mack was a very special gentledog and his mommy a very wise and selfless parent.
We were very sorry to hear about Mack. But we are still Quite Impressed with your tree rat dance!
*kissey face*
-Fiona (and Abby The Pest)
We are very sorry to hear about your friend Khyra.
Too much sad news right now.
We loved your dance at the bottom of the tree - Martha is still trying to climb trees so we will let you know how that goes!
Martha and Bailey xxx
Hi there Khyra and Phyll
It's amazing to see how those chicks grow...thank you again for posting about them...we have loved watching them develop.
Im sorry we don't always comment, but we are following your posts. I wanted to tell you that those pink poppies are awesome... I saw them on your walk yesterday too.
As for Lucky...well his name says it all. He's really cute and I hope he gets settled soon. You really do amazing work!
Sending lotsaluv to you all - including Merdie and the whole gang there.
We are sorry to hear about Mack. Purrs.
Almost got another tree rat? We got to see some this weekend and tried to catch them, but our humans prevented it.
I guess them squirrels is smarter than we thinks!
So sorry about your boy-furiend, He beed a good dog.
Nice fluttery fly!
Hi, Khyra..
Loved your dance...
That's why your Mom always has the Flashie Beast with her...She needs to "Khapture" those moments...(I was using a little Khyra language there...BOL)...
Lucky for that critter you have trees in your yard...
Abby xxxooo
We were sorry to read about Mack. The list just seems to grow and grow:(
So much goings-on in your yard all the time, MFT. Pretty flowers, butterflies, hidden treats, and chipmunks!!!! We don't think we have ever seen a chipmunk, but we do have snakes:)
Great dance moves too.
Woos - Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
Oh I am so very sorry to hear about your furiend. These have really been some challenging days fur doggies.
Is your mom's camera like surgically connected to her body or sumptin? Her always has that thing on her...hehehe!
Those are da most gorgeous poppies...was they graown from seed or bought?
We heard about Mack last night. So very sad.
Your can-can sure made us all smile though!!
I thought, at first, the butterfly was an eyeball! It freaked me out!! Those poppies just keep getting prettier.
Are the rats conspiring to take over? Be careful!
How sa about Mack. We'll go visit to express our condolencs.
Too much sadness...
Wirey woofs,
Jake and Just Harry
Woooos Miss Khyra! We visited Macks family already, it has been a sad time on blogger lately...
I do not know what a Chip and Dale thingy is, all we have here in Florida are those Giant human sized ones!( they live with a giant mouse that employees my human grandad)
I hope yours is not as big. It would be hard to eat.
~husky kisses~
-Kira The BeaWootiful
Hi Khyra
We are so sorry that your boyfriend Mack crossed the rainbow bridge.
Love Ruby & Penny
Pees - we loved your Chipmunk dance.
we are sorry to hear about yr friend and hope his mom is doing better.. i will go and send them some love..
u were so cute looking at the thing o the tree!
We're so sorry and sad to hear about Mack.
That's a bad little tree rat for tantalizing you like that, Khyra!! You've got to show him who's boss next time he shows his little face in your yard...
Aww! The baby falcons are getting so big! They grow up extremely quickly...
Wow, thanks fur keeping an eye on those poppies, they're still lookin' good! cute happy dance, MFT, too bad it didn't work. Maybe those Chip n' dale tree rats would come down for one of your "come hither" huzzy poses?
jack & miss moo
PS - we'll go by and woo for Mack, as the RB gains another angel.
So sorry about your friend Mack.
Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae
PeeS I gave you an award today. Please stop by and get it.
I always enjoy your gentle days and the lovely stripes on Khyra! The poppies are a sight for snow sore eyes. There is so much sadness lately in our Global Pack! I am off to visit Sally Ann now! I am sure Mack has found some good friends to welcome him at the Bridge. xoxo
HI Khyra,
You put up the best pictures on your blog!!!!!
Just love them all!!! You are so pretty Khyra!!
XXOO, Bambi & fern
Sorry your mom wouldn't let you play with the Chip and Dale. Your dance was pretty cute however.
Sorry to hear about your friend too.
RIP Mack...
We were so sorry to hear about Mack.
We do love your dance, though!!
Woofs and Kisses!
The Fiesty Three
We loved your dance!
Wags and Licks,
Mollie Jo & Bobo
& Uncle Puppy
sorry bout mack
Those birdies are really getting big, aren't they?! Wow.
Love the happy dance, Khyra!
Sorry about your friend. So sad. You sure wanted to play with your new friend, but he wasn't having any of that was he. You look great in your photos.
miss khyra,
i am so sorry to hear about mack. thanks for letting us know. me and asa and mama will go by and send hugs to miss sally ann and her mama.
lucky looks snug as a bug on a rug! i'm glad he has a nice foster daddy who lets him sleep on the futon all comfy cozy like that. :)
i know you will be on guard for those dancing rats. i didn't even know they could dance in the first place...they are getting more bold... you'll get them next time!!
the booker man
pee s -- yeah, i will let mama kick my big green ball for me again, but she is under strict orders to keep the ball on the ground!! oh, and you are right that it was asa's idea to use the baseball! heehee.
hello khyra its dennis the vizsla dog hay trixie telz me she yoozd to chayse those danser rats arownd the yard in noo york but cud never ever ketch them!!! ok bye
We are sorry about your eskie friend. Run with the wind, boy.
Quite the dance there Khyra, I have tried various dances to encourage those tree lobsters to "come on down". They just say unspeakable things back to me. One day, one day.....
We are about to go over to give some love to Mack's family. Khyra you just are such a great dancer - was that in celebration of seeing that Chipermunker???!!! How cool that you spied one! And the butterfly (?) is amazing against the lace - just lovely! Have a happy Tuesday pretty girl!
Hugs xoxoxo
I am very much sorry to hear about your furend, Khyra.
You did a great dance for that tree rat! I can't believes he didn't come down to dance with you. Kinda rude, if you ask me.
Happy Cheezeday!
Wiggles & Wags,
Oh, so sorry about your boyfriend! He looked like such a friend!
Sad news about your friend. We hope he will run free at the bridge.
Khyra, you've got yourself all tangled up doing the dance!
We are sorry to hear about Mack, but we know he is out of pain now.
Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Ruairi
Sorry about your furend! I'm impressed on you hiding the bone...I just inhale them when mom or dad give us one!
Mr. Nubbin'
Darwin just chased a tree rat yesterday and almost pulled Jason flat on his face! hehehe
Sorry to hear about your friend crossing the rainbow bridge... always so sad.
We are so very sorry to hear about Mack. We will go over and visit.
On the other hand, Lucky is looking quite comfy and content.
Those birdies just keep getting floofier and floofier!
You hide your bones in some of the best places!!!!!
Meowm loves your dance for the critter! We can't believe it didn't come down to play with you!
Great dance Khyra, you will get that tree rat when he least suspects it, when we want to, us Siberians can be silent but deadly.
Sorry about Mack, he seemed really nice.
Remy and Flash
Watch out for that sneaky squirrel Khyra...it will tempt you to go round and round the tree until you are all tangled up!!
Smileys and Snuggles!
Dory, Jacob and Bilbo
We are so sorry to hear abowt yoor friend ~ we'll pop over and give some love.
We loved all the other pics today ~ espeshully Lucky's.
Man you better show that dancing rat who is boss! If you need me to come over and help you with your tree-rat infestation, I will, I am so there!!
Oh and we are heading over to Mack's bloggy right now to show his momma some support. I mean we have to, with a great name like, Mack he had to have been one cool dude!
Wags and woofs,
Mack and Mia
Oh, no. We are sorry about your boyfriend Mack. We'll go by and leave a message.
Always sad news when our friends pass. We will stop by for a visit. Khyra is sure looking good these days. Floofy tail and all. Good to know she is on the job, trying to rid the world of tree rats.
I sorry about ur friend. :( Many barks in peace.
We are so sorry about the loss of your sweet boyfurriend Mack...kisses beautiful girl...xo...Calle, Halle, Sukki
So sad to hear of another lovely going to the bridge..I loved your little dance. Looks like you got your self all wrapped up there MOL.
Your mum did well snagging the flutterbye.. It was furry lovely..
Hugs GJ xx
We were so very sorry to hear about Mack. Sally Ann is going to miss her brother!
That stoopid squirrel got you all tangled around your tree, Khyra!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Sorry about your friend Mack. We did like your happy dance around the tree. We are checking in to see if the company would be interested. We'll see.
Looks like I'm #55...
Your fluffy tail is especially fluffy today!
(I didn't want to be redundant)
So much sad news of late. I'm sorry to hear about Mack.
You do a good job of letting those tree rats know who's boss!
Hi Khyra, we are very sorry to hear about your friend's passing on to the Rainbow Bridge. We will visit the family.
We love the Chip-N-Dale Dancer and especially your dance around the tree!! That's a great tree anyway....mom really loves it!! We hope your friend comes back down to play with you!1 Lots of love, Debbie and Holly
I am very sorry to hear about your friend. :(
It looks like not only did you dance, but tangled the twee too, hehehe
I'm vewy sad about Mack..he fought hawd and was a wondewful fwiend.
You have so many cool fuwwiends whewe you live.
Mumsie had to stash all hew haiw pwoducts all undew the bed and ovew the bed and evewywhewe, heheheit was wowf it, she looked bootiful
smoochie kisses
So sad and unexpected about the Lord. I was thinking that he'd recover after his rehab. Those birds have grown fast. Khyra, you're being tortured too? Same here, my friend.
We're very sorry to hear about your furiend.
We liked your tree rat dance Khyra! So many fun photos of you today!
Sorry to hear about your friend Mack! We've been seeing a lot of butterflies in the garden too! It's such a treat!
We were very sorry to read about your friend Khyra.
We loved your tree dance photos,
take care
Clive and the NSLM
I'm sorry to hear about Mack. :(
Oh, how sad that he passed away! We're very sorry to hear that!
Love your little dance around the tree! We should get together and compare dance moves sometime!
I'm so sorry about your friend Mack...It is a very sad time for so many right now....But your dance Khyra sure could cheer up anyone, because it did me!!! I hope you're having a wonderful week!!
We're so sorry about your friend :( Glad to see some happy news too, that Lucky has such a good family. You look super cute investigating the fur critters!
Sorry to hear about your boyfriend... It's sad.
But be careful chasing those butterflies! They're sneaky and they have butter-dust that makes you age really quickly.
We are so sorry to hear about Mack. It has been a rough couple of weeks in the neighborhood.
Those birds are getting big fast! Lucky is quite cute! I love the color of those poppies. I don't think Mom or I have ever seen any that color before. You make sure you keep those kritters on their toes. They should never try to invade Khyra's yard!
I'm sorry about your friend. That is so sad.
Thank you again for your help last night!
I loved your dance. That was a great picture!
Very sorry to hear about your friend.
There is nothing I love more than when our critters are distracted by their critters. :)
We are so sorry to hear about Mack, he looks to be a great, dear friend.
We do love your dance!
Our thoughts are with Mack's family.
Happy Dance?? Sounds pawesome!
Maybe one day that squirrel will come down to play with you!
Kisses and hugs
Khyra, we were sorry to hear about Mack. We visited his mom's blog and left a nice message for her.
On another note, we loved your happy dance. How light you are on your feet!! You need to come visit here and help me and Blues get all our chipmunks. They are all over the place!!
Love you Khyra. You are the Fluffiest!!
Much love,
Josie and Blues
We were so sad to hear about your boyfriend Mack.:(
We hope the Chips and Dales come back soon!
Teddy Bear
Hi, Khyra -
We are sorry to read about Mack. The butterfly is so pretty - Mama has not seen those type of markings before.
Lucky is so adorable!
Love -
Hershey and Kaci
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