
Thank Khyra!
First, I'll share Carla Jean who was on the early legs of the Saturday portion of this transport - this is picture sent by her driver - she was along from Conway SC to Benson NC - she met another transport there and headed to her furever home in 'Merryland' - she's a liver and white 1 year old
Now to my transport passengers
THE Charm - sorry 'bout the sun - driving East around 0815
Tina - Marge - Dakota
That was pretty much how the entire trip was - two sleeping and one watching
Tina - she came from Clayton NC on her way to NH - she's around 4 year old
Raspberry to you too Tina!
Marge - she came from Savannah GA - she's a BrittanyMix around 2 years old - heading to RI
Dakota - the very honoured passenger - he came from Conway SC - he's 12 years old and heading to NH
Tina and Marge
Marge and Tina
He was a great guest
Marge was comfy quite quickly
Marge and Tina
I wondered if our friends The Rocky Creek Scotties recognised this exit?
It was quite a nice transport AGAIN - I've yet to meet a Brittany and/or BrittanyMix that was anything but sweet and friendly! I know one of the drivers for the Saturday leg from Greensboro to Mt Airy NC wrote the transport list and said:
Thanks for asking me to do this, Kathy! What a great experience! My husband would have adopted Tina in a heartbeat if I we didn't already have 6 pets. She kept smiling at him and nudging him with her nose. I'm sure Dakota will be happy when the day is over and he can settle down. This was our first experience with Brittany Spaniels. What sweet dogs!
Here is the Photobucket Link for their SLIDESHOW of pictures; here is the link for the album with SEVEN videos - once again, it was just easier and more entertaining/rewarding to video them given their personalities and energy levels!
The leg was done in honour and memory of The Memorial Day holiday here in the US AND for MaxDog!
I did want to share a very awesome blogpost I caught up with whilst uploading the Photobucket - please visit DogsMom learning to blog MEMORIAL DAY TRIBUTE
Have a safe holiday/day!
Hugz&Khysses From Khyra's (and Khousin Merdie) Khorner!
PeeEssWoo: Here is part of an email we got early Sunday evening from Dakota's Foster:
Dakota is home and resting quietly. He's done a thorough inspection and marking of the back yard, met all our dogs, and we are giving him a little time out in his crate to take everything in. He seems very sweet and loving, curled up on the back seat and snoozed all the way home. Thank you ALL for your efforts to get him here - it's because of great folks like you that we are able to help these dogs. I've said it before, but you meet the nicest people doing rescue!
What beautiful dogs! Its nice of you to help them get home.
Irene and Max
Very nice job! Brittneys are very sweet dogs. Mom never met a mean one yet!
I know all the pups appreciate your help.
Love the transport dogs! So happy for all of them. Happy to know they can rest their minds and not have fear anymore. Wonderful!!! xoxoxo
Thanks for helping these dogs to safety. Dakota has stolen my heart I'm a sicker for a senior!
Every weekend you manage to lift our spirits by sharing the wonderful stories of pups heading to forever homes or finding second chances. Thank you for all you do...and for sharing.
May God Bless America
May God Bless Our Troops
God bless and keep your momma who does such wonderful work saving innocent lives.
Awwww you missed your momma, I knows I don't likes it when momma leaves me eithers, not even for a few minutes!
Me and momma is so thankful for your momma wif da transporting she does for da sweet doggies! Purrrrrrrs to her and you Khyra!
So happy to see another great transport job well done, and such happy endings for those pups!
Oh no you stay by the door too when your mom's gone?? I do that too....
Love nibbles,
Miss Sunshade
We always enjoy the Khyra/Merdie photos so much and on top of that, there are so many adorable babies on this post...Hope you all enjoy a wonderful Memorial Day...kisses friends...xo...Calle, Halle, Sukki
Hooray to all the reskyoo critters and the nice hoomans who help them. :)
We had pig's ears on the weekend too. Aren't they yummers!!
Lovely pups they are!! All of them are another step close to their forever homes... thanks to your mom!!
Ohhh pigs ears are yummy!!!
Dear Khyra and Phyll
Thank you so much for the dedication of your transport post...we really appreciate the thought! Those three look very sweet and I wish them many years of happiness with their new owners. What wonderful work you do!
Sending lotsaluv from South Africa!
Thank you for doing such a great job. These are so beautiful friends.
nice woooh
That's so nice of you helping them to get home. Hope all of them have a nice and pleasant journey with your mom =D
Yoor mom and the team are wonderful helping those woofies so much ~ fank yoo. Mom said she wanted to smoochie Tina (so cute!)
Hi Khyra - we had half a jumbone each yesterday too - super-yum! Your mom sure is wonderful to help these doggies, they all looked so lovely, we hope they enjoy their new furever homes. Schnauzer snuggles - JD and Max.
Another awesome transport with some very good-looking woofies!
Have a great Memorial Day!
Its good to see the older doggies getting some help!
I have to say... Merdie is becoming good floof competition!
That is quite the walk reminder look!
And you know the hu-dad loves the pictures of each week's transports. Dakota particularly got to him this week.
P.S. - Paws crossed for Indy out in Spokane.
Ellie knows all about the art of switching bones/chew toys...she'll come up to the other dog and wag her tail and look friendly, then slowly and sweetly reach down and take the other dog's bone while they are wooed by her charms. I never let her do this with dogs that liked to resource guard....but she's good at it with other dogs!
We are really feeling like very deprived pups. We don't get pig chews and we never heard of a jumbone. Our Momster needs to get with the times.
Dakota really touched our hearts, not just the name, but he was such a nice old man. Thanks for another wonderful deed.
We will go visit DogsMom to see what it there.
Woos - Phantom, Thunder and Ciara
Khyra somehow you look so pitiful waiting for your walk!
The brittanys are so cute and look comfy in the car!
The PFs grow up so fast - look at your's all enjoying hanging out on the ledge!
You know, everytime you post a transport me and my mum get chill bumps. My mum was like 5 mim from Mt. Airy this weekend...when she abandoned me.
I am so glad mom sorted out that whole nommy bone situation. You would think she would know which one is for Khyra by now.
We are always saying it but your mom gets the best looking doggies to transport.
They were very cute passengers and looked quite relaxed!
Your mom must give off good vibes.
Oh Khyra, well done for sorting out the bone situation. Having friends to stay is fun!
Have a great Memorial day holiday.
Martha and Bailey xxx
What sweet dogs all on their way home!
I hope you girls finally got your walk!
Great pics! Thank you for all you do!
WOW, this really is a small world! My mom sometimes does Brittany transports for Kathy B. a little further south - Staunton or Strasburg. Just a few legs before your leg! What a cute group you had!
What a great post! Thanks for all that you do for the dog rescue!! I love the Brittany Spaniels. I had a puppy once but ended up giving it to a friend's father who lived out in the country and had lost his other dog. He wanted it so bad and I knew he would be going to a great home and he did according to my friend. Happy Memorial Day! Lots of love, Debbie and Holly
You're my hero! Thanks for taking care of those sweeties.
Have a wonderful day today Khyra, The Dog Nany, Fred, and Phill!!!!
Thank you for all you do Phill to get these dogs to their forever homes!!! It is so wonderful of you to do this!!!
XXOO, Bambi & Fern
PS and Merdie too!!
You do such amazing work.
Happy Memorial Day!
Happy Memorial day, are woo & Merdie having a BBQ? We're going o keep an eye out fur Marge here in RI - she looks like a furry fun girl! Is she part JRT too? She has "that JRT look".
a-roos to yous,
jack a-roo & miss moo
Great pictures as usual! GOD BLESS YOUR MOMMY!!! She is awesome!
I feel sad for all the dogs that need a home but especially for a 12-year-old. I can't imagine Tucker losing the only home he's ever known and ending up in a shelter somewhere. I'm glad Dakota has found a new family.
Woof Khyra and Merdie,
Multiple M's, like M&M's? You pups sure look like you're having fun. Marge, Tina and Dakota seems like happy dogs. As always, the birds are pawsome.
Desert Pups,
Toby, Norman, Keiko and The Ghost of Scuba
the nicest people do do rescues! BTW I said do do but not doo doo. tee hee hee
my mommy took Joel to meet the woofies that live with the Animal Comminicator that we use. Topper is a 105lb Golden Retriever! Mommy says he is a perfect looking golden, but just huge. Not fat, huge. Like Superman's dog or something. Joel thought Topper and Bijly the Leonburger were so fun. They thought he was fun too
What cute passengers. I hope they all find some great homes.
thanks for understanding about our mom being busy.we know we can count on furiends like u.
this is a very beewootiful post.
we so, so know that let us go for a walk look.it works forever and evr like!!
We love your mummy for the pawsome work she does for the homeless dogs.they are very lucky to have people like her. her passengers, this time, were just so adorable.
take care,
Gin n Bud
They are so right that the transport people rock and your mum does for sure.. Lovely pictures as always. What cuties and all looked so content in the car. I liked that you waited for your mum to come home safely at the door. I like to watch for my mum at the window. Lovely post.. Hugs GJ xx
We just love seeing these precious woofies who look so happy and content in their travels to something better...just makes us purrr and makes Grete woofie wag her tail and wiggle.
Pee Ess...Grete woofie got lots of ball play and walkies..and is due for another walkie soon.
How do you keep from bringing every one of your transports home with you?
From the neck down, Marge looks very familiar. She'd fit right in here. (She is all over cute.)
I will have to stop back and take time to watch the videos.
We don't do Pig Ears, or tails, and you don't really want to talk about Bully sticks. Jumbones are a special treat when they're on sale or we have coupons. Luckily they are on sale often, and this mom stocks up.
We are still practicing for the video contest.
Being a former transporter, I love your stories.
Mom just did a transport for two lucky Brit's last weekend. They are very sweet pups. It's always heartwarming to know you are helping save lives!
What great pictures. Every buddy looks like they get along really well. That Marge sure is a curry
Benny & Lily
Those are all gorgeous woofies! We hope they all get great forever homes soon.
We are so behind in blogging and mom is so busy. Sorry we have missed so many of your posts.
Hope you are having a wonderful Memorial Day weekend!
Hello there, beautiful Khyra and Khousin Merdie!
I enjoyed seeing the photos of the dogs going to their new homes! I always do!
It looks like you had a great road trip, and I hope all three dogs have wonderful lives in their new homes.
We ditto what Scout and Freyja said:
May God Bless America
May God Bless Our Troops
God bless and keep your mom who does such wonderful work saving innocent lives.
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
We like the pictures of the pups! We think your mom is the best to help out with them all!
The other day mom came to stop at a right behind a X-terra and first thing thought of your X-terra! That is the first time mom ever noticed one of those machines before!!
Monty says "Hi Khyra and Merdie!"
Your transports were adorable :) Nice work Khyra Mommy!
Today is a day to be thankful and remember...While I'm remembering our service men and women who have given so much, I will also thank-you for all you do to help these precious pups find their way--You are truly making a difference!!
Lovely dogs!
Thanks for helping those beautiful pups! I know they are grateful ;o)
Oh, I likes the "is it time for a walk" look! You both have it down to a tee! Or is it tea? Either way, you are Most Excellent at it!
If I hadn't come along and stole momma's heart and everything, mom and dad mighta ended up with a Brittany. They said they are super duper dogs but not as super duper as me! (According to them, of course.)
Wiggles & Wags,
Those pups looklike sweet little travel mates!!
It's very hard not to adopt another cute dog when you already have a full pack and especialy when the pup keeps smiling and nudging with you, sigh!
It was nice of you and Merdie to wait for and greet your mom after she got home from her impawtant transport! The three passengers today were all so cute and we are very thankful for your mom for helping them get across Pawsylvania!
Happy Memorial Day, Khyra, Merdie and Mom!
The pups are adorable!
Kisses and hugs
Tina will almost be my neighbor! Thanks you for sending a few more souls on their way home. ♥
yeah, some of the nicest folks in the world.
What a beautiful post that makes us so happy seeing all those who are helping gets all these doggys to homes where they are loved.
We do not take you for granted,
You are angels
What a bunch of cute pups! :) Your mom is a furry special person! :)
Oh Khyra...that Dakota...smokin' hot and handsome at 12 years old...and kudos to the family taking him for giving this senior boy another chance at a forever home...does, um he DATE?
Bless you all for your help and endless driving for these rescues...there will be no line for you in heaven...nope...
AND there won't be any line for my brothers in heaven either cuz I doubt that's their destination...did you see those nasty posts they've done? Rude ignorant boors...
Lacie begins to pout...not an unusual activty for this little diva.
And honestly, Khyra...there is no need to clear BOTH LANES of your end of the turnpike just so I can pass through...actually, I'm stoppin' at your house...do you have any donuts? I'm starved.
Y'all are looking good, relaxed, and yet ready for action! Thank goodness for Mom's transport too. Great work!!!
The Forget Sit and Stay Gang
Look at all those cuties! Grandpa SO wants a Britt. We told him to go rescue one already. I don't know what's taking him so long.
Teddy Bear
Hi, Khyra -
What pretty Brittany spaniels. We are glad that they have forever homes. Mama's cousin has a Brittany spaniel named Odie.
Love -
Hershey and Kaci
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