
Isn't she gorgeous?!?

and he also pawed this to evFURRYone!

Please stop by and say hi to them if woo haven't met them yet!
Of khourse, there were things I was supposed to do with this BUT remember I am Siberian and I don't need no stinkin' rules!

Her peoples are going away this weekend and again next weekend so she pawed me from her iPhone to see if I had room fur her!
Mom and I are sorry there are no PF pikhs today - we needed to take khare of lots of odds&ends today - or was it ends&odds so we didn't really want to have to fuss with the post after we staged it - as woo know, evFURRYtime we add pikhs, we have to go bakhk and refine the spacing on the pikhs and text we had already assembled!
OMD good to hear you cleared your bits and pieces, odds and ends, tops and bottoms, odds and sods!
Congratulations on the awards!
We're so glad you get to pal around with Merdie instead of the khats and evil skhwerals. Love your flowers.
Rest up - you are going to need all your energies for your adventures with Merdie!!!
Happy Thoughts!
*kissey face*
-Fiona (and Abby the Pest)
And still more flowers! We are so jealous! And we likes those cute awards! Merdie this weekend? Cool!
Monty says "Hi Khyra!"
wowowow... Khyra I Love woo
Merdie's Khomin! YAY! She's going to love going on Poppy Chekhk's with you Khyra!
Heffa certainly gorgeous! We read the sweet story about Operation Red Horse Pups too.
We love seeing you sleeping in your chair Khyra! You are just so cute!
welcome back merdie! we missed you! and dearkhyra, love yr sleeping pose on the sofa! how comfy!!
Oh yeah!! Can't wait for MERDIE to come hang out!
Was wondering how many days ahead you were with the walkin' pix....then realized Tuesday was a previous day than Thursday :)
Thankful for healthy pals and those that are now safe and warm.
Hugs and snaggle-tooth kisses,
Sierra Rose
miss ft- that's a whole lotta thinking.. until your mommie disturbed you. come on! now you have to start all over again!
your MB pal,
You look so sweet on that chair, Khyra! Congratulations on your awards!
hey Khyra,
My human and I have the sniffles over Operation Red Horse Pups. What a wonderful story and such a happy ending for Heffa! Very cool looking pups. We wish we could have one. I have never met a doggy from Afghanistan. Thanks for sharing such a great story!
Congratulations on your pawsome awards! They are great awards, and well deserved by you!
Happy tail wagging news about Tweedles! Thanks for sharing!
p.s. have a blast with fun Merdie!
WOOHOO!! Merdie!! You must be so excited my friend! (we're excited that we'll get to see Merdie photos!
I glad Merdie comin to see u! I wish u and her lived next door, so u could visit every day. :)
We are glad Heffa has had a happy ending - hope all the pups make it to safety too!
You had lots of lovely pics on your blog - hope your Mum will let you sleep and build up energy for Merdie's visit!
Lots of licks
Sally and Paddy
Hi my dear
I will hope you will have a gr8 time with Merdie. I think you both will enjoy it. Wish I could be there to goof around with you.
nice woooh
Congrats on all your awards, my friend.:) Woohoo, Merdie is coming!!! You must be very excited!!!:)
Teddy Bear
Congratulations on your great Awards Khyra.
Nice to see you snoozing in the armchair.
You will be well rested for Merdie's visit!
Martha and Bailey xxx
Woo, Merdie, welcome back!
Congratulations on all of your awards, Khyra! You deserve them all! Have fun with Merdie!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Oh Heffa is gorgeous. We are so glad the soldiers rescued her and her siblings.
Have fun playing with Merdie.
We are going to enjoy our own snooze now. Good luck with the odds & ends, ends & odds. ~AFSS
Wow, now that's a post filled with thankful things. Congrats on your awards - very nice.
And who needs the falcons when we got Merdie!!!! We can't wait to see her arrive back at Camp Khyra.
And those pups - beautiful dogs. Mom fell in love with Dana on the website, not part of the original litter, but what a cutie.
And Tweedles - so wonderful to hear things are well.
Woos - Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
Wooos Khyra! I know woo will have un with Merdie, just make sure she does not steal woo cookies that woo have hidden....
We were off visiting Tweedles, who we had not met before, thanks fur the paws up!
~husky kisses~
-Kira The BeaWootiful
Mieow Khyra!
I missed you lots. SS met a couple of beautiful, beautiful Siberian while on holidays. One of them looked very much like you. SS just loves them all. She wishes she could have one but then again I might get eaten.........
Mieow Merdie!
Good to see you. Have a great time keeping Khyra company!
No flowers in our garden. Just rain and more rain, puddles and more puddles, wet paws and more wet paws.
So much in today's post. Our heads are spinning!
But... MERDIE IS COMING! Now that's great news!
Yippeee - Merdie is coming!! We love the picture of you sleeping in the chair. You sure have a lot of pawsome awards!!!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
There is much to be thankful for this day! And you know how psyched I am to see another Merdie appearance. Another Monday with multiple M's? :)
Hurray Merdie!!
Wooooo...get lots of rest Khyra..you and Merdie always have greate adventures.
I am sooooo loving those unusual colored poppys.
Let the fur fun begin... Merdie's back.
Yaaa! Merdie's coming over!
We went and said hi to Tweedles. We always love to hear good news - thanks for letting us know!
Congratulations on the awards!! That's great that Merdie is coming back for you to play with! I love the picture of you in the chair...that's a very pretty picture!! Lots of love, Debbie and Holly
YAY Merdie is khoming back!!! Dear Khyra I have had such a hard week emotionally that I could not read the links lest I get further down in the dumps but please know I am happy that all is well for the pups in this post. I only wish all dogs could have a happy ending and love in their lives. Thankful Champagne-less Thursday!!! xoxoxo
say HI to Merdie for us!!!!!
How funny that we has da same kind of rules...aren't kinda like odds and ends.
Thanks fur da poppy fix too.
Glad you got your walkies in! Oh my!! Merdie's coming! Merdie's coming!! We can't wait!!
Congrats on your awards!!
Woofs and Kisses!
The Fiesty Three
Congratulations on the awards!
A visit from Merdie is always exciting! I hope you have tons of fun!
Hi khyra!!
Wow, Merdie's comin? Looks like you're gonna have
a wickedly wonderful weekend!!
Kongrats on your awards!!
Happy Thursday!
Congratulations on the awards; you really deserved them, especially the Big Heart Award!...We hope you and Merdie have a great time together this weekend; we're looking forward to the photos!...kisses...xo...Calle, Halle, Sukki
What a cutie pie!
YEAHHH for a Merdie visit.
You are welcome for your award. All of flowers and other awards are very nice too. I can't waits to meet your friend Merdie.
Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae
PeeS Yay for Operation Red Horse Pups!
we loved seeing bewootiful heffa. it makes ush wanna attack her wiff our slobbery sugars. we are also furry much happish taht merdie ish coming ofurr to your woggie house and we cant wait to shee all the 'ventures you guys are going to have. we are kinda lost on the tweedles monster as we've been away but we love her so and are furry glad she ish okay
pibble wiggles
the pittie pack
Hi Khyra, Congrats on your award. I must be part siberian too, I do the same thing with award!!!!!
Love your wonderful pictures!!!!
Thanks for your visit!!!
XXOO, Bambi & fern
YAY! Merdie, Merdie, Merdie! I am so very much excited that she's coming to visit and we all gets to see more pictures of the two of you Most Beautiful doggies side-by-side again!
Oh, and good job with that snoozing thing.
Wiggles & Wags,
Poppies, walks, awards, and best of all MERDIE!!!!! You have all the fun!
We will see if we can donate a bit to those pups getting over here!
Dear Khyra, it is Thankful Thursday. I would like to say I am very thankful for beautiful YOU and Merdie, the pikhtures of flowers, your khats and the dogs your mum works with for her transport group; and for your blog that gives me so many smiles!
Congratulations on your awards!
ConCats on ALL of your awards! You are one popular Sibe...that's fer sure! YAY that Merdie is coming!!!
Have a wonderful time with Merdie!!
Yay Tweedles! That is great! And congrats on those cool awards - yes, Maggie Mae is a new friend here too!!! Keep posting pix of those pawsome poppies (phew!) - just love them! And Khyra - love your big chair post - you look absolutely wonderful in it! Have fun with Merdie this weekend - I knows you will! Oh and Heffa IS just gorgeous - whatta face, whatta look!
Big Hugs xoxoxo
Wayhayyy!! I'm wagging your Merdie is coming over for some Khyra time. Will you be doing Poppy check together? Mom thinks they are most beautiful, just like you :)
Wiry love Eric xx
OH that sounds like a wonderful rescue. Such great people getting those dogs back to the states for those deserving soldiers...
We can't wait to see pictures of Merdie's visit...
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
So awesome that those pups from afghanistan have made it to safety!
conratulations on your well deserved awareds!
We're so excited for merdie's visit!
It's always a wonderful day when Merdie comes to visit, yesh, it is! We was over to Tweedles' place to tell her how much we love her and how happy we are that all of the monsters are gone. We offered to dig a hole to bury them if they ever come back!
Looks like you are beginning to blow your coat. Bet your momma likes that about as much as our momma, hehehe!
Love the poppy photos!
So glad to hear Merdie is coming back to your house!
Congrats on all the awards.
take care
Clive and the NSLM
A slumber party with Merdie! Will you share your chair? ;)
It will ge good to spend some time with Merdie again...looking forward to the adventures.
Congratulations on your awards Khyra - you deserve each and every one. The poppies are looking good too!
You have a lot to be thankful for Khyra! We're glad Merdie is coming back and hope you have a nice time together ;)
Yeah Merdie and Yeah Sun!!!
Smileys and Snuggles!
Dory, Jacob & Bilbo
Glad to know the rain gave you a break!
I am sure you are very excited having Merdie at home with you!
Kisses and hugs
oooo, have fun with miss merdie this weekend!!! oh, and gratsers on your shiny awards!
that miss heffa is a super pretty lady for sures! mama says she has some soulful eyes. :)
the booker man
We love when Merdie comes to visit!!!
Lovely flower pics, as usual, and of course, YOU are always beautiful too! We are happy to see Merdie again and I'm sure you are looking forward to your visit with her! The CCC
Oh that chair looks comfy.
woof - Tucker
Geez, you make resting look so difficult. Love that chair photo. Were you tired from hunting squirrels all day?
Hi, Khyra -
Mama read the story about Heffa - what a happy ending!
Merdie looks right at home visiting with you and your Mom.
Congratulations on all of the awards.
Love -
Hershey and Kaci
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