Here are some pikhs Merdie wanted to share

We had rain showers move in late Saturday evening - they hung around into Sunday afternoon - so we spent our extra time with Mom SNOOOOOOZING - Merdie kept Mom khompany whilst she was on her laptop - and I kept the bed safe from intruders - once that was sekhured, I decided the chair needed to be Siberian Khoated!
Happy Monday EvFURRYone!
BTW, DWB Members, please head on over to The Bone Zone and paw your votes - I pawed mine on Saturday night after I saw the voting had khommenced! I'm flattered and honoured to have been nominated! Thank Woo!
Khyra & Khousin Merdie
We need to get over to the bonezone too! ]
Were they going to Knoebels Grove?? Our mommy used to go there when she was growing up.
BabyRD and Hootie
Uh oh, I thought I was first :(
Merdie, you are just gorgeous!
Psst SS, you said it before. Come up with some creative comments, would you?
I came to check out your special Sunday passengers, but I see you had none this w/e...
But I'm always happy to see sweet Khyra and Khousin Merdie.
Hugs and bellyrubs,
Kit and Pups
It's good to see Merdie. She is so pretty. I haven't posted, been busy with stressing(no work) and having writers block. Take care Khyra. Say hi to your mom.
Okay Khyra, We just voted for you. We had a heck of a time figuring out how to find the place to vote on DWB. Finally we went over to Opy's blog and clicked on their link to the voting. It might just be because mommy is very dense!!
Those birdies get bigger every day!
Merdie, you are such a cutie! Oz is pretty cute too!
Khyra, we're glad you checked the poppies and kept the bed safe from introoders! Have a great Monday!
Great to see the babies explorin' around! Nice pix Merdie! The campin' bonfire looked amazing.
Will check out The Bone Zone :)
Hugs and snaggle-tooth kisses,
Sierra Rose
Khyra and Merdie, both of you are looking sweeter than ever!
It's always so nice when Merdie can come by and visit!!
Ahhh, we're always happy after our 'Merdie fix', he he he! We're LOVING those photos of the paws - simple wonderful! Schnauzer snuggles - JD and Max.
How wonderful to have an extra day with your Mom.:) The baby birds look like they've grown!
Teddy Bear
More pretty flowers along with you, two pretty pups! Those are interesting paw hairs, Merdie. Are you starting a new fashion trend?
That first picture of the birdy babies has one of those babies looking a little mean... I mean he REALLY looks like he sports a 'TUDE'!
Well, off to BoneZone The CCC
Ah, you have a purple leash! Mine is blue, I'm a boy!
I see your birdies start coming out to play.
Oz is soooooo cute.. love hos little tummy!!
We have already been to the Bone Zone - good luck.
Merdie looks like she has settled in quite well. And thanks for our Monday flower show.
Woos - Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
Miss Merdie has a kind of wild look going on with her paws there. Might want to get the between toes furs trimmed unless she is looking to attract some rough trade doggies who go in for that kind of look. Just a thought.
Hey! I finally convinced momma to let me read some bloggies. She has suffered the busy brain most awful and actually watched a movie last night rather than read blogs. Can you imagine?
The littkle puppy is so cute
I just luvs Merdie Monday and Some of you! Thanks for sharing with us.
Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae
Hey Khyra and Merdie, we're in Hamburg - we'll bark as we go by your exit!! We wish we had more time so we could come by and meet you.
Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Ruairi
Hi Merdie! Hi Khyra!
You both look lovely today!
I don't know whose prettier to look at, the Poppy's or those who are looking at them!! I love enjoying flowers with friends too and it's always good to have someone like Merdie to make sure it's all done the way it should be! I hope your week is off to a good start!!!
Hi Khyra and Merdie. Loved the Merdie pics and of course the Khyra pics. What smiling beans in those pictures. I will head over and vote now, got to snag mum to do it before she disappears to the work place.. Hugs GJ xx
The PFs are growing so fast!
Saturday and Sunday looked very rainy in your parts. We had gorgeous sunshine and warm temps. It was a fantastic weekend here. We played tennis outside in the park on Sunday then headed over to a street fair where we wandered around and ate some delicious Alaskan seafood. There is a gigantic cruise ship headed to the Port of Anchorage this morning, can't wait to see it... we have a view of the Port from our office, hopefully we will see the cruise ship. Downtown Anchorage will be bustling today! xoxo
Wooos Khyra, what would Monday be without woo and Merdie. We will have to go over to vote fur woo, our favorite Husky!
~husky kisses~
-Kira The BeaWootiful
Hi Khyra and Merdie!
Looks like you both had a great Monday!
Friends are the best!
#1 says she is probably having a seriously dim day but we went to the Bone Zone and could not figure out how we could vote....
Great photos, Girls!
*sigh* I hope I can come to stay at Khamp Khyra some day! Rain or shine....
jack a-roo
Those little birdies are getting so B~I~G and adventurous! Love the pictures! We'd LOVE to come to Khamp Khyra on day! Oh yeah...we have an award for you and Merdie today!
Looks like the birdies are really big now! Merdie and Khyra sure are having lots of fun! Lots of love, Debbie and Holly
Mirror mirror on the wall, who's the cutest dog of all?
hey wait! It looks like you was at OUR fire pit!!!!
It's May here, but it has turned cold and rainy. We are defending the home from under the covers.
Misty the alpha Poodle
I can tells Merdie is having a good time at your house. I wonders if her will get any lamb, of course her is prolly wondering too.
Merdie is too cute! Khyra, do you really need supervision when checking the poppies? Merdie would be the perfect candidate for quality control.
Khyra, khould yoo tell Merdie that the paw shots are awesome. Our mom went all silly and wanted to give Merdie a smooch on the paws ~ and yoo of course!
Hi Khyra! Hi Merdie!! We like all those pictures!!
Those PF babies are sure getting big!
Beautiful pictures of you and Merdie. Both of you are gorgeous gals!
And a Marvalous Monday to You Two also.
I just love Merdie Mondays... and look forward to them! :)
Lookin' Good Merdie!!!
Khyra...Mama just loves that you "share the floof" with the bed and the chair!!
Smileys & Snuggles!
Dory, Bilbo and Jacob
Having cried buckets for Maxdog it was so wonderful to come here to see sweet Merdie and to watch Khyra check out her Poppies. Give them both a kiss from me - right on the bridge of their nose - that's the place where Scout and Freyja receive theirs.
I knew I could count on your blog for a memorable Max tribute. I'm also headed over to DWB to do some work for my beloved furiends: Ms Khyra, Cousin Merdie, and of course the Sometimes Momma too. :)
Merdie sure is khute, tell her thanks for sharing the pics with us. That little bean is super adorable!!
Hi, Miss Merdie! Your paws are beau-woo-tiful!
Hello, lovely Khyra! I love the picture of woo doing the poppy check - woo are so fluffy, flooffy and beau-woo-tiful!
Woo two are furry special!
Your fan,
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