I'm expekhting there will be a fourth eyas visible early today - one of the eggs was showing 'signs' Wednesday AM!

Thankful fur Twinkle and her GABE projekht - I was the khanine winner at the Amazing Animal Lovers Blog!
Lookie! Too much khool stuff!
Chekhking the khontents! We've wanted a khollapsible water bowl but just never got one yet! I have that same set so Mom is going to take my old one and put it in her transport bag. Sometimes on her transports she'd REALLY like to brush out some of the khoats she sees. We'll put this one in my furst floor grooming drawer! She also keeps instruments of torture on the nightstand to khatch me in my weaker sleepy moments!
How do I look with my new toys?
SOOOO, my thinking inspired me to khombine a "Tricky T-day" with
So here is my entry fur the THAT'S ENTERTAINMENT khategory!


Of khourse, my thinking and my khamera help's thinking weren't on the same page of the skhript SOOOOO she neglekhted to mention PAWDANCE in the video - just goes to show what happens when the khoffee has not yet kikhked in!
I hope woo enjoy it - here is THE LINK to it!
Have a great Thursday evFURRYone!
Nice schwag haul. :) Time to get a camera visit in - those little fluff balls will be gone before we know it - I remember how quickly they disappeared last year!
Wow! Those are some really cool prizes you won. Congrats!
We're first! We're first!!!We've never been first. We are usually 158th or something.
Now we forgot what we were going to say.
Misty the alpha Poodle
Somebody beat us to first while we were celebrating being first.
Misty again
Massages, kisses and pressies! Looks like you got all the things you were dreaming of Khyra!
It's so funny when the birdies look at the camera like they know we're watching them!
I see a dogscar in your future! great video!
Look at all those fuzzy things that came out of those eggs! WOW!
And Khyra, great job with the tricks! You looked like you could do that all day. I'm just not all that coordinated. I was so impressed with you!
Hi Khyra! Kongratulations on winning!!
those are amazing prizes you got!
Thanks for sharing your Thursdsay with us!!
hey Khyra,
Oh my dawg! You are so lucky to get such a big, comfy bed to sleep on! And a Doggy Nanny to pamper you! And a huge box of fun gifts and treats and toys! Khyra, if I could be you for just one day... :->
Seriously, congrats on winning! That is really a pawsome bunch of stuff to win!
p.s. LOVE the birdy cam! Thanks for posting the pics!
We grabbed our popcorn and enjoyed watching the birdies and Miss Khyra khatching her treats!!! Can you hear the applause?
And we think your idea for putting some of the items to good use in the Xterra Transports is superb!
Khyra, you look great with all your new toys. I bet you're having so much fun with them.
Teddy Bear
Congratulations Khyra, those are some great prizes!...Massage and kisses too=you're definitely living the good life, beautiful girl!...xo...Calle, Halle, Sukki
Oh Khyra!
We are so taken with your hatchlings! They are the sweetest little fluffballs ever! Thank you so much for giving us a peek every day!
Cute balls of fluff. Grammy is so glad you share them with us as our computer is to slow for us to look for ourselves.
We love the massage you got, and I'll bet your Nanny loved the kisses she got from you! The CCC
Hi Khyra, we liked you entry into the Tricky T contest - you were awesome.
We tried to leave a comment on your video but don't think it worked! Good luck.
You got some great prizes there - good luck for winning that competition.
We liked the pic of you stretched out on your mom's bed - we love your style.
Those fluffy little hatchlings are the cutest.
Martha and Bailey xxxx
So now we can wait to see if the frisbee takes the place of the football:) Nice pressies - congrats on your win.
Nice entry - great entertainment - good luck.
And we love seeing you being so loving to the DN.
Woos - Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
Hi, Khyra...
Great prizes you got there...
Loved the video...Very entertaining...
Abby xxxooo
We used to do the catch thing with popcorn, but the hu-dad says we keep getting closer and it is like Hitchcock's Birds. But we are not birds and don't know any Hitchcock, so that makes no sense to us.
Congratulations Khyra! It looks like you won some really great prizes too. Mom and me watched your video and loved it, a sure winner!
Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae
Wow....Khyra...those birdies are so cute!
What a great goodie bag!!!
Have fun!
Wooos MFT! I watched woo video! I think the saddest part was when there was no more cookies and woo beawootiful fluffy tail went down sadly... that part made me whine....
Poor Khyra, I hope woo get more cookies soon!
-~puppy kisses~
-Kira The BeaWootiful
Congratulations on your presents and prizes!! It looks great!!! The movie looks fun!! Lots of love, Debbie and Holly
You got some spiffy prize pressies. Wasn't that whole thingy fun??? A lot of work for Twinkie.. and we got all the grrreat stuff.
Nice video. I didn't know that you had taught your mom to COUNT. How long did THAT take???
PeeS... I LOVED your comment about no boats being named Mayo!!! Toooooo funny!! We are supposed to get more rain tomorrow so I am hoping there will be no Sink Oh's.
OooO! What lovely prizes. The collapsible water bowl does look very very useful!! I really regretted not buying one to bring with me to NYC for Ell....
The fuzzy chickies are just adorable..!
Nice toyz, MFT, congratulations! And that was a beawootifully executed catch on those treats!
Jack a-roo & miss moo
PS: Woo look so cute when woo are sleepy!
Congrats on all the great presents!
Holy Moly! What a fanastic prize pak! You are one lucky woofie!
How exciting to get a glimpse of the new hatchlings!!
That's quite a haul you got too! I didn't show my crew the picture, I don't want them to go on an online shopping spree while I'm at work! ;-)))
What fuzzy babies!!
And what neat prizes you got there!
Cool pressies Khyra! Great moves in your video!
Sam & June
Wrooo wroooo,
We love your video!
We can feel the love between you and Doggy Nanny!
Licks and sniffs,
Zack, Sassy and Buddy
Neat prizes, Khyra. And transport dogs will benefit too.
Hi, I'm glad you liked your gifts!!! I thought you may like the water dish :)
Nice video! Good tricks !!!
Khyra....we love all your pics....
The one where you're sleeping on your mommy's bed is soooooooooooooo cute and you look adorable!!!!!!!
And you and your nanny are soooooooooooo sweet!!!!!!
She seems such a lovely person!!!!!
What a great great presents you got!!!!
you deserve all of them 'cause you are sooooooooooooo special and a great friend for all of us!!!!
We're soooooo happy to have you and your mommy in our life!!!!!
And we love love love your video!!!!
Watching you "live" and hearing your voices is wonderful!!!!
Take care of you dear friends!!!
Sweet kisses and licks!!!
Awesome photos and very cool stuff you got there! You are a lucky duckie!
What a busy Thursday! We loved all your pressies AND your Pawdance entry!!
Mama is STILL trying to pick which video to enter.
Birdies...and prizes....and a lovely picture of you! What a great post!
look at those super awesome pressies, miss khyra! that rope toy looks especially funsies. :)
i totally dig your "that's entertainment" entry for pawdance! you have some serious cookie catching talent, miss khyra!
the booker man
Congrats on your terrific prizes Khyra! You sure did hit the jackpot!
Thats a great stash you got there.. You will be the best groomed woofie around.. You look so lovely with your doggie nanny.. Kisses and sweet talk.. Hugs GJ xx
Great video Khyra, you're so good at khatching khookies!! I'm not very good at it....
Best of luck with the video at the film festival!
I really love the privileges that khomes with being a Husky you know??
Love nibbles,
Miss Sunshade
Those little guys are so cute. Perhaps tomorrow we will see one more..
Congrad's on all your cool stuff..
We love your video. Khyra you are one talented pup..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Thinking about getting a massage is always a good thing and then getting it is even better.
Nice treat catching, we are not too good at that, we are so used to having all our treats placed directly in our mouths. It might be fun to practice.
Remy and Flash
Congrats on the wonderful prize box! You got some very cool stuff! It is also nice to see that you provide turn back service on the bed, just like I do. You should consider a career in movies.
What a fun post! Cool prizes, baby birdies, and an amazing video. Love it!
Happy Thursday Khyra. That is a nice haul of stuff!
Oh Khyra! I love the khyss picture! That is just precious.
Emma Rose
Our mom is really enjoying seeing those little white bird babies! Thanks for sharing!! And congratulations on your prize!! Whooo hooo that looks awesome!!! Hugs Joey and Kealani
Gosh - look at all those GABE pressies! And then you gots kisses and massages from the Dog Nanny. What a great day!
I gives your movie 4 paws up! You are Most Talented, Miss Khyra!
Wiggles & Wags,
I'm totes jelly about all your cool prizes!
Pawesome gifts, Khyra!
I love to hear your crunchy crunchy video!
Kisses and hugs
Those prizes look like fun -- enjoy!
we luved your video for sure you are quite talented in tweat catching and boy those toys looked super fun to play wiff. can we come and play wiff you
pibble wiggles
the pittie pack
Dear Khyra --
Congratulations on your win! Those look like pawesome prizes!
And thank you for the hatchling photos. Very cool.
Could you please have your dog-nanny give you a hug or two from me?
Thank woo,
Good luck in the competition. I must say there are so many outstanding movies that I think Norwood will have a difficult time with the judging.
Congrats on your win, that is awesome! :)
Great video, Khyra, I like how your ears move when your mom talks!
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