Thursday evening Mom noticed they had left their box fur the furst time she saw
Now fur a normal day at Khamp Khyra

0900 hours

Where I usually sleep - I guess I like to be near another pup

Some Doga

Merdie was meditating

I was meditating too

Time fur Doggy Nanny massage

Oh yes: THERE!

Merdie's turn

Oh yes: THERE!

Thursday's Poppy Chekhk

Walk Time
Here are some of the assorted khritters fur this week - I gave Mom pawmission to allow Butterskhotch and BroFur the week off - they've been around but we let them be flashie beastie free fur THIS WEEK!

Two of THEM

Hanging 'round on MY patio


Taunting my mom!

This one needs some of my floof fur a tail hair transplant - the mid seckhtion looks like a bottlebrush!


This was in the front yard of Sparky The WFT earlier this week


And akhross the street from Sparky's I spied

The khat we've nikhknamed YODA!
We hope woo enjoyed part of our fun times at Khamp Khyra!
Khyra & Khousin Merdie
Oh you GOTTA get that squirrel!!
Those birdies are growing up but how scary they are leaving the box already!
Waking up to Doga, meditation and a massage from the Doggy Nanny - what could be better? Well, except maybe catching some of those khritters!
How do Butterscotch and BroFur get the week off from the flashie beast? We don't even get a day off from it!
How cool is that Squirrel - but what about the rabbit - oh so much wildlife to check out....
Kamp Khyra looks like the place to be!!!
Hi Merdie!!
Smileys and Snuggles,
Dory, Bilbo and Jacob
hey Khyra and Merdie,
What a fun day at Khamp Khyra! I am exhausted reading about it! First off, the photo of the mama bird (or papa?) walking in front of the camera is great! (fourth one down)
You both looked very relaxed while meditating. And I loved the first photo of Khyra with the Doggy Nanny Massage! Too funny!
The poppys are still looking very pretty!
And two squirrels?! Khyra, I think they are taunting not only your mom, but you as well! Great pictures!
How DARE those evil squirrels get THAT close to your patio and water bowl! You really do need to be out there to keep an eye on your yard and keep all those kritters away!
Or, you might want Jack and Moo to come visit so they could "take care of" the problem!
Thank you for beeing at Rains Blog and leaving some message. His mom was so happy about that, as she is worried so much cause they don't really find the reason why he haven't had any optical reflexions. For the moment he seems very weak but at least OK.
Nice woooh
tose squirrels are so daring! just loook at their faces!!!
be sure to catch them!
You must be having a lot of fun with Merdie.:) We think Yoda is the pawfect name for him.:)
Teddy Bear
Camp Khyra looks far too exciting! I have to say, Merdie seems to be a lot more patient with the Doggy Nanny scratch then you, my inpatient Husky friend!!!!
They're all impatient hehehehehe!
What excitment going on over there!! Have a great weekend!
Goodness your and Merdie are having such a relaxing time at Camp Khyra.
Even the doggy Nanny looks so relaxed - we were worried she would fall off the chair!
We could not believe the cheek of that pesky squirrel - you have gotta get him!
We are a little worried now the birdies are old enough to leave their nest - that is a scary time for sure!
Have a great weekend.
Martha and Bailey xxx
I love to meditate too.
woof - Tucker
Oh my Khyra, you let all those little khritters in YOUR yard on YOUR patio???? That khat looks kinda evil, did you stare at him???
Your nanny is sooo khute and khoool to give you massages, lucky gurrrrl and Merdie too.
Sorry we don't know much about birdies, can you tell me what kind of birdies they are?? The chicklets are so white and fluffy and super khute too.
Love nibbles,
Miss Sunshade
You and Merdie could have had all kinds of fun chasing kitties and squirrels and bunnies! Excitement overload!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Khamp Khyra looks like a blast, except for those obnoxious tree rats - but at least they provide entertainment.
What ? That's when you get up in the morning? No wonder you can't catch the squirrel - you have to get up early like we do - 4:30 to 5:00 am is much more like it - ask Ciara and TD. That's when all the good smells are out there.
Looks like you did find Yoda but he doesn't look too friendly. We prefer Butterscotch and Brofur.
Happy Saturday.
Woos - Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
MOL! We think the bottle brush squirrel is very funny!
Looks like another great day at your house. Yoda is cute! :)
What a wonderful diary of your day. Does Sparky know about the Khritter in his yard? I'll bet he would be glad to assist in relocating it.
(or I can come and help?)
Khamp Khyra looks like so much fun!
That sneaky tree rat has some nerve taunting your mom likes that!
Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae
PeeS Yoda is a good nickname for that kitty cat. :)
Hi Khyra & Merdie, Camp Khyra looks like so much FUN! Fenris would love to come for a visit.
Yoda looked as if he was thinking really hard about something. We loved the squirrel in the fountain, and the bunny was adorable. ~AFSS
It looks like flying lessons might starting soon for the chicks?
You and Merdie look very relaxed, Khyra. Enjoy your weekend!
It's a good thing merdie is there to help control the tree rat invasion! It looks like you need all the help you can get!
Woof Khyra,
Oh My Dog! Look at those evil squirrels. If you come out and help us chase rabbits, we'll help you with the squirrels(beasts). Hope you're doing well.
Desert Pups,
Toby, Norman, Keiko and The Ghost of Scuba
Hi Yoda!!!!
Yoda's name is just perfect for him!! He's probably using The Force so he can focus all his energy on you, Khyra...I'd watch out. Cats can do anything.
Your Doga pose is pawsome! That one squirrel is pretty gutsy to taunt your Mom.
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
I love the pictures, Khyra! My favorite is the first of your massage.
The babies leave the nest so quickly, I wasn't expecting! I hope they stay around for awhile.
It's so nice to see Merdie back. Tell her we've missed her!
Hope you and Merdie have a super weekend. No RAIN!!!
So many wonderful pictures!! We love all of them!! The birds, the squirrels, the bunny and of course Merdie and Khyra are absolutely wonderful!! We want to come to Khamp Khyra...it looks like so much fun!!! Lots of love, Debbie and Holly
Wow, the birdies have grown up fast!...Great photos of you and Merdie, Khyra...It looks like the squirrels were just hanging out waiting for you to come out and play!...Yoda is a cutie!...Happy Saturday sweet friends...xo...Calle, Halle, Sukki
oh oh me me me -- sign me up for Kamp Khyra! geepers, those squirrels do mess with you MFT~ they're lucky your on a line! you could show them a floof alright!
is it meditation time in kamp yet?
Never a dull moment!
WOW!!! Look at all those critters! You have invaders coming from every corner of your world!
Yoda looks a bit feisty!
Meditating is good for you and Merdie...we are glad to see you practice it.
I believe using your floof on a squirrel would be a sacrilege!
I do enjoy a good yoga session!
Those falcons grow so much every day!
Oh my goodness Khyra keep an eye on those squirrleys. Not sure who they think they are trespassing the way they do. Does grandmaw travel to give massages?
Benny & Lily
OMC! Squirrels!! I would has fun goings after dem squirrels MOL hehehe
Luvs how you posts many pictures my furriend, did you gets your treats in da mails yet? Momma sent dem dis week.
Camp Khyra looks pretty fun! Especially liked the squirrel in the bird bath :) And, seeing you and Merdie of course!
Hugs and snaggle-tooth kisses,
Sierra Rose
Great pics -- thanks for sharing....I like the squirrel pics....of course we LOVE squirrels!
Sam volunteers to come over and help take care of your squirrel problem!
You 2 look like you are enjoying your camp day..
Now for those squirrels we will be right over to help you with those. Velcro would love to chase that bunny...
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Great critter shots. I can't imagine how those tree rats have the nerve to taunt your mom!
Oh those squirrels have a lot of nerve@!!!! Dont you just love it when you get scritchy scratchys??? Thanks for sharing those pics of the baby birds!!! They are growing fast!!! Hugs Joey and Kealani
Khamp Khyra is the best! A Doggy Nanny massage! Monty wants one of those!
And there are those squirrels and other critters! And YODA! Hmmm! I would be real afraid of him!
Monty says "Hi Khyra and Merdie".
You had a day full of interesting things.
The no longer little birdies!
Kisses and hugs
U kno, if u get enough critters together, maybe a few skwirels and bunny rabbits, plus the kittehs, u could have a full game of football! :)
Gosh, it's all happening at Kamp Khyra this week!
You have been nominated for Awesome Blog award over at the Bone Zone - head on over and cast your vote :)
Wow Khyra...those baby birds are gettin' pretty big.....but I have ta ask ya......don't all those critters bein' in yer yard and neighborhood just drive ya batty ? I can tell ya Toby would be hoarse from barkin' if he caught sight of any of 'em....yep...they'd all be deaf from the noise....
Dewey Dewster here.....
Do you give your squirrels some nuts to eat? I bet they would love some.!
I noticed that you and our friend Merdie are having a good time at Kamp Khyra, and Brofur and Butterskotch too.
Those birdies are growing so fast!
Yoda's CREEPY! Oh my dawg, the squirrels must be eliminated. Sending Juno and Loki immediately to spring you for a squirrel shake down!
Nice furry visitors you have, including cousin Merdie. Hi Merdie! Looks like a great time is had by all at Khamp Khyra. Ah, the scritchies! Heaven!
wif live from the Luke
Merdie must be having an exciting time at Khamp Khyra!
Wags and Licks,
Mollie Jo & Bobo
Your squirrels are getting saucier and saucier!
I can't believe how big the birdies are already! They grow up so fast . Say... How does one get a job as a doggie nanny? I think that might be my true calling in life. This science thing is just to pass the time and put kibble on the table!
Khyra! You have a MAJOR squirrel infestation! Since we haven't seen any around here lately, we think we should come over to your place and give you a hand! The CCC
holy khritters! We love that Yoda khat, is he very wise??
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