With Mom being on the road a good bit of Sunday, we probably won't snag too many PF pikhs

We had some wild weather pass all around us Friday evening - several times Mom and I started out fur a walk but it began to rain and rumble so bakhk to the house we khame whilst we were still khlose enough to make it without incident - Merdie's area got nailed with nasty nasty hail - from what we hear, her 4-Runner got bashed up khwite a bit - by golfball sized ice balls -
Mom took pikhs of the sky during the several hour period it was all taking place around our area - here is the Photobukhket Slideshow Link -
Mom has khwite the transport ahead of her today - one of her usual Hagerstown MD to Harrisburg PA legs - with four adorable shephusky puppies (Abby, Emily, Olivia, and Kate), Lucky a DoxieX that is khalled THAT bekhause he was 'spared' by minutes, Rocket a flatkhoatedtriever, Rose an AkitaHusky, and Jerry (who is the brother to Ben the JRT-X from a few weeks ago that travelled with Clay and Rosanne) - word is Jerry is just as laid bakhk as Ben was!
All of the passengers but Lucky are for Rotts 'n Pups Rescue - Lucky is going to foster through the same Dachshund Rescue that brought Gretchen the ChiWeenie North earlier this year when Mom had Elvira and Misha
I'll let her tell what she khan here tomorrow!
We're relieved the terrible weather didn't quite catch you, but sorry that Merdie's area was hit so hard.
Dear Khyra
Your world is so beautiful.
The bluebird of happiness made me smile. You are so lucky to have such a pretty happy bird.
I just have mad crows.
The poppys in your yard are the prettiest colors. We have orange ones. Maybe sometime I should send you some seeds.
I was watching the birdies in your photos. They don't seem to have a worry in the world. But, such a big responsibility. To fly in the rain and wind and hail stones.
They never question what they must do- they just do it. The babies are growing so fast, and they DO have big feet. Their nest looks so fluffy with all those feathers.
My birdied put pine cones in their nests.
I looked at how beautiful you are laying in the grass. You make me happy Khyra.
Yes you do.
Thank you for sitting by my side
Hope you have a great day today!
The song Everybody Heard About The Bird (Bird Bird Bird - Bird is the Word) kept running thru my head as I read this post
Have a good transport tomorrow, prayers for safety for all the passengers for a safe trip and a safe landing in a good home. Love the pic of DN and Fred. They are an adorable pair!! xoxoxo
Here is good wishes to Mom for a great transport day of good pups going to a good home. They are all so deserving!
Your pal, Stella
We haven't ever seen one of those kind of birds before ... not here. Very purrty!
We hope that your mom is safe during her transport and all goes well.
Monty says, "Hi Khyra!"
Hi Khyra, FH loved the photos of the pretty pink poppies. And we're glad you didn't get the bad weather but poor Merdie - there seems to be a lot of 'freak' weather around the world at the moment. Schnauzer snuggles - JD and Max.
Hope you had a fantastic day today! Those birdies are looking scarier by the day. Sorry to hear about Merdie's hail stones!
Those baby birds are getting big!...We love the photos of you lying under the shade tree Khyra, you're just beautiful...Great photo of the lovely bluebird hanging out on your tree...Safe trip to you and Mom on Sunday; you guys always impress us with the good deeds you do for animals...Sorry to hear about the bad weather at Merdie's; glad everyone is ok...xo...Calle, Halle, Sukki
Bluebirds AND poppies!What could possibly be better?!
We hope your mom has a wonderful day, Khyra!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
We love visiting yoor blog cos we get great pics, noos about birdies and pups, and gorjuss poppy flowers! Fanks Khyra, yoo rock!
My goodness look at da naked birdies. They is cute though.
I can't wait to hear all bout your transport story. I feel so sorry fur that little doxie but thankfully it was rescued in da nick of time. I feel sorry fur them all but seeing as how I am a doxie, I am a little bias...hehehe!
Hi Khyra
Thanks for visiting me while I was away. I sure did miss your references to eating me (I know you are joking and really just want to play....)
It is so good to be back purr purr purr.....
Holy cow - does your mom need to borrow the S-RV?
We hope Fred and the Doggy Nanny had a great day - glad you gave them some lucky floof.
Lovely pics in the garden Khyra. The bluebird was wonderful.
Martha and Bailey xxx
This will be quite the full house for the xterra today. Hope Mom has lots of fun and a crateful of clean and happy pups:)
That bluebird is so pretty- looks like it really did want to have its picture taken.
Happy Sunday.
Woos - Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
Khrya were you drooling as your mom took a pic of the bleubird? BOL!
We hope your mom has great weather for her transport today!!
Those poppys are soooo pretty. I have never seen that color before.
Yesterday one of my BB's of happiness was sitting ON TOP of my flagpole. I told mom to try and sneak in for the flasher thingy, butt the bird flew before she could get a pic for you. Sorry.
The pic on YOUR BB of happiness on the tree is grrrreat!!!
Next Sunday, Mom, Dad, Lilly and Ruairi will be in the Hamburg area before they start home on Monday - they'll be on the lookout for an orange Exterra!!
Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh, Ruairi and Becky
safe trip to your mom and ...sigh, we will have to watch the PF cam ourselves for a while today so that we don't fall behind.
That bluebird is sooooooooo pretty! amost as pretty as you!
Wow thats a carload today! Be safe!
What a nice little birdie!!
Thanks for sharing your day!
That little blue bird sure is cute.
I can't wait to see pics of the husky/shep puppies. Hope it was a good transport.
You might appreciate this.
Great pics as always - love the ones of the bluebirds :)
Pugs & Kisses
Yoda & Brutus
We're sorry to hear that the nasty weather visted Merdie.
Those little birdies are growing up so fast!! Your Mom is such a busy lady and does so much good, please give her a smoochie from us.
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Oh Khyra it is raining buckets here. I haven't even set paw outside yet this morning. But I am getting to sit by Mommy's chair and help her blog.
Love all the pictures of you and the poppies are great.~Fenris
We hope your Mom has another safe trip! Thank you for all the great photos!
Wow...your mom has lots of passengers today! I can't wait to hear all about it!
And I sure did like the pictures of that pretty birdie and the ones of you all streeeeeetched out.
Hope the bad weather stays far away!
Wiggles & Wags,
PeeS. My mom says thank you for the kind words you left on her postie. They meant lots to her.
Hi Khyra, That was a beautiful blue bird & so cooperative to stay still & pose for Mom. That is a lot of pups to transport. They are so lucky to have your Mom helping with getting them moved to better places. We love your floofy tail & the way you pose for Mom too.
Wow! Those baby birds are growing so fast!
Be careful in that scary weather!
Good luck to your mom today!
Khyra, love the pictures!! The birdies sure are growing up. The bluebird is gorgeous!! The pictures of you are always beautiful!! We hope your mom has a safe transport in getting the pups. What she does is so wonderful!! Lots of love, Debbie and Holly
Lovely bluebird!
Doggy Nanny and Fred look very happy to have you in the picture with them and for you to share your floof! Mom never leaves home without it...
Licks and sniffs,
Zack, Sassy and Buddy
Birds! Baby birds! The bluebird is so pretty. We like the flowers and your outside pictures. Long transport for your mom and so many saved! We are so proud for her (Southern saying which is kinda cool).
love & wags,
I likes ur pikshers. The bloo bird is very bloo. :)
those are some great photos of the baby birds! The blue bird is so pretty too! Love the photos with you and the Poppies!
Khyra - looks like you were getting a nice tan lolling about in the sun! And your fur is so nice and shiny! I really liked your bluebird friend! I love to watch the Robins and mommy warned me to leave them alone.
Love your pal,
Lovely sunny pics of you today, Khyra!
We're sorry Merdie's vehicle got all beat up but glad she and her family are okay. We're glad you are safe too although we're sorry it skhrewed up your walk.
We like all the photos of you enjoying the great green outdoors Khyra! You have silly sideways birds!
We had a bluebird of happiness in our yard too. We ate it.
Haha, just kidding.
Misty the alpha Poodle
Yikes, that sort of hail sure can do a number on a car!
I just love your pictures Khyra. Your mum got some very loely shots of you.. Doggy nanny and Fred look realy nice and the smiles are lovely.. Thanks for the birdie update and safe journey to your mum.. Hugs GJ xx
Sorry to hear your walkies got rained out. Can't wait to see the Xterra full of furries. That is quite a passenger list you mom will have!
Wags and Licks,
Mollie Jo & Bobo
Those little birdies are getting so big.. Soon they will be flying the coop...
Khyra you always look good no matter what day it is...
Be careful tomorrow Mom... Have fun give those pups a few rubs for us...
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Dear Khyra
Puppies bluebirds and flowers. And you look also so comfy laying in the grass. What a wonderful day you had.
This sounds like some 70ies music.
nice woooh
That is a beautiful picture of the bluebird! I'm so glad you got the picture!
Gosh, the PFs have grown so much so fast!!!
We love the poppy pics...we have them too. Ours are the same color. We're supposed to have red ones too but they have not bloomed yet.
Love your tummy pics too!
Hi, Khyra...
The weather sure has been strange here in the North East...
Sounds like there was no room for you on this weeks transport...
Hope your Mom had a safe trip...
Abby xxxooo
Lovely photos Khyra - that bluebird is really gorgerous.
take care
Clive and the NSLM
O Khyra, it is not proper sendoff wifout the floofs and the furs!
This post is chock full of pretty pitchers and I love it, and if I pick just a few as my favorites...
I love the ones where you are stretched out wif arched back and a long chin! That is my favoritest way to relax, enjoy grasses and celebrate out of doors! Just sayin.
So sorry to hear about the Merdie's damage. I fink maybe she should stay wif you for a few days, you know... just to get over the trauma!
wif love from the Luke
Khyra, honey.....now them birds are okay an' all, but I wanna see more pics o' YOU, my big beauty!
I hope the weather improves for you, walking in hail is No Good.
Woooos Miss Fluffy Tail! I see woo had a nice week, but woo Mom is certainly going to be busy today with all of those pups! I hope she has a safe and happy transport. Meanwhile woo look lovely in woo yard!
~husky kisses~
-Kira The BeaWootiful
Those are some very cute pictures of you. I liked the Bluebird too.
have a nice evening
That woz some furry pawsome pikshurs of burdies and flowahs and floof!
We're so glad that you all are ok. We hope Merdie's 4 Runner can get fixed quickly.
Teddy Bear
Those poppies sure are pretty and the blue bird is too!
omdog storms are the worst! The cloud pics are pretty and not too scary and menacing!
Hi, Khyra -
The poppies are gorgeous. The bluebird was so still when your Mom took the pictures - Kaci and I don't stay still that long. Of course your pictures are pretty too.
Love -
Hershey and Kaci
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